Chereads / Reality Subduers / Chapter 99 - <×> VIUKANE <×> Chapter 99 : Labyrinth Maze Of The Second "Arrow" Part 6. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 7 : Boards Of Bonding And Blossom Bondage.

Chapter 99 - <×> VIUKANE <×> Chapter 99 : Labyrinth Maze Of The Second "Arrow" Part 6. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 7 : Boards Of Bonding And Blossom Bondage.

<×> VIUKANE <×>

Chapter 99 : Labyrinth Maze Of The Second "Arrow" Part 6.

Entering into the door of malleable material is not different of what i have expirienced while sinking into the floor of other Structures. And like almost all of them, an Interface pops up, being quite simple and direct, without any additional or unnecessary information.


• Three Part Challenge •

Quality 3 (Planar)

Role : (Roleless)

Evolution : Null (1) › Transcendent (9)

§ Close Your Eyelids To Start §

Following the suggestion, i close my eyes, weirdly, this allows me to open other eyes.

{Strange, I know this new "Body" is fake, Just a bunch of Zionez and Keizer agglomerated to recreate and emulate my capacities inside this simulation}

The first part of this challenge does not take long to start in this scenario, conformed by a large room that is sealed and devoid of appropriate illumination due to the azabache black colour of the metalized squares plates of the design. Which is delimited by yellowish ethereal and hedious glowing lines that brightens with the shine of Ambivalent Energy.

From the floor starts generating a few dozen Vul (A few meters) away from me, two small Anthropoid figures.

The final form is rare, skin completely white, an oval head with five eyes that are completely red, a small mouth with no teeth and devoid of nose.

The body is extremely frail and thin, anybody could determine how weak they are with just a glance, after all their height berely surpass the Vul (65 centimeters), but doesn't reach one and a half Vul (75 centimeters).

However, oblivious of their own weakness, both of this creatures charge with rage at me.

I respond in kind, stepping forward and launching my right knee to the head of the first Anthropoid. The impact is gruesome, splattering the creature like a popped balloon even when i just use my own body against his.

This outcome doesn't placate or diminish the madness of the second Anthropoid, who dies as soon as i change my foot of balance to crash my left leg against the thorax of this small creature, killing him in one movement.

Both bodies become a paste of azabache black liquid and melt into the floor as 5 Anthropoids start forming themselves.

They berely were created and i pounce at them with more willingness of what i would like to admit. But who could blame me for this brazen attitude?, A wish from Lunette and another from Oxxana could very well lead to a threesome with this ladies.

In less than 6 seconds the five Anthropoids are death, melting apart on the ground as eleven creatures more come out to attack me. The result is literally the same as before, all death, they are too brittle, like a sand castle.

However, this time another two Anthropoids are created. Different to the previous ones they are taller, being above 2 Vul of height (1.05 meters), their frames are slightly more nourished but they remain quite primitive, as both charge at me with hostile intentions, which is why i send them back to the floor as the ugly paste they really are.

The pattern repeats again, and again, and once more, First 2 Anthropoids, secondly 5 of them and lastly eleven. Then, a "Better" version of this Species are my opponents, which is not very stimulating for me, since they are "Weak", "Too Weak!".

Although their bodies are larger, taller, more robust and even show a slight increase in their intelligence and mutual cooperation. In the end, they keep falling as soon as they touch my body, the worst thing is that it is only a representation of the original, and right now, My Species is less Evolved than what I truly am.

{Could the "Role" or the "Planar" of their Status be the cause of the blatant weakness of this creatures?, I understand this is for training, but they can't be this meaningless Right?… , If not, Could be related to the Ambivalent Energy itself?, Maybe using it is easier but counterproductive precisely because everyone using it depend on the quantity and quality that exists in the Environment and not on the energy that you produce, As is the case with Zionez and Keizer… , If i am right, Having the ability to withstand large amounts of Ambivalent Energy without refining it is equivalent to poisoning our inmediations, In this particular case, "The New Existence"… , Is Bverxkka aware of this?, Is that why he has put us in this place?, Because "We", Every single one of us are the ones who can cause the greatest damage to the Existence in which we now reside…}

Killing the last of the Anthropoids i can't contain my thoughts.

{HAHAHAHA!, And everyone thinks Bverxkka is insensitive!, Hahaha, Well, He certainly is that in the literal sense, flavors or smells escape his understanding… , Still, He managed to not let that inconvenient to stop him from putting his own safety to the side to protect others… , Damn!, Now I want, to pair him with Seined even more… , Both need the intimacy, Maybe after that she turns a bit less uptight with the good dicking he is going to give her, and as the "Shower" he is, Is obvious the act that he has an excellent tool to satisfy my close friend, comrade and true Ally…}

Closing the eyes of my own "Representation" (Fake Body), I open my real eyes to see the result I got in the Interface of this test.


• Three Part Challenge › Completed •

Quality 3 (Planar)

Difficulty : Extremely Easy (For the User)

User Prowess Estimation : Quality 23

Evolution : Null (1) › Transcendent (9)

User Evolution Estimation : Supreme (11)

Total Score : 11,880

§ Step Back To Exit The Trial §

Taking a step back, I return to the semi open space I was before. The sky is still "Beige", not white, and the bronze color of the dots on the circular ground with glyphs has increased in number.

{That is rare, more than half are illuminated now, Shouldn't be one per minute?, Or i estimated this wrongly?… , That actually makes more sense, I really didn't pay enough attention to this place with those massive and gorgeous breasts of that female monster watching us from the top of the Pillar}

—Ahh!, That was rough!…

Complain Oxxana with annoyance and a tint of passive anger as her fist clenches liberating blue Natural Electrons around her entire arm, showcasing the Electron blade of before.

»—Their stupid [Body Shield] stopped almost all my Discharges of Electrons!, Shouldn't they bypass energetic protections?!, Is literally the reason why my Species is so feared and respected by the other Races!, Well, I could use this "Blades" or the Inph Electrons and the Enph Electrons, But that feel like cheating, i only confirm they would be more effective in a real combat, However, if i could win in this training, Would be due to the techniques i knew, being completely conscious of what i was doing, Not because i got lucky out of nowhere!, Or because someone decided to be merciful to a weakling like me…

{Damn!, Oxxana really doesn't like receiving help from anyone, Well, I guess it depends on the context and who is acting on her behalf, Which I don't understand on this case, Bverxkka and Shlõvthy are two of the most sincere Entities I have ever met in my entire life, Even more honest than Vice headmaster Blanchard and Seined, Which is odd, Considering how little they talk about themselves, However, Whatever both say, They really mean it and want to share it, A behavior that it has nothing to do with a spontaneous whim in the heat of the moment.

—They don't think you are a weakling Oxxana, Bverxkka would never help anyone with such status on purpose, And the fact that Shlõvthy reacted the way he did, Is an irrefutable proof of you Oxxana, Being a menace for those near him, Otherwise they would just laugh at you or Ignore you on purpose, Which they don't do, And the remarks about being "Tactful" to you because of me, Is literally a warning, But for me, "Take care of her", Or we would do it…

—You sure want to be their friend!.

—We are really alike, But Bverxkka is acting strange that is why i told him to correct that, And he is going to do so, "Why?", Because that would lead to improvement, and he… , Or his Civilization is so Advance that i belive concepts like jealousy or pride are removed from their thoughts, If he is wrong, He analyze the "Why" and accept his mistake, Correcting the failure or compensating it if is the case, I mean, He didn't have too, But apologize to you…

Oxxana is stupefy by my words. But i believe is not due to the last ones, If not something i said earlier.

—You think they are interested in me?!…

—Of course!, Haven't you seen your buttocks?!, They are wonderful, Inciting on everyone a guilty desire to spank you nonstop…