Chereads / Fatima: The Slave Princess / Chapter 5 - Chapter 4

Chapter 5 - Chapter 4

"On your knees, slave!"


The guests' voices rose into a clamor as they chattered among themselves while snickering at me The young mistress, however, did not seem pleased in the slightest. It's my first time being a slave, so I'm having trouble remembering all the rules since there are so many of them. Although I don't understand why I should be on my knees when I've done nothing wrong. Or is that not how it goes…

"How dare you talk back to me?!" she spoke loudly before clouting me across the cheek.

Why does it feel like this was all planned from the start? What could she even gain from humiliating a slave? Is she truly that bored? While I was lost in thoughts, she continued to slap me until I eventually went down on my knees, which nearly caused her to fall.

"Wipe this off the ground, slave." she sneered while spilling an entire pot of hot tea all over my head.

Endure Fati…you must endure it all to very end. No one here will side with you if you retaliate.

"Young mistress, I'm afraid I do not have a cleaning rag in my possession."

"What is your dress for?" she scoffed.

"Actually…wipe everyone's shoes while you're at it."

I wasn't expecting her to be as kind as her father, but this is entirely different from what I had in mind. She is the daughter of a powerful duke, yet her unladylike actions told a completely different story. And her mother, who is supposedly one of the most prestigious nobles in this empire, is condoning her behavior. Am I the only one who's baffled here?

Suddenly, three loud consecutive bangs echoed through the forest, as the birds frantically scattered in the air. My heart instantly sank, and the memories of that horrid night flooded my mind.

"Protect the princess at all costs!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Don't look, princess. We will take you somewhere safe."

The acrid stench of gunpowder mixed with the smoke of the burning carriage had brought about a thick fog all throughout the forest. There was blood splattered everywhere, and my knights were dying one after the other. I couldn't help but wail at the horrific sight of so many people sacrificing their own lives just to protect mine. Their screams of agony as they were being slaughtered echoed in my mind. I still have a hard time sleeping at night, for their screams haunt my dreams every so often.

When I came to my senses, I was the only one standing in the garden. I was shivering as tears came rolling down my face. Suddenly, a black cloak was draped over my head, and when I turned around, a mysterious young man with crimson red hair and amber eyes was scowling at me. He was wearing the Kartier knights' uniform, hence I assumed he was one of them.

"Follow me." he said sternly as he walked right past me.

He was tall and robust, with shoulders so broad that I could not see ahead while following him. His footsteps were heavy yet fast. As if he was gliding over the grass.

"Why are you dragging your feet? Pick up the pace, will you."

Why is he suddenly getting angry?

He glanced at me, and his eyes made me shudder. However, I had no choice but to follow him as he said, because a slave has no right whatsoever. That much was proven just a few minutes ago.

"E-excuse me good sir, but where are we headed to? And might I ask for your name?"

Wait a minute, if he's from the Kartier knighthood, then perhaps he came to my rescue on behalf of the young master!

"By any chance, did the young master send you to my rescue?" I queried cheerfully.

He continued to walk as though he didn't hear a word I just spoke. How rude! I can't believe someone this strikingly good looking has such an insufferable personality.


"It was only the butler hunting livestock."

"I'm sure you can see the prince anytime you want, Lady Florette. He's only a few doors away from you."

"Haha! I suppose so, lady Isabelle."

"By the way, where did the slave go?"

How dare she leave without my approval?

"No need to concern yourselves over such trivial things. Her presence was doing us more harm than good, anyway."

"Haha! You are right, lady Florette."

"By the way, my lady…"


We walked all the way to the waterfall without uttering a single word to each other. When he finally stopped and turned around, I was doused in sweat and panting from trying to keep up with his pace.

"Go and wash yourself."


Is he suggesting I bathe while he's watching? Aside from being discourteously rude, he's also a pervert. I can't believe the young master would keep such a vulgar individual around him!

"No need to make that face. I won't be looking at you." he sighed as he turned around to face the forest.

Upon hearing that, I drew a loud sigh of relief. I suppose I was wrong to assume he was a deviant. He should've said something sooner.

"You've nothing for me to look at, anyway. You're just a scrawny little kid in my eyes. So, hurry and wash up, I've got better things to tend to." he scolded nonchalantly.

How dare…Alright I take it back! This petulant bloke is clearly trying to crawl under my skin. Let us keep calm, Fati. Deep breath! Deep breath! Getting riled up here will not guarantee my safety, since the odds are far from being in my favor. He may be young, but those brawny arms of his look quite strong.

"Cease your seething and get washing, kiddo. My patience is already wearing thin."

Grrr! Would it kill it him to be a little bit nicer?! What an unpleasant fellow! 

"His looks are seriously wasted on him!"


I've not read anything ever since the duke departed for the capital. I truly miss the serene atmosphere of being surrounded by books that contain so much knowledge about everything in the world. Among all the ones I've read at the Kartier library, the book called 'The Art of Crossbreeding' by an author named Yurel captivated me the most. It was so intricately well written that it seems its author was well-versed in the matter. I wonder if I should try cross breeding some flowers based on what I've learned so far.

"Are you still not finished?!" he bellowed from inside the forest, which startled me.

*sigh* I'm getting angry all over again.

"I've had enough of your discourteous attitude, sir knight! I did everything you asked of me, so the least you could do is to be polite. Why is it so hard for people to be respectful nowadays? Good grief!" I grumbled loudly.

"First, you dragged me all the way out here without a single word, and now you-"

As I continued to vent my frustration while wringing my hair that was now wet and unraveled, I felt a sudden chill running down my spine.

"How dare a mere slave…"

"Slave or not, I am still a living, breathing human being." I interrupted boldly.

"Why can't I speak my mind, huh?! Why can't you be nice to me? Afraid I'll sully your nice uniform with my slave stench? Then you should have just left me where I was! I did not need your help! I am growing sick and tired of being treated like a parasite by the lot of you!"

I must have been bottling this up me for a while. My emotions suddenly got the best of me, and I lashed out at him. Not only that, but I was also shamelessly wailing like a child in front of him with snot smeared all over my face. How utterly humiliating. I'd much prefer being doused with tea.

"Are you done? Did you get it all out?" he asked with a faint sigh.


He held my face with one hand and began to wipe it with the tail of his cloak. The look on his face had changed drastically and he was now gazing at me with eyes that were difficult to decipher. Is he trying to make me feel bad for yelling at him?

"What. Do you have more to say? Let it all out now that you have my attention. I'm feeling generous today, so by all means, do continue."

Even his tone had softened considerably. No matter how I think about it, I was wrong. I should not have shouted like that.

"I'm sorry." I pouted nervously.

"It was wrong of me to chastise you so disrespectfully when you were just helping me. Please accept my humble apologies, sir knight."

Why is he not saying anything? Is he rejecting my heartfelt apology? I didn't peg him as a spiteful fellow.

"Hm…interesting. Very interesting indeed. You may raise your head." He responded calmly.

His expression shifted and a brief frown formed on his face, then it quickly faded. For some reason, my divinity mark was suddenly tingling out of the blue. It's been doing that quite often as of late. I'm wondering if it's reacting to the crown prince who is currently dwelling in the same vicinity.



"That's my name. It is short for Nathaniel."

What sort of person introduces themselves with such a scary expression on their face? It's as if he is threatening me to remember it or else. He looks angry even when he's trying to be pleasant. What a strange person he is.

"My name is Fatima. You can call me Fati like everyone else." I replied with a smile.

"Right. Let us go. I shall escort you back to the stables."

And now we are back to square one. Would it have killed him to be a little more polite? He appears to have more mood swings than the average pregnant maiden. I should stay as far away from him as possible.