Chereads / Sword in Stone / Chapter 1 - My lover is your lover

Sword in Stone

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Chapter 1 - My lover is your lover

It was supposed to be an awful day already. She had been coming off of a 12 hour shift where she'd been doing a stake out at an ex's house. Only to come off shift, go to the station, and be met with an interrogation by her team. 

They were worried about her. 

The other team who had been observing a different location found that her partner, the partner she'd had for damn near 4 years now, was involved with the ex. Intimately involved with the ex. 

If they hadn't slid the pictures across the table to her, she wouldn't have believed them either. They knew how much this information was going to hurt her, yet they still made sure she had it. They knew, better than most, that Artie'd had choice taken away from her too much already. 

So Artie's head swam as she processed the news. She'd known that the two of them had been close in high school, but she never really knew how close. It didn't help that the guy that was involved in all of this? 

The reason they were doing stake outs and observing him was because there were rumours he was running a dangerous cult. And it was appearing as if the rumours were true. 

Hurt, confused, but needing answers, Artie had rushed towards her soon to be ex-lovers house. She had no idea that most of her team had followed behind her, worried. 

They, just like her, knew how dangerous this cult was becoming. If the rumours were true, they had killed people before, and her team wouldn't put it past them to kill again. 

Artie had gone to the apartment, hoping beyond hope that her lover was there. They hadn't made any plans to meet up, and both had their own lives. If this was true, they both had very different lives. 

Opening the apartment door with her own key, Artie found the place empty. The bright space somehow felt darker without her lover inside. 

They'd painted it a bright, welcoming yellow shade at her lover's request. Artie had hated it, but had given in easily to the woman who she called her own. And as time had gone on, the shade had grown on her. 

Along with the yellow shade, she'd helped her open up the space, making it into an open concept apartment. The space that spoke to Artie the most was the bedroom. They had painted it a deep, dark blue, before her lover had let her creative side run free and painted constellations and stars all over the walls and ceiling. 

Whenever Artie had stayed over, she'd spend a few extra minutes awake just to stare at the work she had done. It was beautiful, stunning, and reminded her of better times. 

But with the new information Artie had in a file folder of her lover's infidelity, Artie couldn't find it in herself to muster up that same awe inspired affection. 

She should have known she wasn't going to be home. She'd trusted her for so long, that she had believed her when she'd shot her a text asking where she was, and she had responded with a simple "resting at home :)". 

Artie could feel her heart breaking as she looked over the apartment, the space that they had built together over the last 4 years. The space that had held all of her insecurities, all of her doubts. That had comforted her through the death of both sets of her parents, adoptive and otherwise. 

A space that had felt like a new home, but now she wondered if it was ever meant for her. 

Putting the photos down on the small kitchen table, she ran her hands over her face, letting the pain overwhelm her for a few seconds, before steeling herself. She picked up her cell phone and called the number she knew by heart. 

She had always thought that they were going to pick up no matter what, but now…she wasn't so sure. 

"Ginnie, I'm at the apartment. Where are you?" She asked. Before, she never would have dreamed to read more into the sounds she heard in the background, but she heard a male voice and her stomach dropped. 

"Is it her?" They whispered before Ginnie spoke up. 

"Oh, Artie! I just stepped out for a moment to grab a coffee. Did you want me to grab you one?" The soft, kind voice of her lover made Artie's eyes water. She exhaled slowly, and quietly. 

"No, that's alright. As long as you get here safely. Do you want me to pick you up?" She offered, as calmly as possible and heard Ginnie laugh. 

"No, that's alright. I should be there in about 15. Can you wait for me?" She asked sweetly, and Artie sighed. She'd waited this long, another 15 minutes couldn't hurt her. 

"Alright. I'll see you in 15 then." She confirmed, and Ginnie chuckled. 

"Love you." She said into the phone, and Artie closed her eyes, her chest aching. 

"Love you too." She muttered softly, the sound of the call cutting off filling her ears. 

She pulled out one of the wooden chairs at the kitchen table and sat down. Artie hadn't even bothered to turn on the lights. The file folder holding all of the photos laying on the kitchen table like a brand. 

Artie sat, leaning against the table, staring out at the window as the sky slowly darkened and rain began to fall. At least the outside world was beginning to match her own internal feelings. 

She'd gotten off work around noon, so now it was around 2 pm in the afternoon. It would probably be 2:30 pm by the time she got here. Artie knew her lover, or at least, she knew some of her habits. 

A text came through. 

Have you spoken to her? What did she say?

It was her partner, and good friend from work. She'd helped him find his wife, and had been his best man at his wedding. A wedding she had attended with Ginnie. 

She ran her hand over her face, pushing her long, red hair out of her vision. 

She's not here. I can only assume the worst since she lied about being at the apartment. She'll probably be here in half an hour. Then I will get some answers to the photos.

There wasn't a response for a minute, but staring at the screen she could tell he was typing up a storm. 

We have your back no matter what. Chin up, Soon-to-be Chief. You'll get through this. 

Artie smiled down at the screen, before tucking the phone away into her pocket. She watched the time tick by with the help of a large, old fashioned clock in the kitchen above the sink. 

It was in the shape of a cat, and the eyes darted from side to side with the movement of the second hand. The tail beneath the clock moved at the same time. Artie watched as time kept moving forward until the rattling of keys could be heard near the door, along with the humming of her lover. 

All of it felt very familiar, but Artie hardened herself. She could not allow herself to fall into old patterns again. Ginnie knew all of her weaknesses, since Artie had been so open to her. But it was clear to Artie, she knew none of Ginnie's. 

"Artie! What are you doing sitting in the dark?" They were the first words to leave Ginnie's mouth as she stepped into the apartment, and Artie drank her in. 

Ginnie had always been attractive to Artie, and today was no different. She wore a soft, flowy white skirt, with ballet flats on her feet. On top she wore a pastel coloured lavender top, with beads sewn into the neckline. 

It was a top Artie had gotten her, and she'd never told Ginnie that she'd had to hand sew those beads since the top hadn't come with it. She had hoped that Ginnie would have noticed, but she never did. 

Her brown hair was soft, and fell around her shoulders in a wave. Her straight across bangs were well maintained, and her hazel eyes held nothing but concern for the woman who sat alone in the darkened room. 

At least, that is what Artie would have believed if she had entered with a coffee. She didn't. In fact, she held nothing in her hands besides her small purse, and Artie felt her stomach drop. 

"Where is your coffee, Ginnie?" Artie asked, already exhausted. Ginnie furrowed her brows, but Artie wasn't observing her as her lover anymore. Oh no, she was observing her as a criminal. She was able to pick up on the slight hesitation, and the look of worry in her eyes before she smiled. 

"Oh, I finished it on the way back. You aren't upset I didn't get you one, are you?" She asked, kicking off her shoes. She came and sat across from Artie, a smile on her face. 

Artie noticed how she glanced at the file folder, but didn't make a comment on it. It was just like her, and Artie wondered if she had ever truly trusted Ginnie? This was the first time Artie had left files around her. She had never done it before. 

Mainly because that was a huge breach of protocol and she could have gotten fired if the wrong file got out, but maybe…maybe Artie had always known something was wrong with Ginnie. 

"I'm not upset you didn't get me a coffee, Ginnie. I'm upset that you're lying to me." Ginnie's eyes went wide in shock. 

"I'm lying to you Artie? What makes you think that?" She made her tone sound so sweet and innocent, and Artie just wanted to believe her. Believe that this was all just a fucking nightmare. 

Instead of answering her, Artie slid the file folder across the table. Ginnie chuckled. "What could be in here? You never share your work with me." Artie could have sworn she heard a note of dissatisfaction from her, and Artie's heart squeezed. 

"Just look inside the folder, Ginnie." Ginnie, hesitant because of Artie's tone, flipped the folder open. At first, she wasn't sure what she was seeing, but as soon as recognition crossed her face, she closed it. 

Panic infused her features, and it felt like a death blow to Artie. She sighed. "Go on, try to explain your way out of this." She muttered, and Ginnie's jaw dropped. 

"This is all a lie! These must have been doctored! You know I would never cheat on you!" Her eyes began to water, and it took everything in Artie to not roll her eyes. She'd always cried whenever something didn't go her way. 

"Ginnie, these aren't doctored. Check the timestamps." Artie closed her eyes as she heard the other woman desperately claw the folder open again. The gasp from her lips filled the air. 

"Artie! These are lies! I would never do this!" Artie shook her head, before opening her eyes to stare at the woman she loved. 

"You'd never met him, huh? Knew nothing about him when I asked you about him six months ago? If you remembered him from high school?" Ginnie went white as Artie continued to speak. 

"I-I guess I didn't know him then, but it's not what it looks like! I would never hurt you that way!" She protested, her hand slamming on the table and spreading the photos all over it. Both of their eyes were drawn towards the motion, and Artie had to look away quickly. 

It hurt to see Ginnie kissing and being kissed by that awful man. Artie was still pissed she'd dated him even as a teen. 

"How are you going to tell me that this isn't you when you are literally wearing the exact same outfit in the photos, Ginnie? Are you an idiot? Do you think I'm an idiot?" Ginnie closed her mouth, and her eyes continued to water. She glanced down at the table, sniffing. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so sorry Artie." Artie's heart shredded. She had honestly hoped that Ginnie would put up more of a fight, but to hear her fold this quickly…. Artie sighed, running her hand over her face. "But you left me all alone, all the time. No one to talk to, no one to hang out with. I met him at a coffee shop and we just…clicked. I'm sorry. I never meant for it to happen." Artie couldn't help the harsh sounding laugh that left her. 

"Are you trying to blame me for your infidelity? Or, Ginnie, was I the side piece?" When Artie met Ginnie's gaze, her face had gone blank. Artie chuckled darkly. "Did you think you would never get caught? Did you think I would never find out? How long has it been going on, Ginnie?" Artie asked, and Ginnie's face closed off. Her tears stopped, and she wiped her face with the back of her hand. 

"I was hoping you'd never find out." She admitted, and Artie was pleased that she was at least being honest with her now, even as if it felt like a knife was twisting in her gut. 

"That doesn't answer my question. How long?" Artie insisted and Ginnie gave her a look. 

"I don't know if you actually want to know that." Ginnie responded, and Artie sucked in. It must have been a long time. Artie got to her feet, unable to remain seated any longer. She began pacing the kitchen floor. 

"So was it the whole time we were together? Or even longer, Ginnie? Did I even matter to you?" Artie asked. She was sure that if Ginnie even gave her a crumb right now, a part of her would forgive her. Ginnie frowned at Artie. 

"You're being so melodramatic Artie. Of course I cared about you. I wouldn't sleep with someone I didn't care about. You have always been very important to me. To me, and to Peter." Artie stuttered in her steps. 

That was not what she wanted to hear. 

She turned, watching as Ginnie got to her feet as well. 

"Peter and I have always had a plan in place, and you were always going to be a part of it. As soon as we found out you were going to be a police officer, we knew we needed to get you on our side. It was unfortunate that you and Peter broke up, but it benefited us when you showed an interest in me later. We had grand plans, all great prophets do," she cut off with a giggle, "and you are a key part to it. But, plans take a while to lay the groundwork, we just didn't think it would take four years." Ginnie got close enough to Artie to place her hands on Artie's arms.

 Artie was frozen in place as she continued to speak.

"Actually, I had plans to tell you all about it at our date later this week." Ginnie smiled, like everything she hadn't just said was insane. Artie could feel the blood draining from her face. 

"Ginnie, I'm not joining you in your cult." She frowned. 

"It's not a cult, Artie. It's a community of like minded people and we are hell bent on saving others. Like you. I love you Artie, and I don't want to see you fall into ruin like all the other filthy humans." Artie was shocked to witness Ginnie's transformation. All this time Ginnie had been hiding this part of herself. 

This…this crazy. 

Artie was disgusted. Disgusted with herself, and disgusted with Ginnie. 

"I am not joining your cult." She enforced, before shaking off Ginnie's touch and moving towards the bedroom. She grabbed one of her bags from the bedroom and began gathering her things. 

"Wait, what are you doing? Artie, you can't just leave! We need to talk this out." Ginnie protested, and Artie gave her a confused and hurt look before turning back to packing. 

"Ginnie, you just told me you've been in a relationship this whole time with a man who thinks he's a prophet. That you two had plans to use me in some capacity. I am not staying." Ginnie became frantic. She took everything out of the bag as soon as Artie put it in. 

"No! We need you! I need you!" Ginnie cried, and Artie refused to let the woman get a hold on her. 

"Ginnie, did you even question how I got that information? The police have been looking into the cult. That's how I found out. Whatever little thing you have going on with Peter isn't going to last long. No one is going to let it go. Especially with missing people involved." Ginnie began sobbing, clinging to Artie's leg as she continued to pack. 

"No! The police can't know! It's too early! Peter said when they found out everything it would be okay! I'd still be able to have you!" Artie was stunned at her behaviour. Have her? Artie wasn't an object. 

"Ginnie, I don't belong to you. I never have, and I especially don't now. Let me go. I'm leaving." Ginnie seemed shocked by the harshness in Artie's tone. 

She let go of Artie and wandered out into the main apartment. Artie kept packing, the hot, awful feeling of tears trying to fall distracting her enough to forget her surroundings. After all, this was usually a safe place for her. 

"Artie." Artie, without thinking, turned at the sweet way Ginnie called her name. "If I can't have you, no one can." The sharp pain as metal met flesh shocked her, and her eyes widened. 

She glanced from the serene look on Ginnie's face, backlit by the anger and hatred in her eyes, to the kitchen knife in her gut. 

She stumbled back, away from Ginnie, but all it did was cause her to stumble over the edge of the bed. She came crashing to the floor, the fake starscape above her mocking her as she felt her own blood pool around her. 

She knew she needed to get up, grab her phone, anything, but Artie instead closed her eyes. If this was the way she was going to go, she would accept it. She'd had enough pain to last her a lifetime. Maybe in the next life the people around her wouldn't betray her.