Chereads / Avery's Game Of Revenge / Chapter 11 - Mutual Feelings.

Chapter 11 - Mutual Feelings.

Avery didn't succeed in stopping Emma until they were standing before the car she drove from the hospital a little over an hour ago. She inhaled short rasps of breath, trying to catch her breath from the long sprint around the mansion which according to Emma, was the only way to exit the huge building without alerting everyone else.

"You alright?" Emma gasped.

She nodded, even though she was far from alright.

"So what's that idea you think will help me avoid the police and bring you out of here at the same time?"

"Before that," Emma tilted her chin in the direction of the car, "You drove that car yourself and there was no problem with it, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Because we can't predict their actions. Arthur was in a car accident too," Emma replied. Casting furtive glances around to make sure no one was watching them, she continued, "You are broke now, aren't you?"

Avery cast her head down, a pang of disappointment rising in her chest.

"Yeah, I paid the bills for the wedding and for someone else at the hospital. I thought it was Brian." Even the slight reminder of how she had stupidly sat down in the hospital hallway, waiting for her husband-to-be like a pathetic fool in love angered her beyond imagination.

"It's not your fault, Vee. They wanted you really broke so escaping would be impossible," Emma's soft voice appeased her anger, reminding her there was a more pressing matter to take care of.

Before she could say anything more to blame herself, she felt Emma pressing a flat object into her palm.

"Thank goodness I kept that. You can use this in case there are any emergencies."

Avery looked down to see it was a debit card, her eyes widening in surprise.

She asked, "If I take this and take the phone too, aren't I ridding you of any chances of survival after escape?"

As if finding Avery's question the most absurd she had ever heard, Emma rolled her eyes and snapped,

"That's why you have to come back to save me, Avery."

"If someone has to stay, why can't I stay while you escape? I do not deserve this," Avery disagreed. Casting her gaze down at their linked hands, she tried to press the card back into Emma's palm, thereby gripping her wrist tightly when the latter flinched. Frowning at that reaction, Avery pulled the sleeves of the bathrobe up to see purplish welt marks lining Emma's skin.

Before she could ask what was going on, Emma took the words right out of her mouth.

"Don't ask me, Avery, or I won't even be able to live with myself. I—I can't trust myself to stay sane for even a minute longer so you have to leave now," she said. Tiptoeing to give Avery a quick peck on her forehead, she added in a teary voice, "I left a message on the phone for you to listen to when you find a safe place to hide. Don't you dare go against the instructions I left in there, Baby."

Avery nodded, feeling tears well up in her eyes for the umpteenth time that day. This time, she didn't bother holding her tears back and let them roll down her cheeks.

"I don't want to leave, Emma…" she sobbed, even though she knew her words were foolish. She had to. If not for herself, at least for Emma, Arthur, and her grandfather. She needed to bring Emma out of this place and for the other two, she must help them rest in peace.

Squeezing her hands in a futile attempt to comfort her, Emma replied, "I don't want to let you go either, Vee. But you have to, and within limited time." She paused for a short while, peering straight into Avery's eyes when she continued, "That brings me to the idea I mentioned earlier. You have to meet Arch."

"Who's that?"

"Archibald," Emma replied. "Archibald Donovan."

Avery's face contorted with a frown, her eyes narrowing in displeasure.

"Archie?! Why would I meet him? You know I hate him," she stated.

"Yes, I do. But do you hate him more than those who took our lives away from us?" Knowing the answer to her question even before Avery replied, Emma continued, "If you don't, then you have to push whatever hatred you have for him to the back of your mind and go meet him. He will protect you."

"Why would he? Emma, he might be Arthur's best friend but you and I both know he's at the top of the pyramid and not on our level. There's no way he will help us," Avery reasoned, "Especially now that Arthur is no more and yours and my reputation has been soiled in public, owing to my stupid mistakes. In fact, I think you have a better chance of getting him to help us. Remember he hates me too."

Emma sighed in exasperation, "Of course, Dumbass. The feeling is mutual concerning you two but we don't—"

"What the hell gave you two the audacity to get out of the building?! Thinking you can escape?!" A familiar voice shrieked from behind them, sending shivers down Avery's spine, the fear in her eyes mirrored in Emma's hazel depths.

"It's Aunt Kathy!" the two chorused and while Avery's eyes grew fierce with rage, Emma's eyes dimmed with fear and defeat.

She pulled the door open and pushed Avery into the car, "Leave here, Vee! Go to Arch if you really want to get me out of here."

Slamming the door shut, she turned swiftly on her heels to meet the approaching furious woman halfway, hindering her from walking any further.

In the car, Avery turned the key in the ignition and glanced out the window, yelling out one last time, "Why can't you just come with me, Emma?!"

"I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I do," was the reply. "Get out of here, Avery. I will be waiting for you."

"You won't have to wait for long, I promise," Avery muttered beneath her breath, slamming down on the acceleration as the car lurched forward.

It was also at that moment that she noticed something was wrong, terribly wrong.