Chereads / The Alpha king Obsession / Chapter 6 - MY MATE?

Chapter 6 - MY MATE?

My eyelids quivered from the bright light as I felt myself being drawn to another world that I was completely unaware of. Slowly, my eyes fluttered open, and at first, all I could see were hazy shapes and blurry colors which became defined with time.

My head pounded, so bad that I could feel a pulsating sensation, and my body felt heavy like it was weighed down by an anchor. I tried to move, but a sharp pain shot through my body and I decided to stay still.

In the haze, I struggled to make sense of where I was. My lazy eyes wandered around the white room and the thought of being in heaven filled my head as I caught sight of the huge beautiful crystal chandelier that hung in the middle of the room.

As I kept staring at the beautiful chandelier, memories from before I passed out clouded my head - the dungeon, the unpleasant sight of Damian at the courtyard and how he almost executed me. Then, the man with the legendary golden eyes that saved my life.

The reality of it all hit me like a tidal wave.

My heart pounded as I remembered Alexander's presence at the courtyard. As my thoughts wandered to the moment he released his aura when Damian challenged him, goosebumps pricked my skin. He was a terrifying Lycan, but he protected me from Damian, and I was alive because of him.

I was forever indebted to him.

My gratitude didn't stop me from wondering why he did that for a weak, low class, Omega, but I quickly brushed off the thought as another pressing question about how I got here flooded my head.

Frustration seeped in when I could not recall how I got to this place, and I scrowled.

'By car obviously' countered a small voice - Lymah's voice - in my mind.

Her dry humor brought a weak smile to my lips and I instantly forgot about the frustration that almost drove me insane. "I missed your voice," I whispered mentally, feeling a little relieved.

"I'm here," she replied softly, "and so are you. We've survived worse."

The thought that I was still alive brought a certain warmth inside me. To think that I was prepared to die in front of Damian and all his pack members, now sounded like a dark humor.

I took a deep breath, wincing as pain radiated throughout my body. With great effort, placing both my bruised wrists that were now covered with bandage by my side, I struggled to sit up, propping myself against the headboard.

"One step at a time," Lymah reminded me.

As I settled against the pillows, the door to the room creaked open, and my heart skipped a beat.

Slowly, a figure walked in.

I unconsciously drew in a sharp breath as I felt my world stop, and crumble into pieces, following with Lymah whispering to me the words I never thought she would ever say.

"Mate! Mate! Mate!"

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