"Jin, what happened? Did you have a night terror?"
Seong, who was also startled by Jin-woo suddenly waking up, asked with worry from the side.
After calming down, Jin-woo sighed and said.
"Not exactly, but the dream was still strange."
"Okay, you can tell me about it later, but first, go and get something to eat. You've been sleeping for a long time it's already noon."
Just as Seong said that a beeping sound echoed out.
Jin-woo glanced down at his G-Shock watch and turned off the alarm. He then grabbed his glasses and put them on before he went to get up, but internally, he was slightly surprised that he had been sleeping for so long. It felt like it had only been a few minutes. But with that said, he felt extremely refreshed. Even the slight aching in his shoulder was gone and he could move it more freely now.
"Good morning, Jin-woo."
After Jin-woo got up, a girl greeted him with a bow as she walked by.
"Good morning."