Later, back at the dorm.
I immediately slumped down unto the bed, i was exhausted. I mean why would they give so many assignments as homework on the first day of school. I didn't fully understand it. I sighed loudly. Then i checked my time-table, it said that dinner was at 7:00 pm, it was now 6:55 but i didn't feel like eating. Fortunately meals were optional, so i skipped it. I was thinking about the new things i learnt from the classes today when suddenly John came in the dorm room.
"Where were you, i couldn't find you at dinner" he asked
"I skipped it."
"Didn't have an appetite"
"You know its not healthy to skip meals right?"
"…" i stayed silent and looked away
"Sigh, what do you think your parents will think if they know about this. You skipping meals."
My parents
People i didn't want to think about…ever again.
I looked away even more than just now.
John felt as if something was wrong, so he shut up immediately. He wasn't dumb enough to not know if he said something wrong, but the thing with him was that he wasn't the person to know what he said wrong.
Well it's expected from a person who lived without questioning anyone, he was a pope who was pampered after all.