Chapter 6 - Namaste - ni hao.

Anika looks at him, try to process about their condition. She composed her self and tries to think about how to communicate with him. She fold her hands together and said " Namaste" 🙏(Hello) anf then pointed on herself and said.." Naam.. Anika.. He seems to understand that her name was Anika.. He fold his hand and made light bow said "ni hao" Then pointed himself "qin mufeng." Seeing him nodding she said in hindi.. "Ok , mufeng.. You can call me ani.. ( nick name). He tries to memories her name as he said "Ani".. Listening to him to saying her name in a husky voice.. Made her little shy.. She tucked her hairs behind her ears to smooth the situation. Then she ask do you know hindi?? ( obviously in hindi) pointed her finger on book.. He said " Thodi thodi" ( little bit) .. He shows her three finger and said 3 mahina se sikha.. ( since three months) . Ankia understands that he might started learning hindi since 3 months.. Nd thinks atleast he is better than her who don't even konw C word Chinese.. She said " No chinese " He understand that she don't know how to speak Chinese . He gives her million dollars smile and " Don't worry I know hindi " And I will try to learn faster, since you are here ( in broken hindi) . Listen broken hindi from him made her laugh.. Seeing her laughing he mesmerized by her beauty.. Seeing him staring her so intensely.. She change the topic and ask about the place name and year and about himself ( she didn't even show mercy to him,.. That he might not understand her) ... Pitifully.. Trying so hard to understand her question asking about jagh ( place,) naam, and about himself.. He started to explain his condition. He said " This place name is ***** and can be treated like northern part as it was written in book " Swapan" .. He further describe state's condition where the population of females here are far less than men and each female have minimum 5 and maximum 20 partner... Women are treated with utmost respect and sacred treasure. Women here have pale skin and thin which treated as ugly here as they are not be able to breed productively.. Here fat women are treated as "best breeder" As they can give birth more.... Listening to him describing conditions of women Anika recall her weird dream.. And look back mufeng who was wearing traditional red outfit

She seems to understand that why was she transfer here.. It's her own wish.. And her utmost faith in destiny and her bhole baba ( hindu God shiva) .. She had prayed that she may able to live in a place like where fatness is treated like blessing and brown skin as beauty.. Not believe her good look.. She asked him... Is she sundar ?? ( beautiful).. Understanding the word beautiful.. He nodded his head vigorously.. And said bhaut sundar ( very beautiful). 

By gaining her compliment. She blushed very hard.., As it was first time someone has complimented as beautiful.. Otherwise she has only listen mocking voices of her relatives and colleagues.. She has born in an environment where body shaming is very natural, women are not treated equally.. Forget about treated as treasure. Although her family never biased towards her and her brother and treated all three in equal fairness.. Anika still has to face unintentional mocking.. For being overweight.. Which results in having low self esteem throughout the life. And now facing the situation like this.. It's like dream come.. Some said it's a small thing.. A small problem of obesity.. Many have big problems in their life.. You just overreacting.. But she only knows the painof getting mocked by her loved ones... She always tried to hid her pain in anger, laziness, and being stubborn.. This actions of her sometimes lead ugly fight between her mother and sister.... They think she just lazy and don't even try to lose weight.. It's not like she never tried.. But every time she hear some taunt and mocking.. She end ups in binge eating... She hardly finds her value and motive of being alive.. 

Thinking about past she got tears in her eyes and hold the book tightly in her arms and cried 

. She has tear of freedom, happiness .. Being free the life where she is not burden towards anyone.. Free from every mocking.. She whispers " Thank you bhole baba " Repeatedly.. She promise to live this life fully and enjoy whole heartedly.. Seeing her cried mufeng panic.. hold her in her arms.. Giving her gentle pat in her back.. Seeing this she cried more.. As it was first time someone had given her hug.. Yes since 8 year of age.. No one has hug her, console her like this.... She once again thank her destiny and God... While they are hugging each other.. Running sound comes from her stomach.. Both are stunned and look each other.. 

Hearing the sound anika forgot crying and shyly said. " Bhukh "( hungry) and rub her stomach.. 

Understanding her action and sound he knows that she is hungry.. 

He immediately dash outside the room without saying a word