Diaval stood by the front entrance of the mansion, tapping his foot anxiously.
The afternoon sun cast long shadows across the cobblestone path leading to the ornate carriage where his father, Valtor, was preparing to leave for a council meeting.
Diaval had spent the entire morning calculating expenses, and he finally settled on the number: 10,000 gold coins.
He knew it was an absurd amount, but it was necessary to ensure the success of his mother's new business.
"I'm probably going to sound like some greedy person..."He said while sighing as he hurried.
As Valtor stepped out, adjusting his luxurious cloak, Diaval hurried to intercept him.
"Father, wait!" Diaval called out, slightly out of breath.
Valtor turned, his blue eyes narrowing with curiosity. "Diaval? Is there something you wanted to talk about?"
"I am about to leave for something important."
Diaval took a deep breath, steeling himself. "I need to talk to you about something important."
Valtor raised an eyebrow but nodded.
"Walk with me to the carriage."
They walked side by side, the gravel crunching under their boots.
Valtor's imposing presence always made Diaval feel like a child again, but he reminded himself of the gravity of his request.
'Despite him having such a fierce aura, he's calm,'Diaval thought while noticing the difference in height.
While he was around 6'5 his father was more so around 7'1. While this type of height was normal amongst dragons, Diaval who was previously a human found it absurd.
"Father, I need 10,000 gold coins," Diaval blurted out as they reached the carriage.
'Crap, here it comes.'
As always Diaval expected a scolding of some sort. While he knew his father was not the one to tolerate bullshit sometimes he was unpredictable at times.
But he had to make that particular request, whether he was going to receive backlash or not.
Valtor stopped in his tracks and turned to face his son, eyes wide with disbelief.
"10,000 gold coins? That's quite an insane amount of money, even for us. What could you possibly need such a sum for?"
Diaval swallowed hard, trying to maintain his composure.
"I want to start a business."
Valtor's expression softened slightly, but he remained skeptical.
"A business, you say? What kind of business requires such a large investment?"
'I can't tell her its for mom,'Diaval said quickly looking for another reason to give.
Diaval hesitated, choosing his words carefully.
"It's a unique opportunity. I've been planning it for a while, and it requires a significant upfront investment to get it off the ground. But I'm confident it will be successful."
Valtor studied Diaval, his eyes probing.
"You're asking for an amount that even I would hesitate to spend without good reason.
You need to give me more than vague assurances, Diaval."
'Just as I thought it wouldn't be that easy to ask for such a crazy amount of money.'
Diaval nodded, expecting this level of scrutiny. "I've done the calculations. We need equipment, materials, initial marketing, and hiring skilled workers. The scale of the business demands this kind of investment to ensure quality and success from the beginning."
Valtor's eyes narrowed further, but he was listening. "What exactly are you planning to produce or sell?"
Diaval knew he couldn't reveal the true intention behind the business. "Luxury goods, father. High-end products that cater to the elite, the kind of items that are always in demand among our circle and beyond."
Valtor looked contemplative. "Luxury goods... It's a competitive market, but if done right, it can be highly profitable. But 10,000 gold coins... That's a lot of faith you're asking me to place in you."
Diaval felt a surge of determination. "I know it's a risk, but I believe in this. And I believe in my ability to make it work. You've always taught me to seize opportunities and take calculated risks."
Valtor sighed, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "You've certainly got the passion. But remember, this is not just about money; it's about trust and responsibility."
Diaval nodded earnestly. "I understand, father. And I won't let you down."
Valtor regarded him for a long moment before finally nodding. "Alright, Diaval. I will give you the 10,000 gold coins. But I expect regular updates and a detailed plan by the end of the week. This is a significant responsibility, and I want to see that you're treating it with the seriousness it deserves."
Diaval's heart soared with relief and gratitude. "Thank you, father. I promise, you won't regret this."
Valtor clapped him on the shoulder. "I trust you, son. Don't prove me wrong."
Just as Valtor was about to climb into the carriage, he paused and turned back to Diaval. "I'll also assign Eldric to assist you. He's one of my most trusted advisers and will ensure you have the right personnel and resources to get started. Eldric will meet you in my study this afternoon to discuss the details."
Diaval nodded, feeling a wave of relief. "Thank you, father. That will be immensely helpful."
Valtor smiled briefly before stepping into the carriage. As it began to roll away, Diaval stood there, feeling a mix of excitement and pressure. He knew the stakes were high, but the thought of creating a successful business for his mother filled him with renewed purpose. He turned back toward the mansion, ready to begin the next phase of his plan.
"First I'll return to my room and break the currency down according to how I remember in the novel and according to this body's memory,"He said as he strode back taking in the sweet scented air.
Diaval sat at his desk, the soft glow of a lantern illuminating the parchment before him. He scribbled notes, trying to get a handle on the currency system of the Beast Continent. It was a crucial part of his planning, and he needed to understand it thoroughly.
"Alright," Diaval muttered to himself, tapping the quill against his chin. "Let's break this down."
He began to write:
1. Gold Coins: The highest value currency, often used for large transactions or luxury items.
2. Silver Coins: Next in line, used for substantial purchases but not as rare as gold.
3.Bronze Coins: More common, used in everyday transactions.
4. Copper Coins: The lowest denomination, used for small, everyday items.
He paused, recalling how he used to understand currency back on Earth.
"Back on Earth, it was simpler," he mused.
"One dollar could be broken down into smaller units like cents. Here, it's similar but with metals."
Diaval continued to scribble, noting the exchange rates:
- 1 Gold Coin = 10 Silver Coins
- 1 Silver Coin = 10 Bronze Coins
- 1 Bronze Coin = 10 Copper Coins
"So," he thought aloud, "if I have one gold coin, it's equivalent to 10 silver coins, or 100 bronze coins, or 1,000 copper coins."
To make it even clearer, he decided to create an example, comparing it to his previous life.
"Imagine I need to buy a fine sword," he wrote.
"The sword costs 1 gold coin.
In Earth terms, let's say 1 gold coin equals $100.
So, if the sword is worth $100, that's 1 gold coin here.
If I only have silver coins, I'd need 10 of them, since each is worth $10. If I only had bronze coins, I'd need 100, as each is worth $1.
And if I were to pay in copper, I'd need 1,000, as each copper coin is like a dime."
He leaned back, satisfied with his understanding.
"Okay, so the conversion is clear. Gold to silver to bronze to copper, just like larger denominations to smaller ones back home. A gold coin is a significant amount, but it breaks down logically."
Diaval's confidence grew as he concluded, "I've got it. This will make budgeting and planning much easier." He felt a sense of accomplishment, ready to tackle the financial aspects of his new endeavor with a clearer mind.
"No wonder the old man was hesitant to agree."