Chereads / Game of Thrones: King of Magic / Chapter 65 - Chapter 64

Chapter 65 - Chapter 64

Solomon. King's Landing.

- So, what do you think of this? - I asked, taking a sip of wine while Lady Olenna considered my story.

Following the typical rules of etiquette of high medieval society, I gave her the big picture of what was about to happen, namely, the arrival of an "unknown" enemy whose goal was the destruction of all life. There was no point in beating around the bush, and so I opted for a relatively straightforward method.

As stated earlier, the main three forces in the clash, according to my plan, were the Starks, Tyrells and Baratheons. That said, I wanted to give them varying degrees of information and see which way would be most effective. The Baratheons, in the form of Stannis, knew everything, the Starks knew next to nothing, and the Tyrells knew a little bit of everything.

And besides, for Olenna Tyrell, it seemed to me, the method chosen was the most preferable because of her character and the time she had left. She would not accept a minimum of information, even given the possibilities I had shown her, and too much information would have caused unnecessary panic and publicity.

Of course, if something went wrong to the point where I had to intervene, there was nothing left for me to do but act. And since I had already increased my influence over the world and its institutions, as with Shireen, Ned, or the Servants, for example, and the world's response had not been noticed, I could go a little wild.

- We started out so well, Lord Solomon, but then it all descended into vague predictions and nonsense," she grinned after a moment. - The kingdom has its own worries, and you speak of something only a foolish child would believe.

- Nevertheless, there is no lie in my words, Lady Olenna," I said calmly. - It will happen in a few years, but it will happen, and I'll take that for granted. The only question is whether you'll be a part of it, or whether you'll be alive by then.

- Huh. That sounded like a threat, and I'm sure you realize it yourself," Lady Olenna laughed. - But what can an old woman do with one foot in the grave? And if I should believe you and follow your advice, what would I get in return?

- I'm glad you asked, Lady Olenna," I smiled, and stood up from the table and walked over to her, then put my hand on her shoulder, to which she raised an eyebrow. - I've heard of you and have seen first hand what your goals are.

- Oh, enlighten me, Lord Solomon.

- You lead the Tyrell family and are willing to fight for it to the end, which is very commendable. That said, you are well aware of the time you have left, as well as the fact that you are the pillar upon which your house stands. And so you use the time you have left to train your granddaughter in the hope that she will take your place.

- Oh, I didn't realize. Anything else? - she said in her usual manner. - If there's nothing else, I've wasted my valuable time.

- There is," I said and channeled mana into her body. - But everyone forgets one detail.

- What's that?

- Every life has a value, as we both agree, and the value of your life at the moment is valued as a temporary replacement until your granddaughter is competent enough to replace you. More specifically, it is the only thing you can do at this point in time," I continued and created a mirror in front of her. And when she saw her reflection, her eyes widened instantly and her hands came up and rubbed her face. - 'This is what I propose to you when this is over. If House Tyrell does what is required and survives, so will you.

I used mana as a conduit of life energy, causing her body to transform, regaining the appearance of an eighteen year old blooming maiden. Long brown hair without a single drop of gray, a smooth oval face without a single wrinkle, exquisite skin without any creases or irregularities, lush lips and breasts, a neat nose, an exquisite neck, and, most importantly, shining eyes with life in them.

Every life has its price. That is the harsh truth and law of the world.

Lady Olenna knew it perfectly well and acted in accordance with that knowledge. How she rose and what she came to was all a consequence of her outlook. More specifically, her whole life had been about surviving, not living. She was tired, and it was clearly visible in her simultaneously dimmed but clear eyes.

I offered her a new life, a freedom she had not dreamed of, but longed for inside.

Besides, it has no effect on the world, nor its payoff, for I will only give Lady Olenna what she wants when things come to an end. That is, when the critical moment has passed, and beyond which my Clairvoyance could not penetrate.

- It's-" Lady Olenna stammered. - 'It's... Impossible...'

- It is possible," I said. - I can restore your youth and let you live another life. This time, a full one.

- Even... Even if I believe you, I don't know anything. When he will come, what kind of army he has, from which side he will attack, nothing," she said after a short time, calming down and regaining her presentable appearance, which was surprising. - Fighting an invisible enemy you know nothing about sounds like a joke, for any preparation would be inadequate.

Lady Olenna was experienced, but too narrow-minded. She mentioned time, direction, and numbers, which were the basic indicators for a normal war-like threat. However, the White Walkers were a whole other level.

- It will not be enough in any case," I smiled and returned to my seat, canceling the rejuvenation effect, to which Lady Olenna reacted quite restrainedly, but with a note of reluctance. - Only by joining forces will the enemy be defeated.

- "By joining forces?" - she grinned. - With whom? The great houses are just waiting to cut each other's throats over old grudges. Just the Lannisters and the Martells. Except for the Starks, whom you favor, Lord Solomon. Or perhaps Essos?

- More information at this time, unfortunately, I will not provide, Lady Olenna," I said softly. - Alas, even I follow certain rules.

- Even you? How unexpected," she marveled. - And one more thing. I need assurances. I won't risk my home and my children's lives for something as obscure as predictions and magic.

- Fair enough, what would you want? - I asked. - However, choose wisely, for I will only provide one thing.

- In that case... - Lady Olenna hesitated, directing her gaze towards the tall spires of the Red Castle. - Before I make my choice, what have you provided to the Starks? Quite a lot, it seems.

- They have a special status due to certain circumstances," I let out a chuckle. - But you're right, I have given them quite a lot.

- Just one thing..." she mumbled, and then it seemed to hit her. - I know what you can do, Lord Solomon. I hope you will not retract your words?

- I never lie," I smiled. - So, I'm listening.


Solomon. Braavos.

The next day.

Sitting in the chair of Kirana's favorite room, I took a sip of tea and looked into my reflection.

Well, things in King's Landing were done, for now, halfway done. There were only three people I needed to talk to, but since it was already late, I decided to take a short break of a day and visit Kirana as I had planned earlier.

If I were to make an interim summary, it turned out to be quite... entertaining.

Lady Olenna was willing to follow my really vague instructions, but in return for a request that, frankly, was completely expected of me.

She wasn't asking for anything of scientific or technological advancement to increase the power of her house, nor was she asking for a benefit to herself personally. Her request was solely for her granddaughter, Margaery Tyrell, and, albeit with slight modifications so as not to cause a backlash from the world, I gave my consent.

Oberyn was able to change his fate with his one act, by essentially going ahead and tying his life to the Starks, which were extremely valuable elements of the events to come.

Ned, by virtue of his principles and morals, knew that the path he was taking could lead him to his grave. Three months, and his fate would be decided, but by himself, not by anyone else. I promised him I would take care of his family, but how exactly? Even I don't know the answer to that question, for the future is changing too rapidly that even my "Clairvoyance" is confused about the available routes after the coming three months, since my intervention has appeared.

"Clairvoyance" is a powerful skill, it's true, but it wasn't as simple as most ordinary people imagined. It's easy to predict things that are determined to happen, and difficult to predict things that had only a probability, even with a chance of over ninety-nine percent.

The skill allows one to glimpse into parallel worlds, be it past, present, or future, but importantly, it is to glimpse, not to be a part of them, as in the case of the second True Magic.

Its wielder, that is, Kaleidoscope, is not so limited in capabilities, while I, unfortunately, do not possess it. And at the moment, the problem was that I was not a native of this world, meaning I had strong restrictions hanging over me.

Then again, the world is always striving for balance, and the more inconsistencies there are with the source recorded in the local analog of Ruth, which I can have limited access to, the greater the payoff will be in one form or another.

- You're surprisingly thoughtful, Ringbearer," I heard a female voice with a touch of sarcasm and arrogance. - What could have captured the attention of an omnipotent man to such an extent that he ignores even his interlocutor, who sits only a few meters away from him?

- Well, Semi, you're being too rude to our Master," a male voice tried to calm her down. - 'I apologize for her behavior, my lord, it's just that she's been a bit out of sorts lately.

Yes, Shiro and Semiramis, who I had sent to support Kirana and Beni-enma, were also in this room right now, and they were out on business. And while the Ruler-class Servant greeted me with a typically friendly smile with a hint of adoration, the Assassin... well... she was clearly not hiding her displeasure.

- "Out of sorts?" - Semiramis snorted. - Still defending him, huh? He just dumped all the work on us, genuinely believing he hadn't done anything outrageous. I won't stand for that kind of treatment, and if we were in Assyria, his head would be separated from his neck by now.

- But..." Shiro hesitated, giving me an apologetic look, but I interrupted him.

- Sorry about that, Assassin, but I'm willing to compensate you for the inconvenience," I let out a chuckle. - What would you like?

- You don't need...

- I want my Gardens, Ringbearer," Semiramis declared, interrupting Shiro. - This place doesn't suit me as a queen.

- Hm..." I mumbled thoughtfully and smiled. - Unfortunately, I cannot grant your request. Your Noble Phantasm is too strong to be allowed to manifest in this world.

- Are the Servants not 'too strong'?" - she parried. - Four Servants, including you, and I've also noticed that you've been using your Noble Phantasm relatively recently. Don't you think that's a bit too hypocritical of you?

- Semi! - Shiro raised his voice slightly, causing Semiramis to look at him with squinted eyes. - Please...

- Tsk," the Assassin tsked, then took a deep breath. - I don't know what you were thinking when you summoned us to this world, but isn't it about time you acted the way you want to, not the way you need to? Or perhaps you can't do it for whatever reason? I want to hear the answer, ring bearer.

- It's..." after a while, I began. - It is possible. I fear that our influence will cause the world to oppose us. We are not part of this world, and therefore....

- Face it," Semiramis interrupted me. - We are already a part of it. Shiro and I gave the girl something she could never have, and you even left a piece of yourself in that woman's womb. Isn't it time for you to admit that your worries no longer make any sense?

I closed my eyes and sank into thought.

Assassin was partly right, for I had already interfered enough in the affairs of this world, and the purpose of my arrival here supposedly allowed me to do as I wished. And until recently, my actions had only indirectly affected the inhabitants of this world, but ...

Should I have acted more openly? To become a full part of this world, a cog in the machine or even a protector, even though it sounds rather hypocritical and presumptuous?

That's... a good question...

- ...I can't give you an answer at the moment," I finally said. - I need some time to think about it, so I'm going to ask you to be patient. Will that satisfy you, Semiramis, Queen of Assyria?

Assassin looked at my face, and then, after about a minute of silence and an exchange of glances with Shiro, she clucked her tongue.

- I can see that you're really ready to consider my words, so I'll accept it, after all, you are our Master and Shiro," she began. - But! I want my Gardens. Remember that, ring bearer.

- Of course I will," I smiled, and the next moment the doors to the room opened, revealing two familiar faces.

- Master Solomon? - Kirana was surprised. - To be honest, I didn't believe Beni-enma when she said you'd arrived, but I guess I was wrong. Worried about the child?

- Yes, and you, too. I wanted to check in and see if everything was all right," I answered.

- It's unexpected, but pleasant, I suppose," Kirana said and sat down in the empty chair, reaching for a pitcher of wine, but Saber stopped her.

- 'You haven't eaten yet, Satrion-san,' Beni-enma shook her head. - 'You'll get the wine when you've had breakfast, chirp chirp.

- Sometimes I feel like I'm the child and you're the parent, Beni-enma,' Kirana smiled.

- I suppose that's true, chirp chirp," Saber replied and looked at me. - Have you had breakfast, Master?

- No," I let out a chuckle. - And I won't say no.

- Good. We'll have a special breakfast this time," Beni-enma nodded enthusiastically. - Shiro, let's go. Give me a hand.

- Sure," Shiro obediently agreed and followed her into the kitchen, while I heated the tea with magic and looked at Semiramis and Kirana.

- Some tea?


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