Chapter 127
Lamberton Dormitory Building, Cornell Academy, City: Three Prongs Fork, Republic of Shantu, Continent: Barat, the Year 2036, Planet: Grimoire
War broke out around the Republic of Shantu a year after the events of that spar. Life turned for the worse for all students in various academies and institutes. Only those students considered minors, sixteen and under, were exempted from military service.
Grifton, who was tired of all the underhanded crap going on, had another reason for joining the military. He wanted to find out what had happened to his siblings.
Despite the efforts of many people searching with him, no traces of Marlayne, Calico, and Amberlyn, much less their children, could be found. When tracks were discovered, something much more heinous was uncovered. Someone intentionally hid all signs of a massacre that took place well over a year ago.
Much to Grifton's grief-stricken shock and sorrow, the Charros were horrified to find that his siblings and their children were discovered dead. The team of explorers they'd sent to track down the specific families finally figured out what happened.
A massacre had taken place at Chantilly Port. Later, reports from different kingdoms and empires claimed credit for the killings. In the end, only one of those claims proved correct. The culprits were extremists from the Naxos Kingdom. The small group had destroyed the entire outpost and civilians living there. All the buildings were burned.
When Grifton heard the news. It came on the eve of a declaration of war from the Naxos Kingdom against Bellonia and the Galos Empire for framing them for such horrendous criminal activities.
Naxos, in particular, was outraged. They'd had enough of noxious deeds occurring. The last was the massacre that ended so many lives in Chantilly Port. Not long after that massacre occurred, another one took place at Shellack Stronghold. Once again, no one was left alive, and everything was burnt to the ground.
However, at that time, the extremists claimed to be from the Shantu Republic, a shocking turn of events indeed. They were a small group of cursed mages banished from Shantu for committing heinous crimes.
When Grifton saw them, he was infuriated. It took several men to hold down the struggling humanoid who was on the verge of becoming a dragon as insane grief took over his emotions.
It was only after Commander Darmono knocked him unconscious and carried Grifton away that peace was restored to that particular unit. Darmono dropped Grifton onto a bunkbed and poured water over the grieving man. "Now shut up and listen to me."
Grifton glowered at him but complied. Rationality had returned to him, but it was a struggle to retain it. "What is it that you wish to have me do." His voice was hushed.
"You, Lamberton, and I will teleport to where those cursed mages are located." Darmono informed him. "We've been saddled with retrieving them for the global tribunal to try for multiple crimes." He paused and waited for Grifton to sit down. "Either that or we just make them disappear. Just like what you did with those assassins." Darmono shrugged. "I prefer the latter to place them somewhere for the global tribunal."
Grifton's eyes gleamed with hatred. "So, when do we leave?"
"As soon as Lamberton arrives," Darmono told him. He sighed. "I've heard rumors that Madam Murray and Moline might've been attacked. I haven't confirmed anything, but I'm just warning you to be alert, just in case."
Grifton was in too much emotional pain to acknowledge anything right then. However, he was stunned to hear that his mentors had also fallen victim to those crazy cursed mages. "Please let me deal with them if that is the case," Grifton growled venomously. I will make them pay severely for everything that they've done."
Darmono nodded in satisfaction. "I believe you will." He shrugged. They waited in silence for Lamberton to make his appearance.
Lamberton took a little while to arrive. He took one look at the drenched Grifton, and he shook his head. "Wow, his reaction was as you'd predicted, hmm?"
"Well, not quite. I got to Grifton before he became a dragon." Darmono shrugged and pinched his fingers close together with a sigh. "He was far from turning into a dragon and causing havoc in the city limits."
Lamberton frowned at Grifton. "How can one nephew be so troublesome?" He grumbled. "Have you never considered the possibility that those reports were fraudulent and designed to lure you into a trap?" At Grifton's silence, Lamberton shook his head. "Unbelievable, now he won't say a word to either of us." Irritation emanated from him as he paced the office.
"Hold up on the emotions, Lamberton." Darmono gazed at Grifton carefully.
Lamberton stared at Darmono and sighed. "What are you implying now?" He reigned in the rawness of his feelings, though it was clearly a struggle to maintain a calm demeanor. "This better be worth my restraint." Grifton wasn't the only hothead in the family. What could possibly require that much concentration?"
Darmono shook his head thoughtfully. "That's not it." He was looking at the swirling colors surrounding Grifton's body. "Look at him closely, dimwit."
Lamberton glowered at the insult but did as Darmono told him. His eyes widened. "Good grief, those are myriad elementals in their spirit form." He rubbed his arms uneasily at the sight. "So, they're communicating with him, is that it?"
Darmono nodded. "Not only that, but they're helping him search for any trace of the two girls, boy, and offspring." He sighed. "Not only that, but he's also casting a wider net for Madam Murray and Doyle Moline." He frowned. "Though I fear those two did perish." His shoulders slumped in sorrow.
"Actually," Grifton shocked them both with a low rumble in his throat. He was concentrating hard. "Of all the targets I'm seeking. It is the latter two I've found traces of." He sighed. "Nothing is obvious about where my siblings and their children could be, I'm afraid." He shrugged. "Though I did pick up minute traces suggesting someone, or something found them in terrible shape."
Lamberton brightened. "So, you're saying they are alive but unwell right now?"
Grifton eyed Lamberton. "My siblings, I don't know. They've completely vanished off the continent." He shook his head. "Which leads me to believe they might've been carried off for some purpose yet to be determined."
That wasn't good news to either man. However, neither of them was willing to upset him further than he was.
"However, I was able to pick up traces of others deemed dead." Grifton continued speaking. "Anything else regarding Moline and Madam Murray, yes, I have found something." His face was still showing signs of grief and fury. "They're likely in one of the kingdoms or a nest of dragons."
Darmono flinched, as did Lamberton. Before doing anything in response to his information. They exchanged apprehensive glances as they considered the bad omen of what Grifton informed them.
At last, Darmono inquired of Grifton. "If we show you topographical maps that include geological elements."
Unable to respond right away, Grifton gazed at them quietly.
At least until Lamberton clarified. "Do you think it is possible to track them?" In terms of either woman or man surviving that sojourn into a dragon's nest. that wasn't good news at all because it meant they'd been kidnapped.
Grifton nodded. "Yes, that might be a better option, considering I work better with elements than other scrying methods." He looked over the different maps that the two men spread out.
After a moment, Grifton tapped two different areas. "I'm getting strong traces of magical signatures. Though I don't know who it is from." He glanced at Lamberton and Darmono. "I can see from your aghast expressions that this isn't good news."
Darmono shrugged.
Lamberton shook his head.
They both sighed with severe unease.
"That is not even neutral territory," Darmono stated at last.
Lamberton was ashen. "That is dragon turf." Terror glazed his eyes as he spoke. "it is forbidden for anyone less than pureblood lineage to enter there."
Hmm, Grifton looked at the two areas. They'd focused on the one spot with a high amount of power. The secondary area, though not as strong since it fluctuated, made Grifton warier. "What about this area?" He tapped it with a finger.
Darmono blinked and looked at it thoughtfully. "Well, that is an unexplored area filled with deity-tier monster types." He folded his arms. "That would also include other kinds of dragons, demons, vampires—the list is endless."
That wasn't in the least bit pleasant. Grifton winced. "In other words, it has become a locus of potential evil?"
Darmono shook his head. "No, more like they are so powerful they can enforce barriers that make people leave them alone." He rolled his eyes. "That includes empires and kingdoms that covet their magical skills and energies."
"Oh, I see." Grifton glanced at it and shook his head. "Well, they may not be what I'm searching for after all." He frowned at the agitated spirits circling a few other places.
One of them, Lamberton, gestured to another area that Grifton had not noticed in his search. "On the other hand, this area holds corrupted celestial beings and others of their ilk." He made a sour face. "Which seems to have your spirits in an uproar."
Grifton shrugged. "That doesn't mean I'm willing to approach either nexus point without adequate preparation." He wasn't that rash. "I was already calculating what would be necessary to bring along if I approached any of those areas."
The spirits swirled around the part where the dragons were located. Then, they hopped over to the neutral beings. "For some reason, they're urging a trip to these two areas." Grifton exhaled. "Though I don't know if that would even work out."
Darmono and Lamberton winced when they heard what he said. They paced the office uneasily before sighing. "Did the spirits indicate where Murray and Moline might be located?"
Grifton tapped the area of the dragons. "Murray, yes. I don't know about Moline." The spirits danced around the other neutral ground. "Okay, he's probably in the locus of neutral deity-level creatures." Grifton tapped what they'd told him.
Lamberton shook his head wearily. "I don't know if we'll be able to accompany you all the way," He exchanged uneasy glances with Darmono. "We could at least go to where their barrier ends." That was the best option they could offer.
Grifton nodded. "I'll be fine with that." He smiled at them. "I know how difficult it is to break one's limits."
Darmono and Lamberton grunted. "We're getting the impression that you must visit those dragons for another reason." They shrugged.
"It's just a speculation," Lamberton told Grifton. "It might have to do with the fact that you've manifested the extremely rare," Lamberton shrugged. "Almost mythic traits of the spiritual dragon lineage which haven't been seen in several centuries."
Darmono nodded. "If that is the case, then it means that the dragons might have Marlayne, Calico, and Amberlyn, plus their offspring, in their care to prevent more tragedies from happening." he tapped his jaw. "You could learn more of your heritage from them, to be honest. They could also train you to control your abilities and transformative impulses."
Grifton sighed. "So, in essence, I'm going to have to take a leave of absence from the academy?" Not something he was thrilled with doing because he'd only just started attending the academy.
Lamberton grinned wryly. "You would've had to do it anyway since we're going to war." He pointed out with a sigh. "At least this way, you can travel with the military units past where the merchant caravan can feasibly and safely embark."
Darmono nodded. "Yes, that is true." He conceded. "So, you would still be within regulations if you were part of my unit," Darmono shrugged, "while still fulfilling other commitments."
"What about when I go to the barrier?" On the other hand, if it meant learning how to handle his badly timed impulsiveness, Grifton was all for it.
Darmono shrugged. "You had to go for solitary training and would be away for at least a month." He smiled. "I did it in my youth."
Lamberton added. "It is perfectly legal within the military and academic rules."
Grifton considered what they were telling him, and he shrugged. "All right, it looks like there's a plan of action. I'll do my part to get things started." While he regretted having to leave the other acquaintances in the lurch, Grifton felt a definite sense of urgency. He had to do this, not only for the lives of his siblings and the people he cared for but also for his mental health and well-being to be at their prime.
Grifton looked over everything that was plotted out and shook his head. "So, to recap what we discussed." He held up one finger. "Our official mission is to track down those cursed mages that have defiled our republic's reputation." Not that it had a great one, but whatever, it would be a decent cover to deal with those criminals. "The non-sanctioned missions are to recover Madam Murray and Moline." Grifton ticked off those names. "The last part of all this is for me to figure out why the hell I'm being drawn to the dragon's nest which is considered forbidden."
His dry sarcasm made the other two men laugh. "That won't be covered in any of the reports sent back," he concluded wryly, "since it is under the heading of solitary training in the areas that aren't forbidden."
A sigh escaped Grifton. "So, did I forget anything?"
The two men shook their heads. "We'll reconvene in a week," Darmono told him. Make sure to tell me," he gestured with a crooked thumb at Lamberton, "or him, what supplies you'll need to source if any are suddenly scarce or completely unobtainable."
Grifton understood what they meant by that. "I will do so." He bowed to them and then left the office.