Chereads / His Crimson Obsession / Chapter 4 - His bite

Chapter 4 - His bite

"Ah, I feel like I've been in a long nightmare," Eiravyne quipped as her eyes fluttered open on the bed.

The passage of time, a mystery since she succumbed to the heinous acts of the Romani family.

" I can't even lift an arm...," she sarcastically quipped to herself.

She gazed at the ceiling for a while, mustering every ounce of strength to sit up on the bed.

The cruelty they displayed in extracting her blood was beyond comprehension.

Deep, jagged cuts criss crossed her arms and legs, creating a twisted mosaic of pain.

The exposed skin, marked by the merciless hand of Lorenzo Romani, revealed the true extent of the savagery.

The violence didn't spare her thighs. Every cut, every tear, spoke of a calculated malevolence that left no inch of her untouched.

Her neckline, Her shoulders, once a canvas for elegance, now bore the grotesque imprints of Lorenzo's sinister .

Lorenzo's family sat in complicit silence, their gazes fixed on the unfolding nightmare.

Even Alfonso, the younger son who left at the beginning, went back and added a surreal layer to the tableau, his presence emphasizing the disturbing normalcy with which they observed the harrowing spectacle.

Eiravyne, discarded onto her bed like refuse, mustered the strength to utter, "Who knew that I would be facing such …a heinous act."

The words, tinged with a bitter irony, hung in the air as she lay amidst the aftermath of unspeakable cruelty.

The creaking of the door heralded the entrance of a figure into Eiravyne's room.

At first, his features were shrouded in ambiguity, but as he stepped into the dimly lit space, his identity became unmistakable – Alfonso, the younger son of the Romani family.

Dark purple eyes, an uncanny familial trait, fixated on Eiravyne with an unsettling intensity.

The Romani family's peculiar genetics manifested in him, evident not only in his eyes but also in his short, dark hair.

At 22 years old, he carried himself with a formidable presence, his physique reflecting strength.

The attire he wore mirrored the distinctive fashion sense of his family.

Alfonso stood as a living embodiment of the Romani aesthetic.

The room seemed to tighten with an air of mystery as he gazed at Eiravyne, his expression revealing little, yet holding the promise of a significant encounter.

As she gazed at him at that moment, she couldn't help but voice the ominous question, "Is it your turn now? after all what your father did to me last night! "

He forcefully shoved her onto the bed, dominating her small form as he climbed on top. His intense gaze fixated on her, instilling fear within her.

Leaning closer, he uttered with a cold and contemptuous tone, "I want to puke on this ugly face... I can't stand looking at you....." The venomous words hung in the air.

Eiravyne fought against his oppressive presence, straining to meet his gaze.

His words just brought tons of memories of her parents telling her that no man is going to marry her because she looked ugly ...

' they were right !" she thought.

Despite her vulnerability, she defiantly retorted, "Then don't... Don't look at me if I am that disgusting to you."

In an abrupt and painful twist, he forcefully sank his teeth into the delicate skin of her neck, catching Eiravyne off guard.

A surge of pain coursed through her as she instinctively tried to push him away, but his unyielding grip kept her in place.

Time seemed to stretch as he lingered, his teeth piercing her flesh.

When he finally released her, the aftermath left her breathless, with her blood staining his teeth.

Wiping his mouth casually on his sleeve, he uttered with an unsettling nonchalance, "Fuck...You're not even that tasty."

He spat the blood to the side, his cold gaze lingering on her, filled with disdain.

With a tone dripping with disdain, he said, "Your feeble, feminine form is repulsive. I can't fathom how anyone could find even a hint of allure in such a pitiful vessel."

Alfonso's actions took an unexpected turn. His arm extended towards Eiravyne's neck, a soft, green glow emanated from his palm.

Eiravyne, trembling with a mixture of fear and disbelief, closed her eyes, bracing for the worst.

Yet, the anticipated strangulation didn't come. Instead, a sudden, soothing sensation enveloped her, catching her off guard.

As Alfonso's healing magic worked its mysterious course, a subtle transformation unfolded.

The pain that had seared through her body began to subside, replaced by a gentle touch of restoration.

The green glow cast a tranquil hue in the dimly lit room, creating an otherworldly ambiance.

With each passing moment, the healing magic mended the deep cuts on her arms.

The marks on her neck and shoulders, previously etched in torment, gradually stopped to be painful under the influence of Alfonso's unexpected benevolence.

Eiravyne, still closed off in her vulnerable state.

As the healing magic continued its work, the green glow persisted.

In a deliberate yet controlled motion, Alfonso shifted his position, smoothly moving from facing Eiravyne's upper body to focusing on her exposed legs.

His movements were calculated, Approaching her legs with a determined demeanor, Alfonso displayed a combination of strength and precision.

Alfonso, with a firm touch, lifted Eiravyne's leg onto his shoulder, exposing the deep cuts that marked her inner thighs.

Eiravyne, laid bare before him, felt a surge of panic coursing through her. She opened her eyes immediately.

"Stop! What on earth are you doing?! hey need to stop ..." Eiravyne's panicked hysteria echoed through the room as Alfonso's firm actions intensified.

Her desperate pleas filled the air, a chaotic symphony of fear and confusion. "No, no, no! Stop it, please! Just stop!".

The subtle yet firm grasp on her leg left her in a precarious position, and as Alfonso positioned her limb on his shoulder, he didn't hesitate to assert his control.

With a firm touch, he dragged her entire body closer to him pulling her leg even closer, intensifying the vulnerability of her position.

As he lifted her leg, the torn dress fell onto her stomach, adding an additional layer of exposure.

Her hands desperately attempted to cover the exposed parts of her body.

"This isn't right! Why are you doing this to me ?! Why are you acting this way with me ...wait..I-I .." She protested.

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