The next day was absolute chaos. Moira, Tiffany and Aoife were running around ordering the other maids around. Ragnelle, who Artie was convinced hadn't left the castle since she had first had to greet the Lords, was also there. She also looked as if she hadn't slept since then, deep circles under her eyes and she ordered others around, making sure that her creation was just right.
Merlin was here to cause even more chaos, and Artie was getting grilled by him, at her request, so that she had something to focus on while the women around them were making sure she was the prettiest, sternest King to ever exist. Moira looked ready to burst, and sweat was constantly dripping down her face. She had no idea why, but she didn't ask questions.
The crowning was to happen before noon, and Lancelot, with Percy's help, were making sure that the last of the lords who trickled in now had a place to rest before the ceremony.