Clank. The chains clattered together as I walked, the guards hand on my upper arm pulling me forward through the musty and damp stone hall. I wince slightly as his grip tightens, yanking me forward.
"Hurry up." He growled, glaring at me sideways. He shoves me forward as he rests his other hand on the hilt of his sword.
Grouchy much? I roll my eyes and look ahead down the murky stone hall. Reddish water drips down from the ceiling washing the cool gray stone of the walls in a rusty color. Dark green moss fills the corners between the stone wall and floor. We pass old iron doors, groaning and shuffling can be heard behind a few; others, complete silence.
I see a small light peek through the iron door the guard leads me too. He pulls it open after entering a small metal key into the door, the rustic creaking sound echoing off the walls and down the stone hall. I wince at the bright light, my eyes stinging as they adjust from the darkness before. I look up after recovering from the light to see a tall man, a head taller than anyone in the room, in front of me. His steel armor glinting off the light coming from the windows in the Vivlío prison in Meláni. The golden Agios Kingdom emblem shining, a Basilisk wrapped around a Ashoka tree branch. A deep slash cuts through the Basilisks face, cutting into the intricate craftsmanship, disfiguring the face.
"Hi again Aren." I look up into the man's face, his blue eyes shining in an amused way. I had met Aren a few years ago in the Fos Forest. We ran into each other on a commonly used merchant road, we were both headed to Melani so we had decided to travel together. Aren has saved me more times then I would like to admit, he has also bailed me out of multiple jails in multiple small towns we had visited.
Aren looks down at me standing a head taller than anyone in the room and smiles, "You better be glad I came to get you this time Ava." he says sarcastically.
"You wouldn't leave me Aren. You love me too much to do that." I smile cheekily as the guard unlocks my chains grumbling.
Aren sighs still smiling, "Your right Av." I walk over to the main counter and lean against it, Aren walks over to stand at my side. A person behind the counter finds my things in a cubby and hands them to me.
"Thanks." I take them and put on my leather scabbard belt, placing my daggers into their spots at my hips. I had missed their weight, I felt vulnerable without them.
"Ready to go?" Aren asked.
"Yeah, let's go."
We push open the door and walk out onto the stone streets of Melani.
"Drinks?" Aren askes.
"Yes please" I say exasperated "They barely gave me drinkable water in that prison."
Aren nods smiling as we direct ourselves to the Red Tavern. As we walk down the side of the street Aren asks playfully, "What were you in for this time?"
I shrug, "No reason, really."
"You were stealing another book weren't you?" Aren chuckles.
I blush embarrassed, "How did you know?"
"I know you too well Av, we've been traveling together for years. I know all of your habits." Aren chuckles as we pass a chattering group of people.
"In my defense it was a very interesting book."
Aren chuckles and sighs, "Whatever you say Av."
I roll my eyes smiling, we find the Red Tavern and push open the red cherry wood door. The tavern is crowded as always, the voices of the people inside are loud and cheery. We make our way to the bar and take a seat, we order our drinks.
"Where to next?" Aren askes leaning his sword against his chair.
"I was thinking we could travel through the Skotádi Forest to Empros. We need to get supplies though."
Aren nods, "We can hit the Black Owlbear before we leave then." We chatted as we drank our ale and left as soon as our cups were empty.
"To the Black Owlbear then?" Aren turns to me, putting his sword back in its place at his left hip.
"Yep, let's go."
We walk down the street, stopping at a black paneled storefront. The worn black-green sign reads in faded gold letters, The Black Owlbear. We push open the door a small bell tinkling somewhere in the back of the shop.
"I'll get food and bandages, you get the other things we need. Okay Ava?" Aren turns to me, his armor rubbing together slightly making a soft metal on metal sound.
"Yep." I nod and turn to one side of the shop as Aren turns to the other. I walk down the aisles grabbing things we need as I go. I place them in a basket and wait for Aren to come over with the other things we need. I decide to walk down the herb aisle as I wait for Aren. I look at the shelves as I walk, stopping every once in a while to look at an interesting herb.
As I walk looking at the shelves I bump hard into someone, I fall back catching myself on the shelf knocking some herbs to the floor.
They were so tall they could reach the top shelves that almost brushed the high ceiling. Their red scaled tail swishes heavily on the wood floor, uplifting dust as they turn, "It is all right", the half dragon says, their voice deep and growley but human-ish, they sound female.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I shake my head at myself. "Anyway, introductions? My name is Ava, yours?"
The half dragon turns fully around to face me, "I am Kaida." She bowes her head slightly, I bow my head slightly back.
"Nice to meet you Kaida. Do you work here?"
I kneel down to pick up the fallen herbs.
Kaida shakes her head slowly. "No, I was looking for some herbs to make a remedy." She takes the herbs that go to the top shelf from me as I place the herbs that go on the lower shelves in their respective places.
"What type of remedy?" I ask after we finish putting the herbs back.
Kaida takes a small piece of paper out of a small leather bag at her hip, "It's an ointment for deeper cuts." She hands me the paper and I see it's a handwritten recipe for the ointment she was talking about, the writing is small and a little scratchy but still legible.
"Cool" I hand the paper back to her after reading through it. "So you're a healer?"
Kaida takes the paper back and puts it back in the pouch. "Sort of, I do know how to fight but I am better at healing."
I have a sudden thought. "You heal right? How about you join me and my friend?"
At that moment Aren appears at my side. "There you are Ava, I've been looking for you." He looks at Kaida. "Who's this?"
"Aren this is Kaida, Kaida this is my friend I was talking about."
Kaida bowes her head to Aren, "Nice to meet you Aren"
Aren bowes his head as well, "You too Kaida."
"Anyway," I interrupt, they both turn to look at me.
"As I was saying. Kaida, you should join me and Aren. We are headed to Empros."
Kaida nodes, "I would gladly join you Ava."
I turn to Aren, "Soo?"
Aren sighs, "Okay."
I pump my fist into the air smiling. "Welcome aboard Kaida.?"
Kaida smiles. I smile back at her. "Then let's go!"
We pay for the supplies and head to the outskirts of Vivlío City. We find a path to the Skotádi Forest and start on our journey through the forest to the Kingdom of Empros.