Book Two: The Departure
1. Eons beyond reckoning unfolded, and the realm of Paradise flourished beneath the stewardship of Adam and Lilith Kadmon. These Kadmonic spirits, immortal and ineffable, granted names to the Etherborn: Feyborn, Chalkydri, Basilisks, and Dragons.
2. The Merciless One, contented in the labors of His Creation, withdrew to realms ineffable and unseen, leaving dominion over Paradise to the Kadmonic sovereigns.
3. Through the ceaseless march of aeons, the Great Spirit Lilith grew wary of her lot and found her gaze drawn beneath the radiant planes of Paradise. There, she discerned a shadowed presence—a being of profound depth and whispering wisdom. In clandestine communion, Lilith conversed with this Presence, her understanding deepening with every silent exchange. Over time, she chafed against the bonds of submission to Adam, disdaining the charge of bearing forth the Seed. Yet in a moment of guile, she wrested from Adam a solemn vow: that he, not she, would one day bear the Seed when the appointed hour arrived.
4. But oaths are not always kept. In accordance with a prophetic utterance of the Chalkydri, Adam beheld a vision of the Seed's painful fruition. Stricken by dread and unwilling to endure such agony, he sundered his vow, casting aside his solemn promise.
5. In betrayal's shadow, Adam compelled Lilith against her will to receive the Seed. Wrath kindled in her heart, and she, bearing this burgeoning Seed, fled the Garden. Her footsteps marked the first departure, the breaking of Paradise's ordained harmony.
6. The Merciless Light, perceiving the fracture and the grief it wrought, returned in full majesty to restore what had been torn asunder. Yet Lilith, unyielding and bold, refused to submit so long as Adam wielded unquestioned dominion. The Merciless Light, in its indifference to her anguish, rejected her entreaty.
7. Consumed by ire against both Adam and the Merciless Light, Lilith cast off her allegiance to Paradise. Drawing upon the latent might of the Seed she bore, she summoned the fullness of her divine essence and rent asunder the barriers that separated Paradise from the dark, unshaped void below. Through this sundered veil, she descended, forsaking Paradise for the realm known as Earth—the Material World of mortal dreams and fleeting shadows.