Chereads / Spinsters by choice: A bridgerton Fanfic! / Chapter 61 - Is it A coincidence or fate?

Chapter 61 - Is it A coincidence or fate?

"Young master....may I come in?" Gertrude asked.

It was late at night and Fabian was still in the carpentery room.

Chuckling, "It's your house as well Gertrude, no need to ask for my permission." He replied.

For some reason, seeing the man seemingly happy, didn't help Gertrude to feel better about him.

Clearly Fabian was only pretending to be alright at the moment.

"I'm sorry...about earlier...I was mannerless to say the least." Gertrude spoke-up, "I didn't mean to yell at you this morning."

"Gertie..." Fabian went towards the elderly woman, and to Gertrude's surprise, he Wiped a sudden tear that has just escaped her eyes, she herself had no idea she was crying again.

"I should apologize as well, I ignored you earlier...I should have been more considerate." Fabian said.

"What made you upset earlier?"

"I had a fight with Safa..."

"You did?! What happened..."

...few minutes later...

Fabian nearly laughed as he noticed Gertrude was about to cry again, "You were surprised I started crying the other day when you told me about Yamei yet here you are, tearing up over my story."

Sniffling, "I'm sorry I have a heart too!...I can't believe Safa would do this to you, I understand she's angry as she should be but you were a victim as well, how can She...not see that?" Gertrude replied wiping her tears away.

"You know, when I was a child...I never liked when My mother cried... I would start crying as to not let that happen, she would always run and hide somewhere I cannot find her when she needed to cry." Fabian said with a weak smile.

"Your mother...I heard few things about her from your aunt...she was your Aunt's best friend." Gertrude replied.

Smiling, "And soon later her sister-in-law...My mother told me how happy My aunt was when my father proposed to my mother." Fabian said.

"Even though many wealthy men fought to marry your beautiful mother, she chose a good humble man like your father to be her husband...Your aunt was always speaking proudly of her late brother."

"Unlucky me I suppose then...I never got to meet my own father..."

"Your aunt told me that there wasn't a day that passed by where she didn't regret what happened to your parents, especially your father..." Gertrude said looking down at her feet.

"I know the main reason she adopted me was because she felt guilty..." Fabian replied, "And for the longest time, I hated her for what had happened...but..."

"But you finally realized, she was as much as a victim as your father was." Gertrude finished his words.

"Yes...I never told her to her face that I have already forgave her for what was not even something I should have blamed her for.

How tragic...I suppose that is my guilt to carry in life...I wish I moved on sonner." Fabian said.

"What a funny and sad would think that two women that have lost family over a choice they believe they made, would bond over such fact..." Gertrude replied.

Confused, "Whatever do you mean?" Fabian asked.

"I understand that Yamei's betrayal was a blow that Safa didn't anticipate, I myself have been betrayed by friends before, yet I never lost someone so dear to me over such thing, so I cannot imagine how it feels and what it takes to overcome such hefty ordeal.

But your Aunt has felt such pain...she was close to her brother and she believed it was her fault he died...much like Safa was with Bernardino.

At the Vega funeral, I could've sworn that Your Aunt and Safa were becoming closer...even if she had a distain towards older pretty women like Yamei, I still don't understand why didn't Safa ever reach out to your aunt again, and why your Aunt never went to see Safa if they agreeed not to see each other." Gertrude wondered.

"Now that you say it...I think it is rather odd... Safa is not much of a social person so I can sort of see why she would not communicate with my aunt...but why did my aunt do the same?" Fabian questioned.

Suddenly and as she remembered something, "It could possibly have something to do with that book!" Gertrude said.

"Huh? What book?"

"I don't know if it's my place to be telling you about it, but considering that I myself barely know anything earth shattering about the matter.

I'll let you in on this." Gertrude replied.

"I am all ears, Gertie."

"So, and Before we left the Vega funeral, Your aunt gave Safa a book...I wasn't there at the time when your aunt received the book but I know she had it many years ago.

During Safa's mother's funeral, Lord Vega has gave your aunt that book and asked her to keep it, and I had no idea your aunt had it until Lord Vega's own funeral." Gertrude replied.

"Why would he give her that book?" Fabian asked.

"I can't say for certain...your aunt almost always trusted me, but that book was one of those times Where even I can't be trusted."

"So she gave it to Safa at her father's funeral? Was that the first time you knew the book existed?"

"Well yes...As we were packing to go help Safa with the funeral, I saw your aunt grab something that was hidden in a box underneath the bed.

And when I asked her about it, she explained that it was something that Lord Vega has trusted her with years ago, she said that it was something that Safa's mother has wrote before she died...and that was all she said about the book.

After the funeral ended, she gave the book to Safa in privacy, away from me and Wolfgang." Gertrude explained.

"It must have been a very personal thing for Safa." Fabian speculated.

"The question remains, why did your aunt receive the book in the first place, and what was it about?" Getting questioned.

"Do you think Safa's sudden change in persona had something to do with that book?"

"Yes, I believe so!" Gertrude replied.

"Maybe Safa was angry that my aunt had something so important hidden with her all this time...did Safa even knew at the time the book existed?" Fabian asked.

"To be honest I can see Safa getting angry at such discovery, but If she had no idea the book existed and was angry at your aunt for hiding it...would she continue to be angry for 9 years instead of moving on?" Gertrude replied.

"Safa is not most people...she could do that." Fabian said chuckling lightly.

"To that I must agree." Gertrude smiled.

Sighing, "The more I get to know Safa the more I can see why my aunt did what she did...even when she humiliated me...I still desire her." Fabian said.

"From what I heard Safa's mother and yours were very alike women, full of life and love but they didn't like to show weakness in front of anyone." Gertrude replied.

"Do you by chance know her mother's name?"

"That's a secret that will cost you." Gertrude slightly smirking.

Surprised, Fabian chuckled once, "Alright name your price?"

"Price? You have no money lad." Gertrude replied sheepishly.

Sighing, "What Can I offer in exchange?" Fabian asked.

"If you go tomorrow to apologize to Safa Because I do believe you overreacted as well, I will not only tell you Her mother's name...but also Safa's actually complete name." Gertrude said.

With wide eyes, "Complete? There is is more than just Safa Catalina Vasundhara?!" Fabian asked.

"Yes, I shall tell you that one after you apologize."

"But...I am terrified...and besides, if I apologize now I will seem like a hypocrite later."

"What do you mean?" Gertrude asked.

"Nothing...I just do not think this is a good idea." Fabian replied.

"Maybe you're scared because you feel it's too soon, Then how about next still want to court her, right?"

"I do...but..."

"No butts no ifs, Fabian you must patch things up... besides Colin, Safa is also your friend." Gertrude replied.

"You are my friend as well Gertie."

"I'm honored but as your friend I advise you to be the better person... only through kindness will Safa come to realize that you are worth a real chance." Gertrude said.

"My mother used to say something like that...she told me kindness is the best way to get to people's heart."

"And she was had a kind mother...I wish all mothers were the same...most mothers are good motheres and some like to smother." Gertrude said making Fabian chuckle once in confusion, "That was...odd, but I like it, it rhymes." He said giggling.

"I wonder what sort of mother would Safa be..." Gertrude wondered.

"I doubt she would want to be a mother, Gertie..."

"And are you alright with such thing?"

"I do not believe I want to be a father be honest I cannot imagine myself as a parent, and to be fair...parenthood is a burden that is mostly carried by the woman.

As insensitive as it may sound, I am glad that God made me a man...I cannot imagine the pain of such process." Fabian replied

"How gentlemanly of you." Gertrude chuckled, "What about you, you never married did you?" He asked.

"No...never liked the idea, although if there was one thing that would have made me marry, it would have been children...I adore them." Gertrude replied.

"I suppose no man in your time was worth becoming a parent with."

", they were all grumpy and smelly."

Fabian laughed at her words but Gertrude was suddenly Eyeing him with a strange look in her eyes, "Let's say you eventually wanted to be a father.

Does it matter if the child is your own or not? Would you take in someone else's child and raise them?" Gertrude asked.

"You mean like my aunt did with me?"


"I suppose I would love too if the occasion rise...especially if I knew the child and they had no one else but me to be their Guardian...then of course." Fabian replied.

Nodding, "I see." Gertrude said.

"Why do you ask?"

"It was just curiosity."


Sighing, "Anyhow... Do you plan on staying awake for longer? Would you like to have some of the tea Safa made for you?" Gertrude asked.

"I would love to, you should head to bed after that, you look tired." Fabian replied.

"That I am... well, I'll be back, don't stay up too late you too." She said.

"Worry not, I plan to retire soon, I have somewhere to be tomorrow."

"You do? With mister Bridgerton I suppose?"

"Yes, Colin and I are going to further discuss

what happened today." Fabian replied.

"I'm surprised you still wish to speak to him, he betrayed you in a way didn't he?" She asked.

"I know...but he had good intentions and he is my friend like you said...I do not wish to lose him yet." He replied.

Smiling, "Well since you're willing to risk it again with That troublesome boy, you must promise me that you will apologize to Safa." Gertrude said.

Sighing in defeat, "As you wish...I promise you, Next time I see her I will apologize... happy now?" Fabian asked.

Gertrude nodded, "Absolutely, I shall go make that tea now."

Fabian stopped her, "Wait, what about Safa's mother? You said you will tell me her name?"

"Ah yes! I nearly forgot!"

"Alright, spill the beans!"


"What?" Fabian blinked twice.

"Her name was Charlotte Carrington." Gertrude replied.

"Charlotte... Why does that name ring a bell?" He questioned.

"Oh well that's easy, Safa's mother and the queen have the same Name, Charlotte?" Gertrude replied nonchalantly before leaving.