Chapter 4
Central Plaza, Cornell Academy, City: Three Prongs Fork, Republic of Shantu, Continent: Barat, Year 2050, Planet: Grimoire
A poignant recollection occupied Grifton's thoughts. So, when was the last time he'd spent time alone without people surrounding him? Hmm, not since he'd lived in the slums of the Golden Plaza marketplace, it seemed. That took him back a bit. "It has been that long since I lived by myself?" He was startled into a state of mild shock.
The latter he hadn't had in quite a while, not after being gently coerced into attending the academy. What a bothersome nag that director had been, Grifton reflected with mild irritation.
Hmm, he hadn't felt so uncertain about his future in a very long time. Now parts of it repeated, such as suspicious fires breaking out most inopportunely. "So, what was I doing so long ago that caused a fire?" Grifton couldn't quite recall the details. He'd been in his early teens when it happened that much he did recall. "Right, I was pretty much still living on the streets at that point too." He mumbled in some confusion.
So lost in his thoughts and quite content to let his subconscious dictate his path, Grifton was rather oblivious to his surroundings.
He ambled leisurely to his destination and almost walked right past it.
"Hey, man!"
"Would you stop? You're about to walk right into a riverbank."
"Sheesh, what is his problem?"
"Did he lose his sanity once his workshop burnt down?"
"When will these young people ever gain common sense and stop walking as if they can tread on water without falling."
A mixture of remarks from the dim past mixed in with current catcalls.
Grifton barely heard any of it. Only to halt unceremoniously when he was hailed.
"Yo, the cobbler who needs to restart from scratch. Where are you going?" Now this voice he recognized quite well. It was loud and amused.
Grifton blinked. Who dared interrupt his thoughts right now? Ire rose only to be quelled immediately when he recognized who was calling out to him.
Oh, it was Daryl Payne, and he was clearly laughing at Grifton.
Grifton ignored him because he knew it was all good fun. He only tolerated that type of catcalling from those Payne or Frost kids anyhow. Especially since they came from similar circumstances as him.
"Tinroy," A calm voice called to him from his left.
Uh, this was disconcerting, now Grifton realized he must've lost track of time somewhere along the line if both of them hadn't already gone inside. That did discomfit him quite a bit.
Why were the two he was supposed to meet only now finding him? Normally they would already be inside the restaurant waiting for him. Huh, something must've happened to have them arriving so late that even he was still walking toward the place.
Grifton jolted and looked around in surprise. Oh, dear, he'd almost wandered into an area where only experienced hunters would dare tread. Grifton was most certainly not a hunter or adventurer. He'd barely survived on the streets. That only occurred due to his abnormal speed and ability to jump really high and far when necessary.
Heh, some of those catcalls must've come from worried old-timers as he'd just walked around with his head in the clouds. Grifton recognized a close call when he saw one right in front of his nose. "Good grief, I was clearly too deep in my thoughts." He murmured aloud, letting them know he was aware of his close call.
Well, now he was thoroughly grounded in the present. It wouldn't harm Grifton to show some courtesy to the two boys who'd managed to penetrate his mental reflection of his past.
"Ah, hello there Payne, Frost." He greeted the two boys who waved at him politely. "What brings you two here?" Well, other than meeting in the restaurant they generally didn't loiter in the vicinity of the Jade Palace because it wasn't encouraged by the owners of the place.
Not only that but they generally had a retinue of rowdy siblings. However, right now it was actually rather quiet. Grifton glanced around in puzzlement. He knew where they went, six others would trail behind them. The atmosphere could be convivial or tense depending on why they were gathered.
Payne and Frost grinned at his somewhat apprehensive glancing around. Obviously, they were well aware of where his thoughts went. They took their time in giving him an answer.
That's when Grifton realized they weren't exactly attired in formal gear for once and that made him relax. Clearly, they'd been hard at work but chose to leave what they were doing anyway, and that led him to believe they'd needed some fresh air. Well, now they were getting it, though some ash and smoke mixed into it, unfortunately.
"I'm on a work break." The elder boy told him as he ran a hand through messy maroon-hued hair. His blue-green eyes were currently dulled with weariness. Harper Frost had unique coloration as another rare draconian type of hybrid. He had no problem with controlling his shape-shifting.
Huh, so that meant they were on some sort of deadline. Grifton's eyebrows rose as he studied their appearances and sighed. Yet they still choose to meet up with him anyway? Well, it could be that they needed a break, fresh air, and some time to gather their mindset into something other than adrenaline if he wasn't mistaken.
The second one, Daryl Payne, stated wryly. "I'm also taking a break from studies." He shrugged. "As for the others...well they wound up on probation for doing something usual." He rolled his eyes and shook his head. Small sharp spiral black horns curled against the back of his ears, hidden behind black hair and colorless grey eyes observed everything going on.
Grifton grimaced inwardly when he began making distant connections to the situation. Oh boy, that could only mean they must've had some doing with that mess he'd barely escaped with his life from.
"I wonder just how much blame I'm going to receive for what happened," Grifton admitted.
"None, from what the earliest reports indicate," Harper told him bluntly. "Besides, it seems outsiders were coming in from another country and stirring up trouble unnecessarily." He shook his head in disgust.