Chereads / Path Of War / Chapter 70 - Successor

Chapter 70 - Successor

Arthur stood at the edge of the capital of the Water Country, a magnificent city with thousands of citizens.

He was currently disguised as John, the affluent businessman. He wore a tailored silk robe to add to his status. Every detail, from the gold chain adorning his waistcoat to the polished cane he kept tapping, screamed worldly success and authority.

Much like Wizened Town, the capital was a place of controlled chaos. Towering glass structures were several stories high. And monstrous carriages—pulled by horses—lumbered through the streets amidst pedestrians equally dressed like him.

Activating his Tamashii, his vision's range reached out and snaked through the city, seeking his target. He found who he was looking for nestled at the heart of the metropolis, a castle of steel and glass that was a tad taller than the other buildings—the feudal lord's residence.

A feudal lord holds absolute political power in their country. They make all the important decisions, from budgets to alliances, and even have the final say in appointing a Kage of their hidden village.

Why wouldn't Arthur target this country's feudal lord?

They are wealthy and well-protected, but their decisions can be selfish and create conflict. They may outsource jobs to cheaper ninja villages, causing resentment and even rebellion among their own people.

Arthur, who may not like it, understood the political game well. And these hypocrites were undoubtedly going to be used.

Upon looking at the castle, he judged the climb to be effortless. He could scale the structure easily, but such an approach lacked a certain finesse.

His appearance needed to be seen to arrive at a calculated purpose.

As such, he joined the citizens in their daily walk, gradually moving toward the castle with his cane tapping on the pavement.

The entrance was a marvel in and of itself. Gigantic, automated doors slid open, revealing a lobby that defied any notion of a traditional castle.

White marble floors gleamed under the soft glow of crystal chandeliers. Arthur, despite having seen his fair share of wonders, was by no means impressed.

A trio of guards, sleek and imposing, with black armour stood by the polished gates. Their blanketed faces swiveled as he approached.

"Halt," one intoned. "State your business."

Arthur offered a charming smile and said, "John Belfort, my goodmen. I have an appointment with the feudal lord."

"Do you have any identification?"

Arthur produced a crafted card embossed with a golden emblem that was a perfect imitation of one used by high-ranking officials. The guards scanned the card, looking for any signs of discrepancies.

They found none.

"I've never heard of you," one finally declared, returning his fake card. "No matter how special you are, you need an appointment to be here anyway."

Arthur's smile didn't falter as he chuckled smoothly, saying, "Ah, a slight oversight, a misunderstanding, my goodmen." The guards couldn't make sense of him due to his educated terminology. "Perhaps a message could be sent to the lord's secretary? Inform them that John Belfort, a highly affluent investor with a very lucrative proposition, wishes to speak with the feudal lord. And remember, my time spent in these affairs are of the utmost importance."

The guards looked at one another, taking note of his words. Following a brief pause, one conceded, "One moment, Mr. Belfort... Please wait here."

Arthur kept a steadfast posture, his gaze sweeping across the area. This land, he mused, was a curious hodgepodge of the old and the new.

The feudal system, with its reliance on a single lord, felt antiquated amidst the backdrop of ninjas able to destroy settlements. It was a puzzle that he would unravel one day.

Several tense minutes ticked by before the guard returned.

"Mr. Belfort," he said, "the lord's secretary will see you now. But first, allow us to pat you down."

Arthur straightened his robes with a triumphant smirk.

Hidden within the folds of his robe lay his weapons—scalpels, shuriken, and kunai—which screamed that he was a ninja. However, a simple security check like a pat-down wouldn't be enough to spot them since he was using the Transformation technique!

"Of course, my goodmen," he complied.

Arthur extended his arms outwards as the guards proceeded with the pat-down. Their search yielded nothing suspicious.

With a nod, they allowed him passage. Even if they hadn't granted him an audience, he had more than one method to enter the castle.

He crossed the lavish courtyard, his senses taking in every detail. It came to him as no surprise at how manicured a feudal lord's garden was.

The guard led him through a maze of pristine corridors, passing security checkpoints. Finally, he entered a sleek, modern office.

Behind a glass desk sat a woman, her features sharp and her eyes quite keen. She was dressed in a tailored business suit, her only concession to tradition being the ornate hairpin holding her dark hair in a tight bun.

"May I know your purpose here, sir?" she inquired.

"John Belfort," Arthur replied, indulging the charade. "I have business with the feudal lord—an unscheduled meeting per se."

The woman's expression remained stoic as she said, "I'm afraid lord Hiromu is currently unavailable. He's out on a business trip."

This was the first time Arthur had heard the name of a feudal lord from the Water Country.

Many of them weren't expanded on. And if Arthur were a fan, he would have known that "Hiromu" was the name of the Japanese actor who voiced this specific feudal lord.

Clearly, the program was lacking creativity.

Arthur didn't blink, for he knew the woman was lying. How's that? He had sensed Hiromu's presence prior to coming here.

"That's a most unfortunate chance, miss... Perhaps you haven't been properly informed. I'm a very prestigious individual, and a meeting with lord Hiromu is paramount to my business interests."

Arthur leaned forward and continued, "Tell me, miss, would you rather risk hindering your lord's potential prosperity or simply admit you made a mistake in saying he's out?"

The woman's carefully constructed façade slightly faltered. She was close to blushing upon discovering that she was caught in a lie.

Relaxing herself, she apologized professionally and left the way clear for Arthur. He walked towards the throne room with her.

Heavy, ornately carved doors were swung open by two guards, revealing a vast chamber. Seated upon a raised platform, his back to the entrance, was Hiromu.

He was a man of average stature, clad in a silk kimono adorned with fancy patterns. His head was crowned with the traditional lord's headgear, the complete opposite of what an average citizen would wear.

Even affluent characters who are wealthy businessmen would be ostracized if they were caught mimicking that attire.

Hiromu's eyes, small and black, were fixed intently on a scroll he held in his hands.

The sudden interruption caused him to glance up. His expression, perpetually guarded, clouded over with annoyance upon seeing Arthur's presence.

Hiromu's eyes narrowed toward the woman. Though she bowed, he reprimanded her for disturbing his peace. She greatly apologized, leaving the two alone.

"Who are you?" Hiromu demanded.

Arthur paid his respects outwardly by bowing slightly. When he raised his form, he said, "John Belfort, at your service, lord Hiromu. I apologize for the unexpected intrusion, but the opportunity to speak with such a visionary leader like yourself couldn't be missed."

Hiromu narrowed his eyes further. He was used to people of high stature speaking to him respectfully.

"State your business, Mr. Belfort," he commanded. "I'm a very assiduous man."

Now was the time. Those guards outside were ninjas, yes, but average at best. Thy wouldn't be able to tell what Arthur was planning.

'Evil illusion: enhancing flattery.'

Arthur subtly channeled his chakra, directing it towards Hiromu's ears.

"Listen to this, lord Hiromu, he began in a sincere tone, "your leadership is a necessity for stability in these uncertain times. Your intellect guides the nation, and your strength protects it."

There, he saw a proud look on Hiromu's face, so he pressed on.

He riddled the feudal lord's ears with compliments and careful observations he'd known about within these borders. He spoke of the country's economic potential, the rising tensions with neighbouring lands, and the importance of a strong successor to carry Hiromu's legacy forward.

He praised Hiromu's foresight and his dedication to his people, inadvertently planting the seed of doubt about his own mortality.

As he spoke, a transformation was taking place within the feudal lord. The guarded expression softened. Arthur could feel the genjutsu slowly taking hold.

He paused, gauging the effect. It was time to push further.

"But even the most brilliant leaders cannot rule forever, lord Hiromu," he continued in a melancholic fashion. "The burden of such responsibility requires strong shoulders to bear what you can't."

The effect was instantaneous. Hiromu spun around in his chair, his entire posture rigid with a sudden urgency.

Arthur relished the sight. He had him!

"What would you have me do about it?" Hiromu asked in a more vulnerable tone.

"Choose a successor, Hiromu," Arthur replied, purposefully excluding the title. "Someone well-versed in the art of leadership, someone who can carry on a better vision for the country."

"Do you have someone in mind, Mr. Belfort?!"

Arthur kept his smile in case the guards were intent on gossiping.

"Perhaps, lord Hiromu. But these are matters best discussed over a fine meal. Consider it a chance to further explore the potential for something more prosperous."

Hiromu's brow furrowed in thought.

"A fine meal," he repeated, stroking his chin. "Very well, Mr. Belfort. Please return in two hours. We shall discuss this further over dinner, and I will make my announcement then."

Arthur bowed, causing Hiromu to feel slightly uncomfortable. Not because he wasn't sure of Arthur's persona, but because he was not used to someone he believed to be of a higher status lowering themselves.

What exactly did he think of Arthur? He thought one thing and one thing only: that Arthur was the only one fit to rule the entire Water Country!

"An excellent decision, lord Hiromu. You won't regret it."

With a flourish, he turned and strode out of the throne room, leaving the feudal lord trapped in the carefully woven web of his illusion.

Two hours later.

As Arthur approached the castle gates once more, he held his head high.

This time, the guards didn't even bat an eyelash. They bowed with faces that showed a newfound respect.

No pat-downs, no questions.

The illusion of him being a highly respected individual had taken root, spreading to the castle's hierarchy.

Inside was the same. The woman he had met earlier was absent, replaced by a woman with a more lenient smile and even sharper eyes.

Arthur learned that the previous woman who had dared lie to him was dismissed for "disrespecting a valued guest."

The Enhancing Flattery technique was simply that powerful. It didn't warp minds with the effects of chakra; it simply changed a target's will in a desired direction.

And Hiromu's will was now firmly bending towards his agenda.

Arthur was ushered into a grand dining room, a feast for the eyes even before the actual feast arrived.

A massive table, adorned with a white tablecloth, stretched across the length of the room. Crystal goblets glittered from the chandelier's lights above, and plates were piled high with delicacies.

At the head of the table sat Hiromu with one empty chair beside him. Scattered around were men and women in opulent attire. Most of their faces were filled with curiosity and unease.

Hiromu rose as Arthur entered. Something like this caught the other guests' attention. They were surprised.

It was clear this was an unexpected guest, and the mystery surrounding Arthur's sudden appearance only heightened the mood.

"Mr. Belfort," Hiromu announced in a warm tone, "it's a pleasure to have you join us this evening. Please, do take the seat of honour."

He gestured towards the empty chair on his right, which not even his wife occupied.

Many of the guests gasped silently. The seat next to the feudal lord was an honour rarely bestowed, and for it to be offered to a stranger, a complete unknown, defied expectations.

Arthur, of course, remained unfazed. He bowed subtly while maintaining his calm posture.

"Thank you, lord Hiromu," he replied in a controlled voice. "I wouldn't want to intrude."

Hiromu chuckled, which surprised him as much as anyone.

"Nonsense, Mr. Belfort. Your insights have been invaluable, and your presence graces this table."

Arthur gave a humble smile.

This was far better than he'd anticipated. Not only was Hiromu putty in his hands, but the others were scrambling to understand their lord's sudden shift in demeanour.

It was a coup de maître, establishing his authority through the sheer power of suggestion.

Arthur settled into the chair. He played his part flawlessly, engaging in polite conversation with his neighbours, occasionally dropping a well-timed comment that displayed a high level of understanding of political affairs.

But all the while, he remained bored.

As the dinner progressed, the tension began to ease, replaced by a cautious curiosity.

Arthur deliberately deflected any questions about his background, allowing his mystery to further solidify his position. He played the role of the enigmatic advisor, someone whose wisdom Hiromu held in high regard.

The main course was cleared and replaced with an assortment of desserts.

Hiromu, having enjoyed the wine, cleared his throat, signaling the end of the casual banter.

"My esteemed guests," he began, "I have an announcement to make."

The room fell silent. Every eye was on him.

"As some of you may know," he continued, "the responsibilities of ruling are not to be taken lightly. The weight of a nation rests upon the leader's shoulders, and one must always prepare for the unexpected."

He paused, his gaze sweeping across the faces staring back at him. Arthur remained composed, knowing what was going to be said. He could practically feel the predetermined conclusion.

"Therefore," Hiromu declared, "I have chosen a successor: John Belfort."

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