Chereads / His Crimson Obsession / Chapter 20 - Emptiness

Chapter 20 - Emptiness

As Eiravyne blinked her eyes open the next morning, she found herself in the same room as before, but something was different. 

The emptiness enveloped her like a suffocating shroud. Gone were the furnishings, the decorations—everything that had provided even a semblance of comfort. 

All that remained was the bed she had slept in, now solitary in its desolation.

Eiravyne's heart skipped a beat as she sat up, her surroundings casting an eerie silence over her.

 She rubbed her eyes, hoping to dispel the lingering sense of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach.

With a trembling hand, she reached out to touch the empty space where a bedside table had once stood. 

For a moment, her mind just brought some memories to the surface…

Just as she began to contemplate her next move, the door creaked open, breaking the silence like a crack of thunder. 

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue: