Demon Prince is Resurrected

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Yuto Akimitsu - The Protagonist

Age 17 Vol 1 / 19 Vol 3 / 21 Vol 4 and 5

Height: 5'11

Race: ???

Hair color: Raven black

Eye color: Crimson red

Favorite food: Burgers, Ramen, or any meat

Favorite drink: Coke

Preferred type: He has none but likes them goofy

Dislike: Anything having to do with slime, mind control spells

Birthday: December 2nd 

Blood type: O-

Usual Attire: Wears a black trench coat and a black suit with a red tie, along with classic black dress pants and classic glossy oxford shoes

He seems like a gentleman when people first meet him, but of course, that imagination is quickly ruined by his personality, which isn't bad, but he does show signs of his devilish nature at times.

Mizuki - Ego Sword

Race: Ego Weapon


Height: 5'6

Hair color: Silver Vol 1 / White as Snow Vol 2

Eye color: Crimson Red

Favorite Food: Pizza or Chicken

Favorite Drink: Beer

Preferred type: Yuto, she loves him for their time in the past but doesn't remember

Dislike: Demons; she has a deep-rooted hatred for them

Birthday: November 13th

Blood Type: O+

Usual Attire: A beautiful white kimono with white cherry blossoms for its design and black zori sandals, she has her hair in a feather cut, and as Yuto likes it when her hair is messy, she decided that this type of hairstyle was natural.

Mizuki is a kind figure, she is mature and knows when the conversation needs to be serious. She often gives words of encouragement to Yuto and is often the voice of reason.

Alice Elizabeth Marie- Yuto's childhood friend

Race: Human

Age: 18 Vol 2 / 20 Vol 4

Height: 5'6

Hair Color: Pink

Eye Color: Sea Blue

Favorite Food: Meat grilled

Favorite Drink: Strawberry Smoothie

Preferred Type: (Yuto)

Dislike: Fighting, Demons, Liars

Birthday: March 1st

Blood Type: AB-

Usual Attire: She likes to wear a black suit, despite the protest of the countless people who support her, she wears her black suit like a champ.

Alice has mixed feelings about Yuto and is unsure of how they can progress their relationship.

Cynthia Akimitsu - Younger Sister

Class: 6th Tier Mage

Race: Human

Age: 16 Vol 1 / 18 Vol 2 / 20 Vol 4

Height: 5'6

Hair Color: Brunette

Eye Color: Brown

Favorite Food: Ramen, when the kingdom started producing it, she was the first to receive a package of it, and she has loved it since then

Favorite Drink: Strawberry Lemonade

Preferred Type: Strong or Goofy

Dislike: Anything having to do with fighting and trying to end it with one shot.

Birthday: July 5th

Blood Type: A+

Usual Attire: Wool Pinafore Dress with black boots and white socks.

Cynthia had been a powerful individual when she awakened at the age of 14, being the youngest 6th-class mage in history, thanks to her father, all the annoying people at the mage tower left her alone. She's thankful to her family for treating her as a normal person and not like a machine. 

Cara Akimitsu - Mother

Class: Exorcist

Race: Human

Age: 40 Vol 1 / 42 Vol 3 / 44 Vol 4

Height: 5'6

Hair color: Brunette

Eye Color: Green

Favorite Food: Fish

Favorite Drink: Tea

Preferred Type: Strong, Goofy, reliable, and handsome

Dislike: Fighting, Her Younger Sister

Birthday: July 17th

Blood Type: A-

Usual Attire: Long back skirt with a white blouse

Cara is a private person and has only ever opened up to her husband, ever since the incident, she has closed the love chapter of her life and has decided to focus on her children and her adopted grandchild.

Ryōko Akimitsu - Father

Class: Sword Master

Race: Human

Age: 38

Height: 6'2

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Sea Blue

Favorite Food: Any type of meat

Favorite Drink: Beer

Preferred Type: His wife, that is all he will answer

Dislike: You do not need to know (He hates any bug-type monster), and his fear of spiders

Birthday: June 19th

Blood Type: A+

Usual Attire: A white shirt stretching with his muscle, a pair of brown pants, and some flip-flops.

Ryoko is a simple man. He loves his wife, his 'three' children, his younger brother, and the people of Reto.

Lily-Rose - Younger Sister to Cara

Class: 6th Tier Mage on the verge of breakthrough

Race Human

Age: 34 vol 1 / 36 vol 2

Height: 5'7

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: A soft Brown

Favorite Food: A nice cooked meat

Favorite Drink: Wine

Preferred Type: Strong and Handsome

Dislike: Her sister, bugs, demons, anything to do with slime

Birthday: July 1st

Blood Type: B-

Usual Attire: She is seen wearing a beautiful purple dress and black heels.

Lily is not as bad as she makes herself out to be.

Clovis Akimitsu - Sword Saint / Younger Brother Of Ryōko

Class: Sword Saint

Race: Human

Age: 35 vol 1 / 37 vol 2

Height: 6'3

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Silver

Favorite Food: Chicken

Favorite Drink: Beer

Preferred Type: None

Dislike: Demons, monsters, injustice

Birthday: May 15th

Blood Type: AB+

Usual Attire: A high-quality Aikido Kendo Uniform, his muscles are usually seen ripping his clothes.

Clovis is a man who now bears his title with pride; he has only ever lost to his brother, who he wishes to surpass before he turns 40.

Sayuri Astrid / Student of Ryoko

Class: Knight

Race: Human

Age: 18 vol 1 / 20 vol 2

Height: 5'7

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Red

Favorite Food: Mix between Meat and Vegetables in a soup

Favorite Drink: Water

Preferred Type: Someone Dependable

Dislike: Liars, those who harm innocents, injustice, and slime

Birthday: April 18th

Blood Type: AB-

Usual Attire: Knight armor but doesn't cover her face, when she's not wearing her armor, she decides to wear a training uniform instead.


Rosalind Akira / The First Princess of the Kingdom of Reto

Class: Magic Swordsman

Race: Human

Age: 19

Height: 5'6

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Violet

Favorite Food: Cake

Favorite Drink: Green Tea

Preferred Type: Someone Dependable

Dislike: Liars and slimes

Birthday: November 29

Blood Type: O-

Usual Attire: Beautiful dresses

Rosalind is someone who carries heavy wounds in her heart, despite these wounds, she found the strength to move forward with newfound determination.

Wanless Mei / Summoned Hero

Class: Hero

Race: Human

Age: 19

Height: 5'10

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Favorite Food: Goat Soup

Favorite Drink: Water

Preferred Type: Someone Dependable

Dislike: Those who harm innocents, injustice

Birthday: April 30th

Blood Type: A+

Usual Attire: Red Suit of armor with golden markings representing the kingdom of Reto. When he isn't fighting, he wears a simple t-shirt and brown shorts, along with flip-flops.

Wanless is the classic otaku who now has the opportunity to be the protagonist he always wanted to be.

Rose Ruby Yasuko / Maid of the Princess

Class: Archer

Race: Human

Age: 22

Height: 5'6

Hair Color: Green

Eye Color: Purple

Favorite Food: None

Favorite Drink: Water

Preferred Type: Someone Dependable

Dislike: The King and Queen

Birthday: July 5th

Blood Type: B+

Usual Attire: Maid Uniform

Ruby is loyal to Rosalind and has promised, if it ever came to it again, to sacrifice her life to preserve her master's life.

Rue Akira / The king of Reto

Class: ???

Race: Human

Age: 45 Vol 2

Height: 5'0

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Green

Favorite Food: Meat

Favorite Drink: Wine

Preferred Type: Kind or hot

Dislike: Anyone stronger or more handsome than him

Birthday: August 25

Blood Type: A+

Usual Attire: A royal mantle, along with the most elegant of clothes.

Nothing to note: he loves his children, bears hatred to every demon that exists, and has a secret that would shake the other kingdoms.

Alyssa Akira / The Queen of Reto

Class: 5th Tier Mage

Race: Human

Age: 37

Height: 5'11

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Orange

Favorite Food: None

Favorite Drink: Wine

Preferred Type: Someone Dependable

Dislike: The King

Birthday: Not available 

Blood Type: Not available

Usual Attire: Dresses

A heartless monster.

Claudia Akira / Younger Sister and Second Princess of Reto

Class: 4-tier Mage

Race: Human

Age: 17 Vol 2 / 18 Vol 3

Height: 5'4

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Crimson Red

Favorite Food: Strawberry Cake

Favorite Drink: Green Tea

Preferred Type: Knights, Hero, Gentle Men, Yuto when she first met him in the town of Driffield

Dislike: Rosalind

Birthday: February 22

Blood Type: B-

Usual Attire: She wears pink dresses and her favorite black boots.

Claudia, the 2nd princess, supports her sister in the path she believes in.

Firestone / Rosalind's blacksmith

Class: Blacksmith, Smelting senior, Craftsman

Race: Dwarf

Age: 140

Height: 2'11

Hair Color: Grey

Eye Color: Black

Favorite Food: Strawberries

Favorite Drink: Wine and Beer

Preferred Type: Mermaids

Dislike: The King

Birthday: June 29

Blood Type: A+

Usual Attire: Blacksmith outfit 

Scarlett Bathory / Yuto's adopted daughter

Class: Vampire Princess

Race: Elder Vampire

Age: 1,000 Vol 3 / 1,002 Vol 4

Height: 4'5

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Crimson Red

Favorite Food: Deer's

Favorite Drink: Blood packs

Preferred Type: Strong Men

Dislike: Anything having to do with holy magic

Birthday: December 22

Blood Type: O-

Usual Attire: She likes to wear many clothes, but her favorite and the clothes that they found her in is a black gothic Lolita dress with long sleeves.

Scarlett can be described as someone with too much energy, so much so that Yuto has to use his mana to boost his stamina stat to keep playing whatever games she comes up with. 

VOL 3 

Freya Sylverbane / Youngest Elf Princess

Class: Elven Hero

Race: Elf

Age: 19 Vol 3 / 21 Vol 4

Height: 5'6

Hair Color: Purple

Eye Color: Blue Purple

Favorite Food: Salad with a side of meat

Favorite Drink: Water

Preferred Type: Yuto

Dislike: Most Humans

Birthday: August 10th

Blood Type: B-

Senki Sylverbane / King of the elves

Class: 6th Tier Mage

Elven Hero

Race: Elf

Age: 1,000 Vol 3 / 1,002 Vol 4

Height: 6'0

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Green

Favorite Food: Salad

Favorite Drink: Green Tea

Preferred Type: His wife

Dislike: Yuto

Birthday: September 15th

Blood Type: B-

Julieta Sylverbane / Queen of the elves

Class: Warrior

Race: Elf

Age: 1,050 Vol 3 / 1,052 Vol 4

Height: 6'1

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Favorite Food: Deer meat

Favorite Drink: Beer

Preferred Type: Her Husband

Dislike: Demons, liars, those that try to harm her family, slimes

Birthday: March 8th

Blood Type: B+


Kana Seraphina - Dragon Princess

Age 25 Vol 4

Height: 6'0

Race: Dragon

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Red

Favorite food: Grilled Meat

Favorite drink: Beer

Preferred type: Someone stronger than her father

Dislike: Most Humans

Birthday: March 21

Blood type: A+

Usual Attire Human Form: She wears a red leather jacket, tight black pants, and a golden belt. She wears black leather boots that fit her fighting style.

Appearance Dragon Form: She is 17 ft tall with wings that spread over 19ft, she has black scales, piercing red eyes, and two blue horns.

Kana isn't a bad dragon; she just doesn't like people that she thinks are invading her kingdom.

Kaz le Seraphina - Dragon King

Age 3,000 Vol 4

Height: 7'0

Race: Dragon King

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Red

Favorite food: Grilled Pork

Favorite drink: Beer

Preferred type: His deceased wife

Dislike: Most Humans

Birthday: April 19th

Blood type: A-

Usual Attire Human Form: He wears a simple t-shirt and shorts, along with his fire design flip-flops

Appearance Dragon Form: 100 ft tall with wings that spread over 110 ft, he has black and red scales, along with five horns that resemble a crown. He has a giant scar covering his left eye.

Kaz is 50/50 when it comes to humans, although he fought alongside them in the old war, he does bear some hatred for the humans who took the life of his wife.


Catherine Whitlock - Priestess / Humanities Hope

Age 19 Vol 4

Height: 5'6

Race: Human

Hair color: Medium Gold Blonde Hair

Eye color: Sky Blue

Favorite food: Cake, strawberries

Favorite drink: Pink Lemonade 

Preferred type: Dependable Men

Dislike: Demons

Birthday: December 21st 

Blood type: A

Usual Attire: White Dress with the goddess's cress, along with pink robes.

A gentle soul who has yet to truly see the world as it is. She is part of a huge family of orphans and is considered to be in power with the hero in terms of healing magic.

Luna Aya Moon - Priestess / Death's Consort

Age 27 Vol 4

Height: 5'8

Race: Human

Hair color: Long Pink Hair

Eye color: Sea Blue

Favorite food: Cake, Meat, Toast

Favorite drink: Beer

Preferred type: Dependable Men

Dislike: Demons

Birthday: December 1st 

Blood type: A+

Usual Attire: White Dress with the goddess's cress, along with gold scarlet garments. Casual clothes are a dark purple dress and dark blue heels.

Her true goal is to aid the hero in stopping the war once and for all.

Emma Quinn - Receptionist 

Age 23 Vol 4

Height: 5'6

Race: Human

Hair color: Red Hair

Eye color: Orange

Favorite food: Chicken

Favorite drink: Beer

Preferred type: Dependable Men

Dislike: Any monster

Birthday: September 1st 

Blood type: A-

Usual Attire: Black Collared shirt with a red tie and black business pants. Her casual clothes are a pink shirt and a white skirt.

She once tried to become an adventurer but soon gave up when she realized she had no talent in magic or fighting; she now spends her days trying to find an adventure to fulfill her request.

Lilith Vi Leila

Age 5,000

Height: 5'6 Human form 6'7 Demon Form

Race: High Ranking Demon

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Red

Favorite food: Nothing

Favorite drink: Beer

Preferred type: Men with conviction 

Dislike: Humans, Holy magic, and the demon king

Birthday: … 

Blood type: Demon Blood

Usual Attire: A long sexy black dress with a fluffy white coat

Lilith knew Yuto in his past life as the first hero, she mentions that they never truly got along but have shared countless intimate moments.

Lola Le Everett Leo

Age: 21

Height: 5'5 Human form 6'6 Beast Form

Race: Beast Person

Hair color: Brown mixed with Gold

Eye color: Emerald eyes

Favorite food: Meat, any form.

Favorite drink: Beer

Preferred type: Dependable men

Dislike: Demons, the Demon King, and mages

Birthday: July 23

Blood type: -A

Usual Attire: Loose black pants, brown leather jacket, white t-shirt

The potential for greatness lies within.

Stubborn, yet often very kind to her people, can be stronger than her father when it comes to raw power.