When the whole scene had finally played out and Khush was excused, Jesse stood at my side with folded arms, smelling a little uneasy.
"Rake, would you please escort the Queen back to her chambers?" I asked quietly. "Then come back here. We need to determine the best and fastest way to remove those who are a threat-"
"No, Cazz, don't!"
Rake was nodding and beginning to pull at Jesse's elbow, but she ignored him and stepped towards me.
My hackles rose. I had to swallow back the urge to bark at her not to interrupt me-or contradict me in front of others when her opinion hadn't been sought.
"I will come to you as soon as we're done here," I told her quietly, surprised by how warm the thought made me-and impatient.
"No, that's not… you can't just take Ryan or any of the others out. That's the fastest way to bring all of them down on you."