"I'm really sorry. I just wanted to check." He said this as he tried to get off the younger guy. But...
"Shhh." Doyun shushes him up and places his thumb on Byeong Ho's lips as he firmly holds the older guy in place by the waist.
"Shhh. Stop wiggling." Doyun said it again when Byeong Ho tried to get away from him. He tightens his hold on the bigger guy's waist.
The older guy was still trying to get off him by straddling him, but Doyun removed his hand off the mat, which caused him to lose his balance.
The action made Byeong Ho's head land straight on the younger guy's chest. Doyun uses his free hand to gently press the older guy's head to his chest.
"Let's stay like this." He said as he gently combs his fingers through the older guy's hair.
Doyun's other hand released his hold on the guy's waist to hold him across his back, as Byeong Ho was taller, so Doyun could not reach for his waist in their current position.
"But I'm heavier; let me..." Byeong mumbled in protest, but Doyun didn't pay heed.
"Shhh. No talking." He said as he gently massages Byeong Ho's scalp, who has also started to enjoy it.
"You're hot!" Byeong Ho said, but he didn't bother to raise his head off the younger guy's chest like he had done earlier.
"Mhm." Doyun responded.
A thought occurred to Byeong, so he asked with concern in his voice. "Did you happen to have drunk the drug on your nightstand? Is that why?"
Doyun smiled. "Why? Because I'm hard? Is that also why you keep trying to get off me?"
Byeong Ho was actually surprised by his question. He would've tried to clear up the misunderstanding, but Doyun's question gave me new information that he himself hadn't realised until the younger guy asked him.
He already felt something poking him in the abdomen, but he's been so concerned with him hurting the younger guy by staying on top of him that he's even forgotten about that.
Now that he knew what that was, Byeong Ho, summoning his strength, forcefully got off the boy and sat on the bed.
Doyun, who had his eyes closed all throughout their interactions, finally opens his eyes.
It took a moment for his eyes to get adjusted to the light before he turned to look at the visitor now sitting on his bed.
The floor space was too small for the two to lie side by side. So Doyun also got up from there and sat beside his visitor.
He turned to the older guy, who seemed to be overthinking things. "Are you uncomfortable?"
"Are you uncomfortable sleeping here?"
Byeong Ho shook his head in denial. "Not really. I just can't sleep outside my own place."
"You said that earlier, which was why I thought perhaps it might help if I cuddled you. Did you not like that?"
Byeong Ho shook his head in the negative.
"Then was it because you thought I'd jump on you because I'm hot and hard?"
Byeong Ho didn't say anything about that. He doesn't know what this boy is expecting him to say as an answer.
I mean, isn't it quite obvious that anyone in his shoes would be uncomfortable being treated that way?
"Don't worry. I've not taken any drugs, as you may think."
Byeong Ho was both surprised and worried to hear that. "Are you sick then? Is that why you were groaning in pain?"
Now that he thinks about it, the boy has stopped groaning for a while now.
"No. I'm not sick. Despite what my body shows, this is quite normal for me."
Byeong Ho quickly turned to look at the boy beside him with astonishment and questions written on his face.
Doyun smiled at his reaction in understanding. "I usually do experience some slight migraines whenever I do not eat for a long time.
Today was a bit chaotic for me, so I forgot to eat since morning, and that's why I feel feverish. It will die down once I take in food.
Right now, I just need to wait until morning. Don't worry about it. It's alright." He explained.
"Hmmm." Byeong Ho nodded in understanding. 'So that's also why he is hard?' He mused to himself.
Doyun was quite grateful that the guy had not asked him any further questions. How could he have answered him about why he is hard? When he himself is not so sure as to why.
He noticed that his body started to act weird when the guy fell on top of him.
First, his migraine subsided, and the guy's shampoo scent seemed to soothe him.
Second, he started to feel tinglish, especially whenever the guy moved. This was why he had stopped him from moving earlier on.
He has asked that they stay in that position because of how his body seemed to be relaxing upon coming into contact with the guy.
But he soon realised that his little soft wood had started to harden up. Because they were both guys, he thought his visitor would not think much of it.
But Byeong Ho's question made him wonder if he, Doyun, was going to take advantage of him.
If it's already morning, Doyun wouldn't bother with him and would just order online for some food to sort himself out.
But it's the middle of the night, and his symptoms have started to return as soon as the guy got off him; hence, he has joined him on the bed.
It was a lot easier when only he was lying on the floor. But it is now too torturous to go back and suffer in pain after the sweet relief he has just experienced.
He doesn't want that to end. At least not now. Maybe until the morning will do?
"Pardon?" Doyun asks his visitor. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear when the other guy asked him a question.
"I said, What can you do in the meantime to make it subside? A cold shower perhaps?"