Chereads / Galactice Dimension / Chapter 32 - Journey through Space

Chapter 32 - Journey through Space

In Christianity, the Bible states that God created the world in seven days. 

On the first day, God created light, separating it from darkness. On the second day, He formed the sky and divided the waters. The sun, moon, and stars were created on the third day. God brought forth land, seas, and vegetation on the fourth day. The fifth day was dedicated to sea creatures and birds. On the sixth day, land animals and humankind were created. Finally, on the seventh day, God rested from His work of creation.

Ajax reflected on this biblical account, aware that he was no god and could not accomplish the immense feats described in the scriptures. As an average human, he lacked the time and ability to create as God had done. 

However, everything changed after he lost the woman he loved, shattering something deep within him. In his grief, Ajax transcended to a higher level of existence, surpassing time, space, and dimension. He spent years in that realm, learning and evolving, becoming more substantial and decisive. But eventually, he was forced back to the lower planes, landing in a world engulfed by lava and fire.

On his first day in this new world, Ajax conjured vast amounts of water to cover the planet's surface. On his second day, he created a stratosphere using gases like CO2, O2, H2O, and N2 that rose into the sky from the fire-burning minerals extinguished by the water.

On the third day, Ajax harnessed his power to raise the land he had previously submerged. By the fourth day, he covered the newly emerged land with lush vegetation, cultivating plants from Earth, the demon world, and Chernon Prime.

After reviewing his work, he felt it was time to introduce animals to this world. So, on the fifth day, he summoned various insects, animals, monsters, and creatures from multiple planes of existence to alleviate his loneliness. 

While God created the Earth in seven days, Ajax reflected on his accomplishments: he had restored this burning world in just five.


After restoring the planet to support life, Ajax looked down at his hands. They were no longer his ordinary hands but those of a spectator. Through these very hands, he had accomplished something extraordinary. He wondered if things might have been different had he possessed this power in the past.

After consuming the fruit of ascension during the invasion of Chernon Prime, he could finally control his abilities. When facing the remnants of the Void Devourer, his attacks had been infused with immense energy, which caused both him and Chernon Prime to be expelled from the 11th dimension.

Cultivating this new planet to support life had been an excellent way for Ajax to understand his power. He then focused on creating a hole in space, walking through it like a door that transported him back to Chernon Prime. The place was still severely damaged from the battle with the remnants of the Void. He had left Chernon Prime in disarray, fearing that using his power before mastering it would only cause more destruction.

Now, however, he was ready to restore Chernon Prime. As if rewinding a film, streets, buildings, landmarks, and the seven tallest towers all returned to undamaged states. He was not merely repairing them; he was reversing time itself, undoing the effects of the battle. All the while, he made his way toward the central tower.

Upon entering the overseer's room, he encountered Hologenie, the AI in charge of Chernon Prime. 

"Hologenie, can you hear me?" he called out.

"..." Ajax received no response from Hologenie.

"It's been five days since the remnants of the Void army invaded Chernon Prime, forcing us out of the 11th dimension and back to the 3rd. Since then, I've been working tirelessly to understand my power. Today, I believe I've finally learned how to control it. However, I've only scratched the surface of what I can truly do."


"You informed me about the enemy threatening not just my world and the demon world but the entire universe. You said that once I awakened my power, you would send me back to the demon world to save it. But I can't do that now. I've just begun to control my abilities, like a toddler taking its first steps. If I tried to search for the demon world now, I could easily get lost in the vastness of the universe—I probably wouldn't find it before it's too late."


"Hologenie? Can you hear me? Please, I need your help."

"..." Ajax walked up to the panel where Hologenie's voice emanated, placing his hand on it. Suddenly, he felt a significant drain of energy from his body. He hadn't realized that the energy from the 11th dimension had been powering Chernon Prime. With that energy now absent, the city was offline, and Hologenie had no power. But his power originated from that dimension, and the city's systems returned online as it surged.

Before him, the strings of energy arranged like spider webs started to glow once more.

"Aayam Ajax," Hologenie spoke with a heavy voice as if awakening from a long slumber.


"Ajax, I'm glad you're alright. I heard everything you said earlier. I couldn't respond because, in this dimension, Chernon Prime cannot draw energy from its surroundings."

"Really? Is there some damage preventing Chernon Prime from harnessing power from the atmosphere? I could use my abilities to fix that."

"No, I'm afraid that won't work."

"Why is that?"

Hologenie explained that Chernon Prime required energy from the 11th dimension, which the 3rd dimension simply couldn't provide. Thanks to him, Chernon Prime was now operational again. 

"In conclusion, your body generates enough energy from the 11th dimension to allow Chernon Prime to function fully once more."

"But if my body provides the energy you need to stay operational, doesn't that mean I have to remain here to prevent you from shutting down?"

"You don't need to worry. The amount of energy you've given me should last for an entire year."

"A year?" Ajax felt mixed emotions at this news. He was impressed that he could power Chernon Prime but disappointed that it would only last a year.

Hologenie then re-established his connection after calling his name. 

"Now, Ajax, I have some unfortunate news. Several of my functions appear corrupted or unable to operate in this dimension, so I cannot send you back to the demon world."

Ajax felt a sinking sensation at this revelation. If Hologenie couldn't return him to the demon world, he feared the enemy would exploit his classmates to wipe out the demons.

"Can you explain why you can't return me to the demon world?" he asked, his voice laden with urgency.

There has to be a way to get back there. I'll get back to the demon world if I travel through space alone. On the first day, I returned to this dimension. I discovered that I could survive in harsh conditions in space. Plus, I don't need to eat or sleep in this form. Traveling in space won't be a problem. I just need to know where I need to go.

And then, Hologenie dashed Ajax's hopes once more. 

"I'm sorry, Ajax, but that's not possible."

"Why not?!" He couldn't control his emotions and shouted at Hologenie.

Hologenie began to explain, "Let me clarify." She projected a hologram of the entire universe, displaying stars scattered across the vastness, some clustered together to form galaxies. "You see, Ajax, from the 11th dimension, I can observe all the lower dimensions, including our universe. I can summon people from their current locations to bring them to Chernon Prime and send them back the same way. However, the issue is that I can't pinpoint our exact location in this lower dimension."

It was similar to how people on Earth use the Internet to find locations with their phones. With the Internet, navigating would be easier. In this analogy, the Internet represents the 11th dimension, while Hologenie is the phone used to locate a destination.

As Ajax lost hope of returning to the demon world, Hologenie continued, "Fortunately, I believe I have an idea to determine where we are in the universe."

Those words instantly lifted his spirits.

"Really!? How!?" He couldn't contain his excitement about finding a way back.

Hologenie paused momentarily before revealing her plan. "Don't get your hopes up just yet. I'd like to obtain star maps to help clarify our location. I'll use Chernon Prime's functions to create a map of our surroundings within a radius of sixteen light years. However, I need you to extend your search beyond what I can see here. Use your abilities to explore further, and hopefully, you can pinpoint a planet that matches one in my database."

"I understand. If I can find a planet with a piece of the universe's song, we should be able to determine our location."

"That is correct." Ajax nodded, aligning his thoughts with Hologenie's. "Alright then, let's take a look at this." Hologenie projected a hologram in front of him, displaying star systems that likely corresponded to their current location. "Head to these ideal spots, and use our connection to allow me to scan the area beyond what I can reach." Hologenie provided him with coordinates for at least seven locations to explore.

Turning around, Ajax extended his arm toward the door, and his power conjured a wormhole.

"I'll be back," he said before stepping through it, arriving near a red dwarf star. In his spectral form, he didn't have to worry about surviving in the vacuum of space.

Behind him, the wormhole closed up.

"Hologenie, I've reached the first location and am ready to begin sending you what I can see."

"Go ahead."

As Ajax extended his spectral essence through the ethereal connection to Hologenie, a shimmering bridge of light linked their consciousness. With each passing moment, he felt his senses expand, transcending the limitations of physical existence. Thanks to Hologenie, he could perceive the universe in a way he had never imagined.

Far beyond the familiar reaches of their cosmos, his sight pierced the veil of space, delving into the unknown depths. In the boundless expanse, distant galaxies emerged as radiant tapestries of light, each a testament to the unfathomable scale of the cosmos. Their spiraling arms and brilliant cores formed intricate patterns that seemed to dance across the void.

Nebulae, those celestial cradles of star birth, unveiled their vibrant hues, casting a mesmerizing glow across the cosmic canvas. Within these cosmic nurseries, new stars ignited, sending their brilliance into the surrounding darkness and painting the nebulae with ethereal luminescence.

Clusters of stars, bound together by the invisible threads of gravity, appeared as celestial jewels scattered across the cosmic tapestry. Their collective radiance shone brightly, illuminating the cosmic stage with a breathtaking display of stellar unity.

Amidst this divine symphony, the explosive fury of supernovae erupted in distant corners of the universe, their brilliance rivaling that of entire galaxies. These cosmic beacons of destruction and creation unleashed torrents of energy, casting a transient light that eclipsed even the stars.

And then, amidst this celestial spectacle, Ajax beheld the silhouettes of distant worlds—exoplanets orbiting their parent stars in remote solar systems. Their presence hinted at the possibility of untold wonders, inviting contemplation of the diverse landscapes and ecosystems beyond the corners of the cosmos.

As his spectral vision extended further, the cosmic ballet of gravitational lensing unfolded, distorting and magnifying the light of distant galaxies, offering glimpses of the universe as it had never been seen.

"Okay, Ajax, that's good enough. Head to another location." Lost in his awe, Ajax was jolted back to the present by Hologenie's voice. He conjured another wormhole, transporting him to yet another red dwarf star.

As Hologenie and Ajax continued charting their location, their combined efforts yielded a comprehensive understanding of their surroundings. But as he peered into the depths of space for the sixth time, a growing sense of concern gnawed at him. The vast emptiness seemed to stretch endlessly, and despite his searching, he worried that he could not find any of the planets he sought.

However, just as his spectral vision reached its remarkable limit, Hologenie's perceptiveness seized upon a particular planet that stood out amidst the cosmic tapestry. This unexpected discovery sparked hope within Ajax, and he eagerly awaited Hologenie's revelation.

Hologenie contacted Ajax's mind through telepathy, urgency lacing its voice. "Ajax, I have identified a celestial body that matches the description of a planet from my memory banks. The spectral signatures and orbital characteristics align with those stored in my archives. We may have stumbled upon the very planet we've been seeking."

As Hologenie spoke, a surge of anticipation coursed through Ajax. He awaited the following words with bated breath, hoping this revelation would lead him closer to finding their location and ultimately returning to the demon world.

"Yes, there's no doubt that planet is in my memory banks. However, the stars are all in different positions. Ajax, I need you to go to that planet and look over there."

His emotions surged with excitement. "Alright. I'll go. I'll transmit what I see." Following Hologenie's directions, he focused on the planet and conjured a wormhole. This time, the wormhole was more significant than the ones he had created. Typically, the size of a wormhole wouldn't matter for a certain distance, but he still struggled to control it effectively. He needed to make it large enough to travel a significant distance and adjust it to reach his destination.

Once he finished, he stepped through the wormhole.


Above a planet named Elpons, there is a giant creature that looks like a vampire squid but with a few differences, such as long tentacles that reach 16 miles that pass its web and several flashing lights coming from its body. The vampire squid looked down below, watching its comrades conquering the Elpons.

The creature was communicating with its fellow kin from the planet's surface using a Mentolink they shared.

Hearing their Oversee words, a different voice spoke out in reasons in their mental link.

<△/◯ will be in charge of maintaining Autumnusia and finishing off any resistance from the autumn elves, and |△¢⟌| will be staying in Autumnusia while also scouting Hibernia.>

< I will complete your assignment, Overseer.>

< I'll scout all of Hibernia and discover their secrets and weaknesses. So that we can wipe out the snow elves in an instant.>

The voice belonging to △/◯ and |△¢⟌| sound determined to complete their task.

< △/◯ The most important thing I want you to do is to find clues to help us find the Song of Peace the elves should possess.>

<6-8WíP. You have done well in eradicating several Elpon islands and the elves living on them. Unfortunately, those islands did not belong to the light or dark elves.>

By the tone of the Overseers' voice, it seems like they are calm. But, the subordinates of the overseer could tell they were getting impatiens.

6-8WíP decided to bring up some news that would calm down the overseer.

< Really?! What did you find?!> Hearing 6-8WíP words, the overseer atetoed seems to have lifted. The other void remnant was also a surprise. They have been searching everywhere in Autumnusia and found nothing.

The subordinate who found something contained an explanation of what he saw.

This discovery happened a week ago. 6-8WíP had finished conquering another island, wiping out most of its population. However, this island was different. The elves on the island were too strong compared to the other islands and were already wiping out. They manage to wipe out several fleets. In response, 6-8WíP went there with its fleet. Unfortunately, 6-8WíP underestimated these elves and lost 3/4 of his fleet. 6-8WíP had to use its power to turn the battle around. 6-8WíP created three hurricanes, wiping out a large number of the elves along with their homes.

The remaining survivors were captured and enslaved by 6-8WíP remaining pawns it had left. During their fight with those elves, the humans who lost many friends, comrades, and brothers vent all their anger and hate on the island's survivors. Whether they were children, older people, men, or women,. The humans insulted the island residents.

Curious about these elves and why they were so strong, 6-8WíP went to the island to investigate.

That was, indeed, unbelievable. 6-8WíP power is the most impressive of the group, probably second to the overseer. If 6-8WíP did not cause any damage to that temple, then there is something special about that place. < Inside the temple, there were several painted murals. The walls and the ceiling tell the history of this world and how it came to be. It said that this world was smothered by the fire of war long ago, with the elves' ancestors fighting against creatures that consume all that exists. The world was at the urge of destruction from those creatures. However, three beings called celestials suddenly appear, saving the world from destruction. The moment they occur, the celestials sing a song that wipes out all the creatures threatening this world. After peace was brought back, the three celestials went to four locations, planting a seed to breathe life back into this world. The celestials went elsewhere when they finished, allowing the survivors to rebuild their civilization. While also observing them close by.>


For a moment, there was silence. Everyone was slowly taking in what they learned from 6-8WíP. Everything that 6-8WíP said to his comrades reminded them of something in the past.

A long time ago, when their creator was still free, the Void Eater tried to eliminate the universe. The Void Eater sent some creatures to Elpons to destroy the world. The three celestials that wiped out their kind on this planet must have been their enemy, the specters. What they used to wipe out their kind was the song of peace; precisely, what they are looking for is here.

From their minds, all the remnants on Elpons began to see an image of some kind of mural.

The mural showed a trio of human figures flying toward an object-related light; behind the trio were four large trees that appeared to be something important.

X//^$~, |△¢⟌|, and a few other void remnants that were also mentally linked recognize one of the four trees.

The overseer took a moment to consider the new information 6-8WíP brought in. It was a promising development that could significantly benefit their efforts. A sense of optimism washed over them as they considered the possibilities. With renewed energy, the overseer began to formulate a plan. But there are more questions now.

They recalled a troubling truth: the elves' specter had been in their realm. It was known that they had used the Song of Peace to wipe out their kin who had once inhabited these lands. The weight of this knowledge added urgency to the overseer's thoughts as they contemplated the implications for their next steps.

The elves' specter traveled the world, planting saplings that eventually grew into the majestic Four World Trees, each representing a different aspect of life and harmony. These towering wonders stood as symbols of balance and connection, their roots intertwining with the very essence of the land.

As 6-8WíP examined the ancient murals depicting the World Trees, a striking similarity caught their attention. The intricate designs mirrored the patterns on the trees, suggesting a more profound link between the two. This revelation sparked a thought: perhaps there was a connection between the World Trees and the locations of the specters.

Eager to share this insight, 6-8WíP brought it to the overseer. "I believe there's a significant relationship here," they stated. "The murals and the World Trees may hold clues about where the specters could be found."

The overseer paused, contemplating this new angle. The idea that the World Trees could guide them toward the elusive specters was intriguing and hopeful. As they pondered the implications, a sense of determination filled the air. The overseer knew they needed to explore this connection further, for it could lead to vital answers in their quest.

<6-8WíP assigned petrol to study the temple and continue to search for the light and dark elves' homeland.>

Suddenly, the overseer stopped midway in its sentence. The pause was so unexpected that it caught all the other void creatures off guard.

<....> @+B#𝛑 did not answer.

<...> @+B#𝛑 still did not respond.

In a panic, all of the void revetments on the planet called to @+B#𝛑 in unison.

It was then the overseer finally responded.

Without waiting for a response, @+B#𝛑 cut off communication with everyone; something is happening above the planet. The fabric of space seemed to contort and twist, creating a mesmerizing, shimmering gateway that defied all conventional understanding of the cosmos: a wormhole.

A wormhole could be created by warping the fabric of spacetime, effectively connecting two distant regions of the universe. Instead of traveling in a straight line through space, one could traverse a shortcut through the wormhole, potentially covering vast cosmic distances in a much shorter time than would be possible through conventional travel. The formation of a wormhole would require a type of exotic matter with negative energy density to stabilize the structure and prevent it from collapsing. The fact that a wormhole appears here means that someone is coming here. @+B#𝛑 The Overseer has a theory on who it might be.

@+B#𝛑 was curious about why a wormhole appeared and decided to observe this strange occurrence. It was then a tiny light came out of it. That moment @+B#𝛑 sees the figure, its eyes widen on realizing what it is.


It felt as if Ajax were spacing out or dreaming. It was difficult to describe, but traveling through the wormhole was akin to moving through a tunnel that expanded and contracted around him.

Once he emerged, he found himself at his destination: a planet with two large landmasses, several scattered islands, and most of the surface covered in water.


"Hologenie?" For some reason, Ajax received no response. He called out several more times, but still, there was silence. Turning to the direction from which he had come, he noticed that the wormhole he had traveled through was already closing; all he could see now was a vast sea of stars. Something must have severed his mental connection to Hologenie.

Something struck him from behind with unbearable force as he attempted to re-establish his link. The impact sent him flying forward. Reacting quickly, he used his power to stabilize himself in the weightless expanse, urgency flooding his mind as he sought to identify his assailant and defend himself.

He saw a massive sea creature—no, it was an enemy, a void remnant shaped like a vampire squid.

The creature unleashed several lasers from its tentacles, and Ajax could tell that these beams were charged with enough energy to kill him.

He quickly dodged the attack and fired back at the squid. However, it didn't flinch at all.

In response, the remnant launched several of its tentacles at him while continuing to fire its lasers. The relentless barrage was getting dangerously close.




Just as Ajax thought he had avoided the creature's attacks, a laser and one of its tentacles struck him, injuring and sending him backward. Reacting quickly, he raised his hand to erect a protective barrier before another attack could hit him. However, the remnant wrapped its long tentacles around the barrier, shattering it effortlessly.

Gathering his energy, Ajax converted it into electricity just as the tentacles threatened to crash into him. He generated around 2,040,000 terawatts of electricity, repelling the remnant before it could make contact.

Seizing the opportunity, he swiftly distanced himself from the creature. A glance revealed that his previous actions had taken a toll on the remnant; its tentacles appeared slightly burnt.

"Raaaaaaa!" The vampire squid screamed in rage, its voice echoing through the vacuum of space. Ajax noted that such a sound shouldn't be possible in the void, but remnants like this didn't adhere to the universe's laws.

Then, as if moving underwater, the remnant curled its tentacles before stretching them out to propel itself forward. Its speed was akin to a runaway train traveling 110 miles per hour. Ajax quickly moved out of the way, narrowly avoiding disaster by the skin of his teeth. When the vampire squid realized it had missed its target, it made a sharp turn and charged at him again.

Again and again, the vampire squid attempted to strike him, but Ajax kept dodging just in the nick of time. This isn't going so well; if this keeps up, I will immediately die and never return to the demon world. Come on, think. What can I do to turn the tables? My attacks don't have much effect on Vampire Squid.

At that moment, as the squid passed Ajax again and their eyes met, an idea sparked in his mind. As the squid made another sharp turn toward him, he gathered energy behind his back. Just as he dodged its attack, he locked eyes with the creature. In that instant, he extended his left hand toward the squid, gently touching its head. He focused all the energy he had gathered and released it directly onto its crown.


He succeeded; his attack penetrated the vampire squid's head, delivering a heavy blow. The void remnant halted its advance and began firing its lasers once more. But before it could unleash a single shot, Ajax released a brilliant light, temporarily blinding the squid.

Refusing to let anything deter it, the vampire squid pressed on, firing all its lasers at what it thought was its target. Anticipating this move, Ajax had already repositioned himself. When the squid realized it couldn't see him in the direction it had attacked, it quickly scanned its surroundings in search of him. Suddenly, two of its tentacles were severed, then another two, followed by three more.

"Raaa!" The remnant screamed in pain, anger, and humiliation. How had it lost its tentacles?

As the squid saw one of its severed tentacles drifting into the depths of space, it finally noticed Ajax. He was less than 269,837.911 kilometers away, and even at that distance, the creature still appeared massive. But now, he could see its entire body. He threw his arms wide, and in his mind, his hands seemed to encircle the squid's form. With a clear view of the creature, he channeled his energy into a gravitational sphere around the massive remnant, a construct designed to crush it from all directions.


The remnant screamed in agony, unable to break free from the gravitational force Ajax had imposed. It seemed resigned to its fate—or so he thought. To his surprise, a voice emerged from the darkness, causing his eyes to widen. The gravitational sphere should have prevented the squid from escaping, yet it vanished, baffling him.


Before he could consider his next move, the vampire squid's tentacles shot out from nowhere, striking him multiple times like a pinball in a game. Before he could recover, another wave of attacks hit him, sending him flying across the expanse of space.

Damn it! Where is that bastard?! Its presence appears and disappears all over the place. He must be teleporting; I would have sensed its presence otherwise. If it can use teleportation, that would explain why its presence seems scattered everywhere. It must only be teleporting its tentacles to attack me. But how can the vampire squid strike me without seeing or sensing me? Vampire squid evolved specialized adaptations for vision in low-light conditions. They have large eyes relative to their body size, allowing them to capture as much available light as possible.

Additionally, the rod and cone cells are similar to the eyes of vertebrates. The rod cells are sensitive to low light levels and enable the squid to detect motion and objects in dimly lit environments, while the cone cells may provide some limited color vision. But considering it's a remnant, it might have some abilities to strike me.


"Ooooh!" Ajax exclaimed as the impact struck him. Suddenly, the vampire squid began firing its lasers at him. As he tried to dodge the beams, the squid lashed out with its tentacles, making it even harder to evade the onslaught. He managed to avoid most attacks, but some lasers struck him. Abruptly, the barrage ceased, and he was suspended in space within his spectral form. The pain from the enemy's assaults faded away, enveloping him in eerie tranquility.

However, he was not in a position to move. Although he could tell his body was heavily injured, his mind remained calm, as if nothing significant was happening. This must be a result of being in his specter form.

Why had the squid stopped attacking him? Was it gathering energy to finish him off, or was there another reason? Whatever it was, it couldn't be good.

Before he could formulate a plan, the remnant revealed itself before him, fixing its gaze upon him. Gradually, it maneuvered its tentacles around him, though they refrained from ensnaring him.

Was it weary of him because it had failed to capture him last time?

< Greetings to you, specter.>

The squid spoke to Ajax through telepathy. < I'm sure you were surprised to encounter an Adjudicator created by the tremendous void devourer. You probably thought my kind was completely wiped out or sealed away for all eternity. But you need to be corrected. At this very moment, the rest of my kin are scattered among the stars, hunting for your kind, seeking to bring our creator into this plane of existence. Honestly, while we were using our pawns to sow chaos on your planet, Elpons, we began to wonder if you were dead or simply indifferent to your people.>

Ajax couldn't understand what the squid was saying, but it was clear that this remnant believed he was someone else from this world. What else could these creatures be causing such massive chaos for, if not to lure out a specific individual?

He needed to find a way to contact Hologenie and inform her of what was happening. Fortunately, the vampire squid hadn't noticed him gathering his energy.

As the vampire squid finished its last utterance, it restrained Ajax with its tentacles, drawing him closer. The webbing beneath its head spread out, revealing its large, hideous mouth. It was planning to swallow him.

When Ajax was just inches away from its maw, he released the energy he had gathered. His body generated heat until he burst into flames. The flames he produced were hot enough to survive in the vacuum of space, and their temperature continued to rise, reaching 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. This unexpected resistance caused the vampire squid to halt in its tracks. Its tentacles around him began to crisp, yet it still maintained its grip. Ajax raised the temperature even higher, the flames turning white as he escalated it to 27 million degrees Fahrenheit.

Realizing the danger, the vampire squid quickly pulled him back from its mouth and wrapped all its remaining tentacles around him, seemingly trying to snuff out the flames.

Undeterred, Ajax increased the flames' temperature to an astonishing 135 million degrees Fahrenheit, shifting their color to blue. The intense heat proved too much for the vampire squid to withstand. Like a hatching egg, Ajax explosively broke free from its grasp.


As the vampire squid screamed in pain, Ajax gathered all the flames he had conjured into his hand and aimed them at the creature. At that moment, the squid concentrated its energy and unleashed a torrent of fire from its mouth, charging straight toward him.

Its attack was much faster, hitting the left side of his chest and causing him to miss his mark, only to strike the left side of the squid's head where its eye was located.

Although the attack struck him, it didn't kill him; it merely sent him flying backward. He may not have felt pain, but he sensed he had reached his limits. As he tumbled through the void, he began to lose consciousness. The last thing he saw was the vampire squid writhing in pain as it faded from view.


On the Luminous Sea lies an island country in the center called Lumina Isle, isolated from the rest of the world of Elpons.

It was already night. Most of the country's citizens had already gone to bed. Those still out and about were in the middle of their nightly rituals, enjoying the serene glow of the sea that surrounded their island home. Some took strolls along the luminous shores, while others gathered in small groups, sharing stories and laughter under the shimmering moonlight. The tranquility of the night embraced Lumina Isle, casting a sense of enchantment over the island and its people.

A meteor fell from the sky tonight, shattering the usual tranquility of Lumina Isle. The unexpected arrival went largely unnoticed by the island's inhabitants, who only felt the faint shockwaves from the impact. It was such a subtle disturbance that they quickly brushed it aside, forgetting about it soon after.

As the meteor struck the island, a large section of the forest was obliterated. From the heart of the resulting crater, a diminutive figure emerged, shrouded in swirling dust and debris, struggling to climb up the crater's edge. Once outside, the enigmatic silhouette ventured into the dense woodland. Despite its evident distress, the tiny figure pressed on, navigating the tangled underbrush with unsteady steps.

The figure continues walking in the forest's dark for at least an hour. It did not know where it was going or knew where it was. All it knew was that it had to go to a specific place until the figure stumbled, tumbling down a steep hill.

The place where the small figure landed was a dirt road. A carriage was moving from afar towards the small figure lying on the road.