Chereads / Supreme Bloodline Genes In The Apocalypse / Chapter 1 - What to buy for apocalypse

Supreme Bloodline Genes In The Apocalypse

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Chapter 1 - What to buy for apocalypse

Lucas didn't know what to believe about the apocalypse so he came up with a fantastic idea, since currently, a lot was flying around and you have to pick carefully what to believe in.

His idea was, why not believe all? So he did and he prepared.

Seven days ago, the sun turned blood red, the deep red of rose that colored everything. At first, people thought that it would go away and the scientists would find some reason for what was happening but the sun didn't set or change color.

It hung there like a bruise.

The internet went crazy with different theories and two of the leading ones were the alien invasion and the apocalypse. Different rumors started flying and people panicked.

It didn't help that a group that called themselves the Arcane came to the TV to give a press release that they were some kind of magic people that had been living secretly with the humans and protecting them from monsters that sometimes come to earth.

Lucas thought that was a heavy load of bullshit but he listened till the end of the interview anyway where some old man with a long mustache go on and on about the need for their organization to recruit new members so they could fight the coming apocalypse.

'At least he didn't ask for money' that was what Lucas thought as he finished watching the interview. Unlike other organizations who came out and demanded that people give them money so they could be protected from the blood sun.

The military in every country had been placed on high alert and even the police were extra strict since people started committing more crimes in the chaos.

And then three days ago, the sightings began. It started as a normal rumor on the internet. A blurred picture of monsters. Of torn and blooded humans.

But then the picture started getting too frequent and cleaner and then a video surfaced. Where what appeared to be a monster had lurched forward and gripped an old woman by the head and was gone the next instant.

That sent people into full-blown panic. And then the third leading group also had a raise of voice then as the videos and all the pictures disappeared. The third group blamed the government and that it must be their mechanism.

'The government will be more subtle about it' Lucas had thought as he scrolled the internet. It was fun because a lot of people posted different memes that cracked him up. And reminded him of what he had to do today.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Lucas muttered as he stood in front of the door to his house. Technically, it was his parent's house, one of the many, but they hadn't been home for three years as they chased the next business deal.

His hand tightened but Lucas shook his head. It was useless to think about his family anyway. He was the only child. And his parents were rich. Very rich.

Money wasn't the problem. At eighteen. And as cliche as it might sound, Lucas didn't have any friends because they all wanted to use him. Frankly, Lucas didn't care about that but the main reason he had no friends was because of his personality.

Lucas shook his head again and locked away that line of thought. He muttered to himself. "I can't just change myself like that."

Then he went to his car and folded his 5'9 self into it. He realized his mistake some minutes into driving, he should have left the car behind because the traffic was so bad he had been stuck for a while now.

'Time for plan B' he thought. It was easier for him since he was driving on the side so he packed his car and came out of it. He began to walk and soon he was as close to the store as he could get because of the mass of people currently queuing in front of him.

'So I'm not the only one with the smart Idea today' he thought. 'Everyone is also preparing' Lucas shook his head, his black hair spilling to cover his brown eyes, he should have known!

He carefully removed his hair, the sun catching on the skull rings on his left fingers, there were two of them and they were his way of rebelling and so was the dragon tattoo that curved around his neck and spanned his chest.

It sounded funny now when he got it at fifteen(after he threw a lot of money at the artist) because by that time there was no one to view his rebellious self. No one cared.

It was one of the things that jarred Lucas back from whatever way he started then. And he began to focus more on himself, leaving the outside shut off.

And that was the reason that gave birth to his annoying personality that made keeping friends hard. Or was it just that his parent's genre just finally bloomed then?

It was simple. Lucas was stubborn and once he set his mind on something. He would do anything to achieve it. Throughout his school, he set a goal of coming out at the top for himself. It was difficult since he was an average student.

The reason he set the goal was because his parents were uninterested in his academic life and he figured, why not do it for himself?

He shook his head scoffed at himself and thought 'What about his second goal, when will I achieve it then'

A space was created in front of him and he moved forward. He looked around.

Lucas could see it on the faces of the people that were queuing there. The fear they tried to keep hidden in their faces, didn't help that police siren constantly sounded both near and far.

The police were working overtime because it was as if the crime rate rose with the blood sun. Even the store he was currently queuing for was being guarded by private bodyguards.

The store was big, seven stories and it was one of the biggest in the moderate community that Lucas lived. Normal, there was always a steady flow of people but nothing like this.

Lucas shifted uncomfortably, it was different now that he was outside. With the blood sun above him and the anxious eyes of everyone, trying not to look at each other's eyes.

The apocalypse. Maybe it was real. And maybe not. It matters little because Lucas had decided to prepare for it in his way.

So he waited patiently as the line shifted and moved forward. He saw people come out of the store, mostly men and they held into their large purchase, their eyes hard and sharp.

Maybe they thought someone would snatch it from their hands. Lucas didn't doubt that. The bodyguards stationed around must be preventing that though but nobody said anything about when they left the area.

Lucky for him his car isn't that far from the place. It took close to sixty minutes before he was able to enter the store and he wasn't surprised at the scene he saw.

People were hurrying around, their baskets full of almost exactly what Lucas was here for. When he woke up the first thing he did was Google— what to buy in store in case of an Apocalypse.

And this was the result of the search.

1. Water and food:

- Bottled water (at least 1 gallon per person per day)

- Non-perishable food (canned goods, energy bars, dried fruits and nuts)

- MREs (Meals Ready to Eat)

2. First aid and medical supplies:

- First aid kit

- Bandages and band-aids

- Antiseptic wipes and spray

- Pain relievers and antibiotics

- Medical tape and gloves

3. Shelter and protection:

- Tent or tarpaulin

- Sleeping bag or blankets

- Flashlights and extra batteries

- Self-defense tools (pepper spray, baton, etc.)

4. Communication and navigation:

- Cell phone with charger and back-up battery

- Two-way radio or walkie-talkie

- Compass and maps

- Whistle or other signaling device

5. Personal hygiene and sanitation:

- Toilet paper and hand sanitizer

- Biodegradable soap and toothbrush

- Feminine hygiene products (if applicable)

6. Tools and equipment:

- Multi-tool or pocket knife

- Firestarter (matches, lighter, etc.)

- Rope or twine

- Duct tape

7. Clothing and warmth:

- Extra clothing and layers (hats, gloves, scarves)

- Warm blankets or emergency bivvy sack

8. Important documents and miscellaneous:

- Copies of identification and important papers

- Cash and credit cards

- Small games or entertainment for mental health.

He figured if it was an alien invasion then theirs nothing much he could do.

He sighed and got to work. Before long he got everything he needed in front of the attendant who rolled her eyes as she saw what he just bought.

She opened her mouth, probably to say something rude but a shout distracted them from the outside, far but near enough that they could hear it. And the murmuring that followed.

Lucas ignored it as he gave his card for pay. She shot her worried eyes out but started to do what she was supposed to do. At least the rude comments had been forgotten.

She even remembered the "thank you for coming, see you next time ' as he was going. He carried all the nylon bags with his hands and some were slung over his shoulders.

Thankfully his car wasn't far. But it was a different scene that met his eyes when he got out. The line was disorganized and everyone was looking back, and murmuring.

Lucas was too busy to care but he caught things like 'mad' 'magic freak' some nervous laughter 'nonsense' and 'just run through here'.

Lucas gathered that some people just ran by. Probably those who claimed they were the Arcane. Or they themselves. Not much difference.

He hurried along towards his car and when he got there fifteen minutes later, he found a crowd gathered around it. Lucas frowned, his hands and shoulders were aching something bad, he didn't have time for this.

"What in the actual hell is going on here? Someone wound themselves on my car?!" Lucas growled in his best 'hard guy' voice and the crowd parted for him. Probably because he was the only one that was shouting.

When Lucas saw what was happening around his car, he groaned and dropped his stuff on the ground. Holding only one small nylon package. 'This is going to take a while' he thought.

In front of the driver's side door were two people, men, dressed in cheap Harry Potter style of dressing, they were bent close to the ground and were going hard at it with chalk.

Lucas watched them. 'Are they high on something? Because some people thought that was what they need to be as drunk as they can before the apocalypse or aliens come for them, out aloud he said. "Hey! You are standing beside my car and I have no move!"

They looked up at him and he took a step back because Lucas couldn't help himself. Their eyes were blazing with madness, a kind of feverish light burned there.

The two ignored him. Mumbling to each other. "Are you sure this is the correct spot?"

"Yes, it is. We've searched all the areas. We should do it now."

They continued drawing, glancing at a book between them. "We will summon our hero!"

Lucas watched in silence as they finished drawing, he had decided to wait them out until they finished and go to the next spot where another set of crowd would take pictures and videos of them. 'Isn't that what they want' he rolled his eyes.

The finished drawing is what appears to be a big circle with angles and shapes in it. 'Real horror movie style' Lucas thought.

But then things went fast and horrific after that. One of the men stood up and nodded deeply at the other. "For humanity!"

And then his fellow removed a knife with practiced ease and slit his throat at the edge of the circle and caught him before he collapsed on the circle and instead his blood poured on the circle.

"Eh?" Lucas said as blood splattered his face and his car. "Eh?"

People shouted around him and moved back but Lucas was already in shock and he stood there, looking. Just looking. And then the circle began to glow a dull red and Lucas panicked then.

He threw the only thing in his hand. The small nylon back and the content spilled. A water bottle slammed into the floor and the spilled water on the circle.

The remaining man shouted. "No!"

Then the circle flared hot red and Lucas crumbled, darkness rushing in.