Catelyn Stark. Winterfell.
My gaze never left the door through which the man had left the room. Questions popped into my head every now and then as to why I was silently watching the conversation unfold.
My body simply wasn't responding to my orders. It was as if the Seven themselves had taken control of it and forced it to listen to the words of this 'Magician'. But it wasn't just that.
Only for a moment did his gaze find mine, and only for a moment did I feel the call of my mind. A call forcing me to kneel before the Magician. To recognize his greatness, his... wisdom.
And his magic... When the swords appeared in his hands, seemingly out of nowhere, I was struck with fear. I was afraid he would use them. First at us and then at our children. I wanted to scream and warn Ned, but... my body wouldn't listen to me. My mouth was still closed. And taking a small step back was the only thing I could do with all my willpower.
To my great relief, the swords in his hands remained only a demonstration, just as the man had claimed. But what if he hadn't limited it to just her? What if he had ill intentions toward our family? I need to speak to Septa Mordane. I hope the Seven will give me answers to these questions. I hope they keep my family safe from this "Magician". I am not attracted to the thought of him corrupting the young minds of our children.
I dread to imagine the effect he would have on innocent little Sansa, who was so attracted to fairy tales of prince charming. She would fall in love with him at first sight, for he knew how to hold his own and was...handsome. And I can't deny that fact. His looks are as beautiful as they are unnatural to this world. And that was alarming.
But I couldn't help but recognize the validity of the words of the master over the weapon. His every movement was filled with grace and refinement. His confident look and straight posture gave the impression that the "Magician" was born and raised at a high court, having acquired the ability to lead and hold himself. Throughout his entire presence in the study, he never once showed weakness or insecurity.
The man's very presence was... unnatural. Throughout the entire conversation, there was only one emotion on his face: indifference. It was as if he wasn't even human at all. As if... he was above Ser Rodrik, Ned, me, and everyone else.
Even if I wanted to express my displeasure at his actions, my mind and my body refused to do so. It wasn't until the man left the room that I was able to regain control of my own body.
- "What's the matter, Cat?" Ned asked me a couple minutes after the Magician left, "You've been silent the whole conversation, which seems very strange to me."
- "Ned, don't you think your decision to put him in the castle was too hasty? Are you sure the children are safe? He could be the enemy."
- "That's enough, Cat. If he wanted to hurt them or us, he would have done it by now," he shook his head.
- "What makes you so sure of that?"
- "I can feel it," Ned said with some uncertainty, "He's very powerful. That's what my senses and instincts tell me. And I tend to trust them. Besides, I'd rather have him in my sight than not."
- "I understand. But please keep your guard up," I sighed tiredly, "I need to rest."
- "Of course you do."
And on those words, I headed to our room.
Jon Snow. Winterfell.
- "You mean two wildlings just caught fire out of the blue!" exclaimed a surprised Arya.
- "You're my brother, Jon, but what you've told me is pretty hard to believe," Robb shook his head.
- "Is he really that handsome?" Sansa murmured with interest.
- "Let's ask him to show us magic," Bran asked weakly.
All my siblings were enthusiastically discussing my adventures in the Wolfswood. Especially Lord Solomon and his magic.
When he and I arrived at Winterfell, we captured the attention of what I thought was the entire castle. But as it turned out, Robb, Sansa, Arya, and Bran were not part of the gawkers. So now I find myself in Robb's room telling him what has happened to me in the last twenty-four hours.
- "Good!" I shouted, unable to stand the discussion, "Let's just go and talk to Lord Solomon!"
- "Yes!" Arya and Bran cheered.
- "Well, we don't have anything to do yet anyway," Robb shrugged. Sansa nodded briefly, agreeing with him.
Our group walked through the halls of Winterfell and saw Ser Rodrik heading for his father's study.
- "Ser Rodrik!" Bran shouted to him.
- "My lord? And... the others," Ser Rodrik turned around and made a surprised face, "What are you doing?"
- "Ser Rodrik, can you tell us where Lord Solomon is staying? We'd like to pay him a visit," Robb said, imitating his father.
- "Yes! We'd like to see his magic!" Arya and Bran seconded him.
- "Is that so?" He asked, looking at us doubtfully, "You do realize that Lord and Lady Stark won't like your idea, don't you?"
- "Please!" Bran begged, making the saddest face he could.
Ser Rodrik stared at us for a long moment. After a while, he sighed tiredly and scratched the back of his head.
- "Good. I'll take you to him. But don't mention this to your parents."
- "Of course! We won't say anything!" Arya said cheerfully and smiled broadly.
- "Follow me. Lord Solomon is lodged in one of the rooms in the castle," he shook his head and led us in a certain direction.
Sansa Stark. Winterfell.
- "He's here," Ser Rodrik said and knocked.
- "Come in," I heard a pleasant voice on the other side of the door.
- "My lords, my lady, I'll stand here, just in case," he stood near the passageway, "Shout if anything happens. And, just in case, be careful."
We nodded and entered the room.
And when my gaze found the only person there, I froze and my heart began to pound frantically.
Jon's words didn't convey the beauty of this man. They just couldn't do it.
His bronze skin gave him an exotic, attractive look. It made him stand out from the crowd like a beacon in the night. His black and scarlet robe was sewn with a craftsmanship I had never seen in my entire life. Not even my mother's gowns looked as elegant and magnificent as this robe. His gold rings on his hands and fingers glistened in the daylight, dazzling me with their sophistication.
But the most beautiful thing about his appearance was his hair and face.
Long and snow-white. This man's hair created a contrast with his skin, giving him a mysterious and magnificent appearance. With every movement of this man, they moved in time and drew attention to them. They were so beautiful that I was sad to compare them to my own, which didn't look as mesmerizing.
And his face... Gorgeous. Every muscle on it was refined and symmetrical. And the color of his eyes hypnotized me, making my heart pound even faster.
Everything about this man looked so perfect. So...magical. As if he were a prince from the fairy tales my mother and Septa Mordane had told me about.
And when his gaze met mine, I couldn't stand it and quickly looked away. My hands went to my cheeks and felt their heat, which I could clearly feel.
Maybe... Maybe he was my destiny? I in love?
N-no. A noble lady should not behave like this!
Feeling very embarrassed that I had shown him this unsightly side of me, I couldn't bring myself to meet his gaze. But my heart was screaming at me to take another look at him. The perfect man.
- "Gods... I think Sansa has fallen in love!" I heard Arya's loud voice. And when I looked up, I saw a wide grin on my little sister's face.
- "N-no! N-don't be silly!" I waved my hands, trying to deny her words.
- "She's in love! She's in love!" she started shouting, pointing her finger in my direction.
- "I-I-" I stuttered, not knowing what to say, and hid behind Robb's back.
- "Stop teasing your sister, Arya," he intervened, giving me a slight hug and turning toward the man. While Arya was showing Robb her tongue, "I apologize for that, Lord Solomon. Arya is a bit childish, and likes to tease others."
- "Hey!" she started to emerge, but Robb paid her no heed.
- "My name is Robb Stark, eldest son of House Stark," he introduced himself, mimicking his father's businesslike tone as I hid my blushing face in his arms, "And these are my siblings. Arya Stark, Bran Stark, and Sansa Stark, who's a right now. And last but not least, Jon Snow. Though you probably already know that, Lord Solomon."
- "It is a pleasure to meet you, my lords, my lady," came the melodious voice of a man, "I am Solomon. Just Solomon."
- "Can you use magic?! Can you show us?!" Arya shrieked. My interest got the better of me, though, and I gently poked my head out of Robb's embrace and looked at Lord Solomon.
He only smiled softly, giving me the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen, and raised his hand palm up. A small light the size of a small mouse appeared above his hand, which then began to slowly change shape. And after a couple seconds, in his palm was a small lute wolf composed of flame. It moved as if alive, sniffed Lord Solomon's hand, and licked one of his fingers.
- "How beautiful," I murmured, not taking my eyes off the fiery direwolf.
- "How cool!" Bran and Arya shrieked.
- "Can I touch it, Lord Solomon?" came Jon's voice.
- "Of course."
Jon slowly brought his hand up to the wolf. I squeezed my eyes shut, fearing he would burn, but it didn't happen. When I opened my eyes, I saw Jon stroking the flame with careful movements. The man's smile never left his face. Lord Solomon was watching Jon's actions with genuine interest, as were we all. Even my fidgety little sister watched in silence.
After a minute or two, he squeezed his hand, extinguishing the flame, and turned his gaze back to us.
- "May I ask what you sought me out for, besides magic?"
- "You're not from here, are you, Lord Solomon?" Robb asked, coming to his senses.
- "You are right, my lord," the man nodded, "I am from a very distant land."
- "Can you tell us stories from there? - I asked with courage. My brothers and sister supported me with nods.
He thought for a moment and scratched his chin. I couldn't help but notice how delicately his hand moved. As if he were a prince or... a king.
- "Of course," he nodded and turned his head toward the door, "You can listen too, Ser Rodrik."
The door to the room opened slowly, and Ser Rodrik stepped inside with some uncertainty.
- "How did you know I was there?" He asked, glancing at Lord Solomon.
- "Why did you think I didn't know about it from the beginning?" Lord Solomon answered with a question.
- "Heh. Magic," Ser Rodrik grinned, "There isn't enough room in this room for all of us. We can move to another room."
- "That won't be necessary," Lord Solomon said, and a snap of fingers echoed through the room. In flashes of light, leather-covered chairs appeared in the room, "Have a seat."
- "Aha. Magic," Ser Rodrik repeated and sat down, touching one of the chairs, "They are very comfortable and soft, Lord Solomon. Do they all use them where you come from?"
- "You could say that."
When I saw that Ser Rodrik was already seated, I sat down in the empty chair like everyone else and looked at the man, waiting for him to begin his story.
- "I think I'll start with a story about a certain smith and his famous "married" swords."
- "Married, Lord Solomon?" I asked, hearing his words. Swords that were called 'married' swords... I wonder what story is behind them.
- "That is correct, Lady Sansa," he nodded, and a nostalgic smile appeared on his face, "Once upon a time..."
A/N: How's the chapter? Give us your opinion. You may well be able to influence future chapters.
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