Chereads / Nine-year-old Magic Doctor / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: Demon Doctor Meridian

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: Demon Doctor Meridian

Leng Zhiyan leaned against the wall, curled into a ball, and didn't rush to look at "The Demon Doctor's Meridian Classic." Instead, she meticulously sorted through the information in her mind. The Youming Continent was vast, with numerous mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, countries, sects, and countless forces. The state powers of the continent were ranked as upper, middle, and lower tiers, and the Lingchuan Dynasty, where this body resided, belonged to the middle tier.

This was a world of spirit cultivation; people practiced spirit techniques and revered martial power, holding experts in the highest esteem. True masters of the spirit could even hold sway over imperial authority.

The cultivation of a Sage was divided into nine levels: Primary-level, Mid-level, Advanced-level, Master-level, Grandmaster-level, Great Grandmaster-level, Saint Sect, Spirit Demon, and Divine-level! Each level is further divided into three ranks of beginner, intermediate, and advanced, with colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, gold, and white marking each level.

The so-called Spirit Illusionist is equivalent to a Grandmaster-level figure. Across the entire continent, they are an extremely precious existence, and Ouyang Feng, the patriarch of the Ouyang Family, was undoubtedly among the most treasured. Not only a Spirit Illusionist but also one known for controlling swords and beasts, he was much more distinguished than an ordinary Grandmaster-level individual. This was a major reason why the Ouyang Aristocratic Family could squeeze into the top ten martial families of the mainland.

When the information in her mind was nearly sorted, the sky had already brightened. Zhiyan glanced at the specks of light pouring in from the window, a trace of helplessness crossing her eyes. Since she had come to this, she would accept it. Now that heaven had granted her rebirth, she would live well in place of Ouyang Zhiyan.

With a creak, the door opened, and the harsh daylight, like water, poured in. Leng Zhiyan hugged her knees, her curled form casting her pale skin almost transparent under the sunlight, and her breath so faint it was hardly perceptible.

Ouyang Jin frowned and swept an annoyed glance at the person on the floor. "Take her out, and have someone clean this place again." Looking at the shallow footprints on the ground, Ouyang Jin commanded without a hint of warmth, then turned and left without looking back.

In the instant that Ouyang Jin left, Leng Zhiyan, who had been keeping her eyes closed, suddenly opened them. Her inky pupils shimmered brilliantly, flashing a cold light. With a slight upturn of her lips, she fixed her gaze on the departing figure, like a predator eyeing its prey. Ouyang Jin, huh? It seems the days ahead won't be so boring!

Ouyang Jin, the young master of the Ouyang Family, was fifteen years old with a cultivation at the peak of Mid-level Sage. Among the younger generation, he was an extraordinarily exceptional individual—cold, reticent, and, aside from Ouyang Feng, he was the de facto number two leader of the entire Ouyang Family. A casual word from him could decide a person's fate within the family.

Ouyang Zhiyan was taken to a quiet courtyard. The courtyard was large, with two sturdy locust trees growing on the east side. The trees were tall and their branches extended, covering nearly a third of the courtyard. The yard was divided into front and back sections, separated by a wall covered in climbing roses. Passing through the round-arched doorway on the left led to a different view in the inner courtyard.

Brilliant flowers dazzled the eyes, and their heavy scent filled the air. It was like plunging into an ocean of flowers; a glance revealed a riot of purples and reds and butterflies dancing. It was a vibrant scene—Zhiyan's gaze swept over the pavilion, fountain, and footbridge, finally coming to rest on the house with its antique charm, gently upturned eaves, and finely painted decoration. She couldn't help but admire the exquisite craftsmanship of the ancient people. Such a house could only have been seen as a sight before, but now she could actually live in it.

"Stay inside the house, do not wander about, and do not touch any furnishings. If you break anything, a wild girl like you won't be able to afford it," the maid glanced at Zhiyan with impatience and instructed!

Ouyang Zhiyan nodded indifferently, a cold glint flashing in her eyes. It seemed that Ouyang Jin's father, Ouyang Peng, was due to return. Every time he came back, Ouyang Zhiyan would be brought over to stay for a few days; once Ouyang Peng left, she would be sent back to the firewood room.

This was where Ouyang Peng and his son Ouyang Jin resided; Ouyang Peng was the only member of the Ouyang Aristocratic Family who neither cultivated nor managed the family's affairs. He traveled the world year-round, and Zhiyan was someone he had picked up on his travels.

Ouyang Zhiyan entered her room, her attention immediately captured by a bronze mirror on the table. She struggled onto a stool to get a clear view of the body's appearance.

Willow-leaf eyebrows, phoenix eyes, her eyes clear as water, her skin white as jade, and due to just having exercised, a faint pink blush graced her face. Her delicate nose sat above cherry-red lips, and her smooth, jet-black bangs rested just above her brow, making her small face appear even more delicate and lovely without losing its charm. Especially those eyes, like pools in spring—merely one glance would make one uncontrollably wish to dote on her. Although youthful, she was undeniably a rare beauty in the making.

Though she was said to be nine years old, her frame was only that of a six or seven-year-old, petite and frail, as if a gust of wind could sweep her away. She lacked the playfulness of her peers, replaced by an additional touch of serenity. It seemed she needed proper care; otherwise, if she missed her growth period, it would be too late to remedy.

Afterward, Ouyang Zhiyan casually wandered around the room, took a bath, changed into a set of pink clothes, and appeased her hunger with some snacks from the table. Out of boredom, she began to flip through "The Demon Doctor's Meridian Classic" in her mind.

"The Demon Doctor's Meridian Classic" was both a medical text and a cultivation technique—it could strengthen the body, refine the muscles and bones, cultivate medical knowledge, and save lives. It comprised nine realms: Nurturing Qi, Foundation Establishment, Body Sculpting, Spirit Condensing, Medicine Spirit, Medical Heart, Soul Tempering, Reverting Void, and Heaven Man. It was an unprecedented medical tome, as well as a peerless cultivation scripture.

The first step Ouyang Zhiyan had to take was Nurturing Qi. According to Master Yao's introduction, Nurturing Qi was divided into Yin and Yang: the day was Yang, and the night was Yin. Combining Yin Yang Qi was considered Nurturing Qi. The Yin Yang Qi was also full of the free-floating Spiritual Energy, the essence of life and the Qi of the Five Elements.

Depending on personal talent, the cycle of Nurturing Qi varied in length—short as one year, long as several decades.

Ouyang Zhiyan sat cross-legged, her eyes slightly closed, her mind emptied, silently sensing the energy around her. The sunlight outside the window filtered through the lattice, casting speckles of light within the room...

As seconds and minutes passed, when Zhiyan awoke, it was already the afternoon, yet after sitting for half the day, she had not made any progress, which couldn't help but discourage her.

"Hehe, you're already losing patience." With a flash of golden light from the bracelet, Master Fei's Soul Body whimsically emerged and floated before her, teasingly saying.

"Sitting around doing nothing is really boring. It's much more interesting to study medicinal herbs!" Zhiyan pouted. The mere thought of medicinal herbs suddenly filled her with eager anticipation. She decided she would find an opportunity to visit the Ouyang Family's medicine store tomorrow.

"Silly girl, those are just superficial theoretical knowledge. The true essence lies within 'The Demon Doctor's Meridian Classic' itself. Once you level up your cultivation, you'll be able to heal and save people with a mere flick of your wrist..."

"The 'Meridian Classic' mentions Alchemy—is that really possible?" She had saved too many people in her previous life and was immune to that aspect, but she was quite interested in Alchemy. She had heard of the immortal paths of Alchemists before and had been extremely curious about those elusive Daoists and Alchemy masters, always thinking they were nothing more than legends.

"Alchemy is indeed real, but only if your cultivation base reaches the level of Foundation Establishment."

Zhiyan wore a look of dismay; she hadn't even approached the threshold of Nurturing Qi, so Foundation Establishment felt like an eternity away.

"Little one, don't worry. Nurturing Qi is not long, yet it's not short either. The key is to master the technique. According to my many years of cultivation experience, the beginning and end of the day are the best times for meditation. The peak of Yin, the beginning of Yang, the peak of Yang, the beginning of Yin—the interchange of Yin and Yang is most conducive to absorption. Once you perceive the sensation of Qi, you can then make use of the Spiritual Energy within the Qiankun Bracelet. At most, you'll be able to break through the Qi Nurturing Stage and reach Foundation Establishment within half a year!" Master Fei said with a hint of envy. In his early years, it had taken him three years to break through Nurturing Qi, but this little one had the Qiankun Bracelet and his guidance—a perfect accelerator.

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