As soon as Roman jumped off the ledge, Yorinobu walked into the room, with Adam Smasher standing near the elevator, looking at the piller, V and Jackie are hiding in.
When Jackie saw Adam, he was shocked. "Is that Adam Smasher!?"
"Worse. Night City legend, bleak motherfuckin' one, too. What's the play?"
"We wait..."
Yorinobu was pacing around the room, with inpatient steps. "Are they here yet?"
Once Yorinobu said this, a A.I responded to his question. "They approach from the landing pad."
Hearing this, Jackie couldn't help but ask. "Fuck are they talking about?"
"Bug, who we got incoming?"
"Nu-nuh, no fucking way...! This Isn't happening...! Saburo Arasaka?!"
"The emperor? Yet another asslickin' legend.."
When Saburo entered the room, his bodyguard started scanning the entirety of the room.
"Shush, doubt this cubby's soundproof."
After V said that, they both went quiet.
As Roman was hanging, with the rain pouring down, under the backdrop of a night sky, he used his telekinesis ability he got from, the essence of genius, and used it to lift the egg from his arms, so he could bring out his phone.
Roman unlocked his phone and clicked on a app he made for various different kinds of networks, he hacked into over the years, which can automatically add and organize a network, if he hacked into it and doesn't have it yet.
The app has a very simple design, with a black and gold color scheme, and is very well organized, with networks being in thier own folders, with icons that tell you what they are.
Some networks fell into a folder with a news icon, while other networks fell into a folder with a business icon, there is even a folder for megacorporations, with a few networks being in there.
Roman ignored those networks and clicked on a folder with buildings on it, where he was met by many different networks, all organized into different columns, with icons on them.
Roman clicked on a column with a hotel icon on it and he was met with a overview of the Konpeki Plaza network.
Roman looked through the network until he found floor 100, which is Yorinobu's penthouse, he connected to the radio in the room and listened.
"Doesn't hurt getting some blackmail from a Arasaka, now doesn't it?"
"Oh fuck..."
When Saburo's bodyguard was about to discover V and Jackie, Saburo spoke.
"Leave us."
"Saburo-sama, I still haven't done a full sweep."
"This is my son."
"Of course, should I retrieve what we came here for...?"
"I will handle it. You may go."
Saburo's bodyguard and Adam Smasher both got in the elevator and left the two Arasaka's alone.
Roman, not wanting to sit though a almost two minute long dialogue, started swinging to another ledge.
When Roman was close enough to the other ledge, he let go of the ledge, he was previously hanging onto, and grabbed the other ledge.
Roman repeated this until he was near the large slanted glass window, near the top of Konpeki Plaza. He grabbed onto the side of the walkway, making a few cracks appear.
Roman did the same with his other hand, once he was in position, he started climbing the side of the walkway, leaving indents and some cracks where he climbed.
Roman suddenly stopped and took out his phone, which is still connected to the radio, and overheard Yorinobu.
"I wish...I wish to put the hotel on lockdown."
Roman quickly put his phone back in his pocket and resumed climbing at his regular pace, when Roman reached the top of the walkway,
Roman looked into Yorinobu's penthouse and saw people still in there, so he got on his stomach, to hide from their sight.
"Attention, Code Red has been initiated throughout Konpeki Plaza. Please remain in your rooms and follow all the instructions of the staff."
Roman, very slowly, crawled towards the glass doors. So wheb he gets to the doors, Yorinobu, along with his personal will not be there.
When Roman reached the doors, he saw that they got in the elevator and lefted, so he stood up.
Roman saw V and Jackie, who is holding the box the relic is contained in, going towards the glass door, so he took out his phone and hacked the doors open.
"I found it! Go to the window! Now! It's already open! You're on your own after this, I gotta jack out of here before I get caught."
V and Jackie, hearing T-bug, ran over to the sidling glass doors, when they saw Roman standing there with his phone, and the door open.
"Missed me?"
"We don't have time to chat! Arasaka is swarming this place! We have to leave now!"
"V, relax for a moment, as you said Arasaka is swarming this place, what makes you think they don't got AV's that are searching for the culprit behind the murder of Saburo Arasaka?"
V and Jackie got halted in their places, thinking over what Roman just said.
"Ok, what do you suggest then, we can't be sitting here like some fucking ducks, waiting for Arasaka to search Yorinobu's penthouse. with us still in it."
"Watch a master at work."
Roman tapped three times on his phone screen, which caused the screen to go black, being replaced by a new interface with multiple different buttons, leading to different outcomes.
The interface have a green and black color scheme, with the buttons placed in their own section, with their own icons too.
Roman found a section with a portal icon and clicked it, this caused the phone to shutdown.
Roman put the phone on the ground in front of the confused pair, signaling them to step back, which they did. The phone started to reconstruct itself into a portal.
The portal was have a gray and white color scheme, a sign that said the destination you'll be going, some nobs to select and change the destination, and the portal color is a mix of goldish red, leaving the pair amazed
"Cabrón, how and when did you bulid this?"
"Ehhhh, I built this somewhere around 2050ish, when I was out in the badlands, you know,.
"How I did it? Well it'll take too long to explain this in this short of a timeframe, just know, I'm a fucking genius among(amog us)geniuses."
This further amazed them, how can you bulid a portal from a phone? With limited supplies in the badlands? But they didn't voice their questions at the moment as V and Jackie still have to get out of here.
The portal's sign was indicating that, V and Jackie would end up at one of Roman's apartments, Jackie, curious about something, spoke.
"Can you change the destination to Konpeki Plaza garage?"
"Course I can, I made it didn't I? Also hurry up, I heard another AV landing on the landing pad, I think it's Trauma Team."
Roman changed the destination to the Konpeki Plaza garage, and ushered V and Jackie in.
After V and Jackie got in, Roman pulled out a fingerprint scanner on the portal and put his hand on it, which caused the portal to reconstruct back into a phone.
"Looks just like the day I made this phone, but I can't start reminiscing now, as the showdown is happening right now."
Roman teleported to the Konpeki Plaza garage, just as Trauma Team came into the penthouse.
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