Chereads / Reality Subduers / Chapter 97 - <×> VIUKANE <×> Chapter 97 : Labyrinth Maze Of The Second "Arrow" Part 4. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 7 : Boards Of Bonding And Blossom Bondage.

Chapter 97 - <×> VIUKANE <×> Chapter 97 : Labyrinth Maze Of The Second "Arrow" Part 4. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 7 : Boards Of Bonding And Blossom Bondage.

<×> VIUKANE <×>

Chapter 97 : Labyrinth Maze Of The Second "Arrow" Part 4.

The last construction inside the circular perimeter is a rare 1 story tall dodecagon building made of a sturdy metal of oceanic blue colour. On each of its sides, there is a closed door that opens as soon as any of us approach, revealing a malleable material like the one we have saw in other Monoliths.

—Should we enter?.

Oxxana's question has a lot of willingness lingering on her flirtatious voice, and i can't negate my curiosity as she has the look of someone that knows what is the purpose of this building.

—Maybe, Why don't you tell Lunette and me what this building is for?.


Fastly reply Oxxana, with the brazen smirk and coquettish glare that she showed to me when we met in the Barloen College.

—In my Planet of origin, We use to challenge each other in highschool to see who got a better Score, most of the time we bet sexual favors…

{Oh!, Naughty, Naughty little Síler, What more are you keeping to yourself?}

—That sounds really interesting Oxxana, Is that the way you learn about your liking to get your pussy engulfed?.

—Haha, No Newller… , That is how i realize that i like to get spanked when i am being fucked from behind… , But the first time it happened it wasn't as i would have liked to occur…

{Oh!, Don't leave me hanging tell me!}

My thoughts must be heard by Oxxana because her grin become more evident as her eyes change of objective between my pelvis and the expectant expression of my face.

»—As always, We bet, but not entirely for fun, there was some really bad blood going on between everyone, The Professors were growing tired of us, And when someone blurred out of having a good Score… , Well, it turned pretty personal for some Students, even some of my Friends were livid…

{Wow!, Oxxana almost never talks about her life with anyone, She made pretty clear that i shouldn't ask about her, and if she decided to talk, I would limit Myself to listen… , But look at her, She is all nostalgic now!…}

»—I mean, A "High Score" granted a "Full Scholarship", plus economic support and on rare occasions sponsorship of famous brands, leading some individuals to become celebrities and well known public figures that only obtained more renown the older they get…

A bright smile with a longing glare appear for a moment on her.

»—So, At the end of the day, It was more important than a dumb bet or a silly number, However, being the beginning of the school year, and to make it more even for everyone, We decided to make teams, whoever had the highest total score could ask whatever they wanted from those who had less points than the defeated teams… , "Long Story Short", I got fourth place, and my team ended in third place… , I wasn't happy, The third and second place were males, the Third on especific was a fat dude that was pestering me about going out with him, "Buedgger", he is an arrogant fatty Eel, and always bragged around about the girth of his dick, I am not going to lie, he indeed was thick, and quite above average in length, But he has two massive flaws, First he's a fucking rich kid who thinks he deserves everything he wants, and second he was only interested on having sex with me…

Oxxana looked into my eyes, and without shame or doubt she confess something i already knew, in fact i asked Shlõvthy and Bverxkka on the matter, because Oxxana as a "CHILD" of ARGENDARIS, has some "Duties" due to her Species that are irremediably irreplaceable.

»—You know me Viukane, I don't really mind having sex to satisfy someone's fantasy, i even enjoy such events, It feels like if i am doing a holy and rightful duty entrusted specifically to me, But at the same time, Buedgger was awful, and Sex without having a Date first…

Oxxana screams loudly with a raging anger that flares up so high that some treats of blue Natural Electrons leave her silhouette and create an electric barrier around her.

»—"NO FUCKING WAY!", He was rich for "PRISMARDIAL" sake!, The stupid fatty didn't wanted to pay for an Hotel room or a Motel, And when he came to me and ask about his price, the bastard did it with other twelve dudes…

{Buedgger she said it was his Complement?, Hope you are death with or after the Transition, I wouldn't mind to recall the torture techniques that i was forced to learn and then withstand on my own body as a proof for those mad scientist that i was worthy of investment}

—You know i hate Gangbangs, or Orgies if they have too many dicks, i find so disgusting when men are stroking themselves, Ask for a woman to do that for you!… , At least that is the way it works on our Worlds, Is literally a law, And anyone is tied to such treatment if you want to be within our territory, Which made us the second friendliest society, being even above The Jitaris, only the Preëmtor were at the top on that field, but aside "Venator", everyone on that Species are super likeable…

{Well, I had a rough and harsh infancy, But was nothing in comparison to "Venator", Still, He somehow managed to be more approachable than Bverxkka… , Nevertheless, In my case, My Parents give their lives to protect me, on "His" case was the opposite, They almost kill him a few hundred of times!, Being their parents!… , The cute Innocent and not so naive "Cutie Kath" with her friend the woman with freezing cold snowish apparency "Rina", Told us about the subject… , And Venator as honest and straightforward as Bverxkka, Didn't negate or placate the situation, Except for the time of the "Redhead", On which he got silent and his only Comments were about after he was trashed by the female, from which I vividly remember his words , "That time i thought my parents would Kill me because i lost against That Woman, i was almost dead, And for the first time of my life i felt it was really my end, But my parents… , Those strict, sadist looked at me bleeding, withering in pain and trembling in fear… , And gave me a compliment, without sarcasm, a real compliment, pride in her words and joy on their faces, i shit myself thinking they were about to turn down the facade saying it was a charade, But They did not, instead they treated my injuries with the most expensive care available and celebrate my survival with a large party that i couldn't celebrate but i still was present on it, Was an unique event and period of time that become the cornerstone of my freedom as they died not long after in an ambush in which That Woman was the real target… , I fear Her as none of you can ever wish to comprehend, But I still hold her in the highest regard of all the Entities i have encountered in my life, For all the gifts she inadvertently gave to me, And one Day, One Day i would like to step in front of her with straight face and thank Her…", Such a difficult life choice and goal Venator has…, But everyone has a couple of this stories or plans to achieve on their backs, Is a consequence of living, but this gets worst, especially when having a long lifespan…}

Watching Oxxana makes very obvious that her movements are extremely slow, which surprises me a little bit, but right at that moment, the feeling that she moves slowly disappears.

{What was that?!}

»—Then, "He" appear, "Karnaryuz", and i thought he would intervene into my favor, He did something like that, I even had to go because of that situation, but without being recorded, and in the guy's mansion, he said that he was not rich and that the property was rented, but how expensive is it to rent a damn thing?A castle that has cultural value?! In any case, you can imagine the rest, and since I did my part of the bet, I didn't have to deal with them again...

—Why did you do that with them?!.

Asks Lunette with shock and some panic on her pretty little face. Oxxana give her "Are you serious look", then she recalls that Lunette doesn't have prior expirience with other Species and talks with a less annoyed and more comprehensive tone.

—Bets must be respected, Thys are an important part of my culture and not fulfilling one is a severe crime, Which can cause problems for my family and bring shame to the entire community that raised me…

Lunette's mouth is completely agape, and the disbelief in her gaze is incomparable and unmissable, like the opportunity to put my index finger in the space of her mouth without touching her and whisper into her ear.

*—Next time it won't be my finger…*

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