Sir Geraint stood nervously just inside the door, Moira having left after making sure Artie was actually okay with him being here. She had been extra suspicious because of how she had interacted with Kay, and Artie couldn't blame her.
Hell, she wasn't even sure why he was here.
"Sir Geraint? Is everything okay?" Artie asked. She was sitting on the couch, while he was standing near the door. He jerked, swallowing before he glanced around and noticed that they were alone. Nervously, like a robot, he walked towards the couch before he came to a stop before her. His eyes were going everywhere, and Artie wondered what was going through his head. "You can sit down beside me if you want." Artie offered and he nodded briskly, before he took off his sword, placed it on the table in front of them, and then sat down hard enough that Artie bounced. He reached out, grabbing her shoulder to stabilize her so she didn't fall.