Chereads / Reality Subduers / Chapter 95 - <×> VIUKANE <×> Chapter 95 : Labyrinth Maze Of The Second "Arrow" Part 2. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 7 : Boards Of Bonding And Blossom Bondage.

Chapter 95 - <×> VIUKANE <×> Chapter 95 : Labyrinth Maze Of The Second "Arrow" Part 2. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 7 : Boards Of Bonding And Blossom Bondage.

<×> VIUKANE <×>

Chapter 95 : Labyrinth Maze Of The Second "Arrow" Part 2.

As Oxxana keeps ogling at Lunette's body, the latter seems to be curious of the Interface.

—Do either of you know what this "Inclination" thing is?.

—No Lunette…

I reply to the Petit Blonde while my arms go around our Síler companion, embracing Oxxana's waist in a tight hug as my jaw rest over her right shoulder.

»—We are as clueless as you in the majority of this nee topics, It was a great surprise that Daell knew so much more of what ha has shared with us in the Negaverse.

Oxxana angrily cracks her jaw, she is more expressive and vocal than Myself about those who withhold information. Although it is the right of those who possess such data. Is extremely difficult to ignore the disappointment that this kind of display provokes, especially taking into consideration the distrust that spikes on everyone's mind

—I don't want to admit this…

Confess Oxxana with a bit of struggle that makes her ass cheeks to wiggle against my pelvic area.

»—But if it weren't for Shlõvthy madness on his interrogation of Daell, We could have remained oblivious for who knows how long!.

—Well, Daell is friend of "Drymer", What could you expect of someone who doesn't know how to choose adequate acquittances to have a reliable and fruitful friendship…

—You almost sounded like Bverxkka…

Retort Oxxana, mockingly grinning at me, I peck her lips and laugh.

—HAHAHA, Maybe because we share the same trend of thought regarding this matter, After all, You can't be a "Friend" with someone that is not an equal to you, The differences especially in no "Planar" Subjects is so massive that concordance and respect are impossible to maintain…

The Síler observes me with an "Are you serious?" glare, so i elaborate my answer.

»—Take us as an example Oxxana,You and me can sort this disparity out because both are committed into it, However, Could you do the same with Korvac?, The answer is simple, "No", You couldn't, Even if you wanted, You would accidentally kill him, So would be your fault for attempting something you knew wouldn't work?, Or is his fault for not being prepared?, It doesn't matter, because from the start you should have realized the consequences, And this is why quite often the Relationships between different Species don't last or work, Because there is no middle ground between how much they should concede or defend their costumes… , Something that you and Me don't even need, because this behavior comes naturally to us.

Oxxana's silver irises are portraying a dreamy glare, perhaps she is in love with me, even if she never is going to admit this fact.

—Em!… , *Mgh Mgh*

Lunette clears her throat, drawing attention to her, showing how flushed her cheeks are.

»—I understand that you want to reassure your girlfriend, But don't you think we should focus on what to do next?.

Observing Oxxana i start to laugh, she follows up with a more evident smirk, having problems to breath due to the laughing.

—W-Why both of you are laughing at me?!.

Oxxana replies trying to hold back her laugh.

—Because i am not his Girlfriend, We are not a couple, and will never be, That doesn't mean we cant fool around with each other…

—But, Your family, What they could think about this behavior you have?!.

Oxxana laughs with more intensity, almost screaming at the Comment, taking the responsibility, i enlight Lunette.

—You don't have expirience with other Species, Am i right Lunette?.

—And that is going to remain that way until i marry with a suitable groom…

{HAHAHA, We are talking two different topics here}

—I wasn't referring to your Virginity, I was saying the literal meaning, "Interacting" with other Species.

Lunette blushes more, her embarrassment is understandable, after all, She clearly is interested in having sex before getting married, I can smell it on the pheromones she release.

—No, Aittzza is the first one, and then, those creatures appear, The Kreiseries…

—As i thought, Well, you have a lot to learn Lunette, First Lesson "Forget your own Standards", They not necessarily are correct, adequate or accepted by other Species… , Second Lesson "Don't Judge", Really important can save you lots of problems and misunderstandings… , Third Lesson "Ask respectfully", If you don't have the patience or courage to learn, And saying this with the intention of offending, "Go back to your planet", we don't need more radical racist of those that are already outside… , Having said all that, Síler like her tend to mate casually in big orgies, Fornicating with a single individual on more than one occasion is extremely rare, they don't "Marry" others, and the education of the newborns is a responsibility shared by everyone on their community… , But if you don't believe me, You can ask Oxxana once she stops laughing, all of her siblings are what in other Species would be considered half-brothers or half-sisters.

Lunette is completely flabbergasted, turning in shame and showing her back to us.

{What a nice little ass she has!}

Oxxana controls her laugh and approach Lunette, spanking the Damsel as the former is grinning mischievously at me. A cute yelping moan leaves Lunette mouth, getting more embarrassed of what she already was.

—D-Do not do that again, Please…

Lunette plea is adorable, and being honest, her distressful expression entice to keep bullying her…

{She is almost like Cutie Kath, Except that Lunette has excitement in her eyes}

Oxxana constrain the Petit Blonde in a tight hug, talking into the ear of the Damsel.

—Sorry, Sorry, You looked so ready to receive one that i couldn't resist the urge to spank you Lunette, So i would hold back slapping this cute little ass you have…

Said Oxxana massaging softly Lunette's ass cheeks.

»If you promise to not bend over in front of me or Newller, otherwise, We would think that you want to feel our hands smacking your firm buttocks…

The last part Oxxana say is accompanied by a playful nibble over Lunette ear, she squirm a bit crossing her eyelids to feel the sensation on a deeper level.

{What a sight!, She is indecisive about taking action on her own, and allows others to orient her, Maybe that is why she obtain the Role of "Soldier", Objectively speaking, A good Soldier follows and obey orders, Not blindly, But without a doubt, They do not complain about it, Just withstand, Shrug it up and continue their labor}

—Leave her for now Oxxana, We can teach her more later on… , First we need Food, a Refuge and search how to get out of this Pillar, Board or whatever it is this Structure… , In Order to do that, We need to understand us a bit better, starting with how do we fight and the type of needs we have to fullfil…

—Y-You m-mean…

Stutters Lunette at my sentence, her mind is clouded with naughty thoughts and all she can think right now is sex related.

{She must be quiet pent up then}

—No, It is not what you are thinking on that little dirty mind of yours Lunette… , I am referring to the type of diet you need to stay healthy, foods that cause you discomfort or are directly toxic, poisonous or corrosive… , Changes in the behavior due to Environmental exposure like it happened in the Layer of Kinture, fortunately we don't have to deal with language as a factor, but the way this is written is clearly not known by us.

—Except Daell… , Or Briannell…

Oxxana is bittersweet about this, I know she passed a bit of time with Briannell during the travel they had with Bverxkka in "El Camino" towards the Biotechnological Institute of Varannassi, location in which Bverxkka stop seeing Oxxana, ignoring her quite often.

—This Briannell is a friend?.

Inquire Lunette, Oxxana deviates her sight, taking distance from the former without responding to the question. So i do it on her behalf.

—Well, Friends don't need to threaten or coerce each other into sharing details that can literally save billions of lives.


Scream Oxxana, generating a halo of Natural Electrons around her wrists.

»—They choose to keep their mouths shut, That is all, We… , What are this?.

Oxxana finally notices the two circles above her wrists, which looks like ethereal bracelets as the archs of electricity become more uniform and dense.

The shape is altered again, and the bracelets transform, taking the apparency of small silhouettes that portraits the blades of a pair of swords made of Natural Electrons.

As Oxxana closes her fists, this ethereal creations enlarge themselves into blades made of Electrons, they are as large as a real weapon, but way more threatening than any sword that i have seen before.

Oxxana is startled, what makes her open her hands due to the sudden event. The blades lose size as soon as this happens, retracting their length to their previous smaller form, and reverting completely into the ethereal bracelets a second later.