Chapter 114
Lamberton Dormitory, Tri-Market Warehouse, City: Three Prongs Fork, Republic of Shantu, Continent: Barat, Year 2036, Planet: Grimoire
With the possibility of something unpleasant hiding from view, Darmono recalled what else he had on his plate. "Oh right, there's that unexpected request for a truce." He was highly skeptical about the validity.
He was more disgruntled about potentially losing out on a good meal. "Why did I have to remember what else I'm facing now, other than a good meal?" Now, to deal with the newest surprise. Darmono thought there were some underhanded tactics about to play out. He glanced at his aide, Carlton. "That reminds me, Carlton."
His aide happened to be hovering by the door. Clearly, Carlton was leaving when he received orders regarding the situation. From his expression, he didn't trust the flagbearer either.
"Yes, sir?" Carlton clearly wondered what else Darmono wanted him to do.
How do I take precautions this time? Make sure the scouts can see what is happening at the borders. "Please send scouts to all the various conflict locations," Darmono exhaled. "I want to ensure this is a real truce request, not a decoy."
"As you request, Commander Darmono," Carlton looked relieved at his words. "Many of the soldiers aren't trusting this truce request." He looked uncomfortable about reporting the news. "It seems quite a few have foreboding dreams of something not quite right."
Darmono frowned as he listened to what Carlton told him. Right, Carlton was one of those who only trusted what they could see in front of them. That was his typical way, but now he seemed to find merit if it was more than one person with the bad feeling of something about to go wrong. At least he was starting to become more flexible in his thinking. It was about time.
Carlton frowned at his lack of response, which seemed to stretch out interminably.
Well, they weren't the only ones, Darmono nodded. "Thanks for trusting their gut instincts and telling me about it." Carlton looked relieved he'd responded to his willingness to swerve from a narrow-minded outlook.
Darmono cleared his throat. "Now, please relay my orders." He would remain on guard now. There was no telling what might happen in the next few hours.
With that reflection in mind, Darmono turned his attention to other matters. Such as the flag-bearing individuals coming to the middle of the neutral zone. "So what conditions are being proposed for the truce?"
Carlton grimaced. "Not the same as before," he shrugged with bafflement. "This time, they're willing to exchange hostages for much-needed supplies."
Wow, their situation must be desperate if they're going to turn over the hostages now.
Clearly skeptical about this largesse, Carlton concluded. "This time without requesting the political refugees being deported."
Yeah, right, they were up to something. Not to mention, they didn't even have the political refugees with them in the camps. Nope, those individuals were elsewhere in the Republic of Shantu. Not even he, a commander, knew where they'd been sent for safety purposes.
Darmono regarded the flagbearers warily. "That sounds far too simplistic." This wasn't the first or second time a decoy was sent to blindside him.
"However, I'll trade supplies with them for now since we have a surplus that'll be replaced with new goods."
Darmono wasn't going to be fooled, either. "Just give them the food and liquid supplies. I don't want them getting clothing, armor, or weapons." He ordered.
"Yes, sir," Carlton saluted and hurried away.
Darmono finally walked out to meet the flagbearers and speak with them face-to-face. This would be the only way to discern whether they told the truth or lied through their teeth. He really wasn't in the mood for this. I really could use an empath right about now. At least they would be able to distinguish lies from truth.
Sheesh, what a revelation. Amberlyn frowned slightly in bemusement. Look at those kids' faces. So, they'd been genuinely jealous initially—not that the three parents could blame them. However, with Grifton airing a problem that could've worsened over time without them being aware of what was wrong...the children exchanged wry glances with their parents.
Amberlyn shrugged ruefully. "Oh dear, we're definitely in the wrong this time." She exhaled. "I do owe them an apology."
Calico threw his hands into the air. "Hmm, well, that should be easy enough to rectify." He eyed the oldest children, who'd reddened. "We can discuss the division of time with you all later."
Marlayne smacked her forehead. "Ugh, how embarrassing not to recognize something so basic." She mourned. "I feel like such a fool."
All of the six-year-olds elbowed each other. "We're sorry for not explaining how we felt." Instead, they'd taken it out on Grifton, much to their parents' dismay.
It meant they had to be careful about how much time they set aside to spend one-on-one with their offspring. That would be difficult to pull off, but possible.
Amberlyn was grateful for Grifton's awkward and shy explanation of why he'd sometimes not come around except for the group gatherings. She'd appreciated his thoughtfulness and knew Marlayne and Calico agreed. They needed to come together to create a pact to refrain from another forced isolation. "We have some ideas we'd like to share with you before our impending departure."
They had their children with them because Grifton needed to know that the ideas involved them and required his agreement.
Grifton looked at them questioningly. "I'm listening."
"As you've already acknowledged, we'll leave first." Amberlyn got that out of the way. "Second, we're taking the children with us." Again, this is something Grifton already knew. "Third, we want to start our own adventurer/hunter team that will evolve into a merchant caravan." They'd discussed that before but needed help pushing it to fruition.
Marlayne, Amberlyn, and Calico eyed Grifton curiously to see if he would agree.
Grifton didn't hesitate. "That sounds good to me. However, is it even possible?"
Amberlyn nodded. "Yes, it is." She produced a packet of paperwork. "this was something that Commander Darmono and Merchant Lamberton proposed some time ago." She offered it to Grifton. "It'll make sure that we'll be able to stay in touch, no matter what happens." Amberlyn watched as Grifton swallowed hard.
"Thank you," Grifton accepted the paperwork and placed it on a low table where he could easily access it. "So, on the off chance that any of you three are fatally injured and die, I become the guardian of these rascals, hmm?"
When Amberlyn and the others nodded, Grifton sighed. "I don't like thinking about that possibility, but I also understand why you're all preparing for it now."
Having said that but not outright refusing to consider it, Grifton grimaced. "Let me continue reading this first." He read through everything first very thoroughly.
"Everything seems in order." Grifton nodded after a moment and then signed it. He handed the paperwork back to Amberlyn. "Here you go. Now, all that is needed are your three signatures."
Amberlyn heaved a sigh of relief. There was no more uncertainty about the children's future, and she was very grateful for this because Grifton could've balked and refused. Amberlyn and the others had counted on the fact that he wouldn't. She went through the packet and put her signature on it. Then Calico and Marlayne also signed it.
Amberlyn slid the paperwork into the official packaging and set it aside. "It's all done. Now, copies must be handed over to Lamberton and sent to Commander Darmono."
They were pleased to get the formalities out of the way. "Shall we go stroll around the Golden Central Marketplace?" Amberlyn felt in need of some fresh air.
"Sounds good to me," Grifton agreed with a smile. He was relaxed now that the air was cleared. "However, we should perhaps keep it within the estate grounds." He glanced out the window with a frown. "I do not like the sight outside."
"Huh?" All three siblings' heads swiveled to the window where Grifton was looking. "Aww, man, when did that roll in?"
Heavy threatening clouds dispelled any notion of running around the market streets. "Looks like we'll have to do it tomorrow." Amberlyn frowned.
"Nah, it'll only last for a couple of hours." Grifton tilted his head slightly as something fluttered near his ear. "We could visit the night market instead." He offered with a smile. It vanished when they cringed. "Oh dear, that was when you were nabbed elsewhere?"
Marlayne sighed. "No, it is when chaos broke out in a riot." She folded her arms. "It was right after the instigators were subdued that we found out it was merely a distraction for something worse."
Amberlyn muttered, "Half the warehouses were burnt down." She shivered. "Things weren't going well, and I don't feel safe going out there now."
"Ah, look at this." Calico turned on the news. "Something about a truce request?" He waved for them to watch the news. "Isn't the cafeteria open still?" He looked at Grifton.
"Yep, I can go down there." Grifton looked at them. "Want me to take the restless ones for a walk to burn off their energy?" The six-year-olds had the fidgets since the adults talked about stuff that had nothing to do with them.
Amberlyn hesitated for a split second. It wasn't that she distrusted Grifton, but she was uneasy.
Calico grunted.
"I can go with them," Marlayne rose to her feet with alacrity. "I need to burn off some energy as well." She stated, as a matter of fact, something that Grifton hadn't considered. "Besides, it'll be easier if we split the load of food between us when we carry it back."
Grifton winced slightly. "Too true that I had forgotten and was going to take a rolling tray cart with me."
Amberlyn shrugged. "Go do what you can do." She was okay with that. Calico nodded as well. "Let us know what it's like outside, will you?"
"Sure," Marlayne waved insouciantly. "Hurry up," she nudged Grifton and the children out the door. "Don't lag." They quietly made their exit before Amberlyn and Calico changed their minds.
Lamberton, seated in his office, frowned in disbelief when he noticed what was going on. Oh, good grief. What is going on now? Would he have to assign a shadow patrol to this little adventure party? He sincerely hoped they were going to remain on the property.
Before jumping to conclusions, he would make inquiries first. "Calico, Amberly, what is going on in there?" Lamberton watched as Grifton, Marlayne, and a gaggle of children left the room. "Did you get the paperwork signed?" That was more important since he could form a party for the four of them once Grifton reached frost tier rank.
"Just a second, sir." Amberlyn scrambled around. "I'll scan the paperwork for your review." She disappeared from the monitor while Calico remained where he was sprawled on the carpet-covered hardwood floor.
Lamberton was amused at his posture. He didn't seem inclined to move from where his kids had him neatly caught.
Lamberton's attention remained on Grifton's movements. "Where are they off to?" He was concerned about this latest movement. "Surely they aren't going out and about this late?" A sigh escaped Lamberton in sheer exasperation.
Calico finally stirred and sat up to face him properly. "Let me also check that the tracking devices are active." Some clicking noises gave Lamberton reassurance that he was serious about the safety of the oldest children, who it appeared were with Grifton and someone else.
"Sir, they're headed to the cafeteria," It was Calico. He was utterly calm. "The rest of us told him why we weren't interested in going to a night market."
Lamberton nodded thoughtfully. "All right, thanks for the heads-up." The cafeteria? That should be safe enough. He checked to see who was on shift there. No one seemed suspicious, and he was relieved. That meant Lamberton wouldn't need to reassign personnel to a place with stable employees patrolling the grounds and hallways.