Chereads / Avery's Game Of Revenge / Chapter 26 - Sexy Distraction.

Chapter 26 - Sexy Distraction.

"Are you human?" she questioned.

If her question shocked him, he didn't show it.

"No, I am a vampire. Didn't know you loved books of that genre," he pointed out, his expression as serious as it could be.

Avery sucked in a deep breath, pretending she was refilling on her patience.

"I am not joking here, Archie. Are you human? If you are, don't you get hungry or eat?"

"I eat," Archie deadpanned. And seeing Avery's glare refuse to leave his face, he added, "I eat once in a while. What's the problem?"

"Once in a while is how frequent?"

"As frequently as I remember. Are you hungry?" he asked. He didn't have to hear her answer before knowing what it was, so he continued, "You are strange, you know?"

"Because I am hungry? Who looks like the strange one here?" Avery fired.

He laughed, staring at her like one would stare at a funny pet.

"Tell me what, Ava. Do you want me getting into that kitchen to cook for you?"

Choking on her words, Avery was quick to refuse, "N–no! But you could have..." she trailed off, finding herself short of words under his scrutinizing gaze.

"Let me get this straight, Ava. You seem to have this whole arrangement mixed up," he stated in a firm tone, "I am Archibald Donovan, your husband in public and one that's totally smitten by you at that. But in here, between the two of us, you know what our roles are?"

"We are to gain from each other so business partners?" Avery guessed, subconsciously cowering at his icy tone.

"Completely inaccurate," he frowned. "I own you, Mama. Your body, soul and entire self are all mine!" he declared. "Now what does that make you?"

"A slave. Makes me unworthy of talking back to you," Avery replied, completely clueless on how she understood the message he was trying to pass across. "I uhm...I will go to the kitchen and get myself something."

"I'm guessing Nancy set something up for you. You don't have to cook," he informed, and without so much as second glance, walked away from her to sit on the long sofa.

Avery was speechless, staring at his retreating back as he left. She had thought the speech was a warning for her not to talk back at him or give unreasonable requests such as 'she was hungry' but now... Why say those words and remind her she was 'his' instead of directly telling her the housekeeper had meals kept aside for her? Why make her disloyal heart beat so fast at his declaration, her dirty mind conjure all kind of filthy thoughts, and her brain...oh God! She could not be sexualizing Archie, not when she had a massive goal to achieve before her.

If he wanted her...maybe she would readily give in. But on her own? No! She had no right. She was not enjoying life while the ones who murdered her family were still alive.

But she was eating. Emma mentioned it in the audio message.

'Eat well, Vee. I will be happy when I see you do that,' she had said.


Archibald left earlier, his excuse being that he had something to take care of before Avery could arrive. She had no objections with that, not when she was still trying to guide her thoughts in the right path.

However, as she alighted from the car in front of the Smith's marnor, and spotted Archie waiting for her up ahead, she knew she had wasted her time trying to cleanse her thoughts. Just one sight of him brought those dirty thoughts back and sent blood rushing up her cheeks. It wasn't her fault, but his! What kind of man dressed like that for a charity ball?!

She could tell from where she stood that he had his glasses on. With fashionable golden rims, she noticed it was different from the one he wore at home. The black shirt he was wearing had its top 3 buttons unhooked, revealing an unholy part of his chest...


Startled from his sudden call, she brought her eyes back to his face immediately, noticing how his dark hair was slicked and styled, revealing a hint of messy texture.

She took a step forward and lowered her gaze, so as not to allow the sexy distraction send her wobbling to the ground on her stilettos. She was Ava Donovan, Archibald Donovan's wife, and she must do nothing to disgrace him.

She looked up only when his polished shoes were right before her, slipping her hand into the hand he was offering.

"I'm sorry we were late." Her words came out muffled and even she was barely able to hear herself.

"30 minutes late yet you didn't deem it fit to look in the mirror before leaving?"

Avery jerked her head up, meeting his gaze with questions in her own eyes. Had she dressed below his standards? Was she overdressed? Was her make-up below standard or overly applied?

Ignoring the questions in her eyes, he led her with him through the large front doors of the manor. As they stepped into the grand hall, the collective gaze of the party's attendees shifted to them. The soft rustle of silk and the clinking of crystal glasses paused, making it seem like the room was holding its breath.

Avery's grip on her clutch bag tightened as she took a step back to hide behind Archie, unable to stop her heart from skipping beats.

"Isn't that Ava Donovan? She's back?" someone whispered amidst the crowd, sending a wave of murmurs and whispers around the hall.

With all attention on her now, Avery could not clutch the bag any tighter than she already had. The only option left for her was to tighten her grip on Archie's hand that she was holding with her other hand.

And she did exactly that, causing him to direct his gaze at her, an i-told-you-so look vividly expressed in his sparkling blue eyes.

"Need to get out of here?" he leaned over to whisper in her ears, causing shivers to run down her spine.

"No, I am... alright with holding your hand tight like this," she whispered back, her brown eyes straying to his exposed chest. It was a lie. Maybe...just maybe, if she sank her teeth into that inviting part of his chest, would this anxiety leave her?

Archie continued to lead her forward, not bothering to stop and chat with anyone.

"You are digging your nails into my palm already. If you still do not want to give up, then continue. Do anything that will make you feel better."

As if that was the go ahead signal Avery had been waiting for, she spun herself around to stand before Archie. Staring briefly into his eyes long enough for him to see the apologies in them, she dipped in and sank her teeth into his chest.

"Fuck!" he cursed above her head.

At the same time, a somehow familiar voice reached into their ears at the same time.

"Avery McCallum?" the voice called.

Avery froze, her lips still latched on Archie's chest. That was Brian's!

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