Chereads / Reality Subduers / Chapter 93 - <×> SHLÕVTHY <×> Chapter 93 : Preparation Ground. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 6 : The Basics Of A Firm Foothold Over The Ground.

Chapter 93 - <×> SHLÕVTHY <×> Chapter 93 : Preparation Ground. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 6 : The Basics Of A Firm Foothold Over The Ground.

<×> SHLÕVTHY <×>

Chapter 93 : Preparation Ground.

With the brief presentation in which those who constitute our now larger group introduce themselves. Thyfall, Häränn, Onice, Bverxkka and Myself gain enough time to recover from whatever was altering our behavior, making us much more brazen and relaxed of what some of us already are.

{Maybe that is why Häränn was so willing to engage in our flirting, *Sigh*, What a huge disappointment, First that disgusting Monolith, and now this, What is going to happen next?, Someone dumb enough to attack My Not Friend Bverxkka while he sleeps?, Even when he doesn't need to do such activity because is just a waste of his valuable time}

—This place is similar to our previous Monolith, Why they are different to those we enter in the Negaverse?…

Hearing Dallas question i almost jump to kick his head. Mentioning the Negaverse aloud is like screaming and begging to be used as a sacrifice by Cultist or Insane Fanatics.

Fortunately, no one gives a dam about this fact, and Daell is kind enough to respond the question.

—Is really simple Dallas, Here, Dying means Death, For Real… , However, We progress faster, Gather more Resources for ourselves and help The New Existence to become more capable of maintain the RAL and other COMPETITORS at most in The Outer Frontier…

—I have a question for you Daell…

Viukane speak with severity, i can smell his anger, he probably is going to ask something related to his enemies, The Ss'ahbv.

»—What are the RAL?, And can you be more especific about this COMPETITORS?.

With the gazes of everyone here, is extremely difficult for Daell to refuse to answer, especially since Bverxkka, Blanchard and Myself are present to force the answers out of him if is necessary.

—The Real Adversaries of Life known as RAL, Are not different than us, At least not initially, They get stronger with Ambivalent Energy, and as any of you should know by now, the Erosion affects everyone, But "Inferior Species" are the most vulnerable, even when they are stronger and more resilient than "Null Species" or "Nimmut Species", This weakness is due to the fact that they already have enough awareness to do the actions they must do, Since they understand the benefits of "Doing what you should and not what you want", With this is extremely simple to lure them into accept the Ambivalent Energy… , Advance Technology, Genetic Manipulation, Severate the connection with Plasmas, Zionez and Keizer, The list is long, but in the end, the results remain the same, Changing an Entity into another creature that obliviously is spreading out Ambivalent Energy…

{Wait, The Selón are RAL too?!, What Daell said is literally their modis operandi!}

—That doesn't sound right!…

Scream angered Korvac, it looks like he has some nerve here too.

»—We saw the repercussions of the Ambivalent Energy, People get completely insane…

Daell sigh, he is exasperated of answering questions that are common sense knowledge on his Species.

—That is why Technology or Genetic Manipulation are important!, Virtual Reality can constrain the Entities that goes insane for enough time until the conversion is completed… , Or you can tweak the DNA of an Inferior Species to not manifest this symptom, if not, Drugs and certain medical procedures are a good cover, especially in women, birth control pills, hormonal treatments, or directly intervene in the development of a fetus or a newborn receiving a vaccine right after going out of the womb…

Häränn seems affected too, but rather than anger there is some distress in her voice.

—Someone must have noticed discrepancies, Something so elaborated like what you are saying couldn't go unnoticed!.


Daell is more than annoyed right now, I understand him, Their knowledge is so limited that they can't comprehend what is possible.

—Look Häränn…

Daell expression changes for one of realization.

»—I Know!, Tell me your Age in Standard Years, You too Korvac.

They don't comprehend why is Daell asking this apparently meaningless question, but both respond regardless.

—23 Standard Years.

Say Korvac, followed by Häränn.

—20 Standard Years.

—3 Standard Years of age, and you Häränn are 4 Iterations above Korvac, You don't understand, what this means, So let someone else explain this, That way you don't think that i am making up the data… , Bverxkka, What is the less amount of time that an Inferior Species needs to increase one Iteration of Evolution, with an objectively Natural development?.

—6,352 Standard Years, If the Intervention is oriented towards specific breeding couples without additional factors, and depending on the Species and available resources for prosperity, can be reduced between 398 Standard Years up to 416 Standard Years, the gestation or hatching period being the final aspect to take into consideration.

—Wow, Thanks for the assistance Bverxkka, that was more detailed of what i was expecting, still, gives you the answer, Right?, You Häränn are 1,600 Standard Years more Evolved than Korvac, With only 3 Years of difference in age!, That is simply not possible unless some other Faction is interacting to change your development… , However, With Ambivalent Energy Eroding everyone, They would not even be aware that they are doing something incorrect, What is worst, You literally could live with someone that is already part of the RAL, you and them oblivious of the truth!, That is why the "Kreiseries" are sent, They can see the Ambivalent Energy in everyone, Sending to another Existence those who can be useful, and Killing without doubting any Entity that can't be saved.

This revelation leaves Thyfall, Korvac, Swallöwęįne and Lunette completely stupefy, is like they are remembering this expirience on their minds, which pain them with grievance as their sight is lowered.

—Do not hold back the information you have Daell…

Bverxkka express with his Stoic demeanor, even when his attention appears to be somewhere else.

»—The question of Viukane, You haven't answered completely.

—Is not that i want to occult the intel, but they are a lot and cover their tracks pretty well, The most known are THE REMANENTS, THE AVIZJIEL, THE FORMICREAN, THE WÖLFZNSATCH, THE HEPTAPODS, THE ENZEYNER, THE SS'AHBV, THE ZEPHYRANT, THE DIMISORS, and THE XENODERMTH… , The last four along with the Heptapods are the most dangerous in terms of individual prowess, However, and excluding the Xenodermth, all of the previous ones are a constant threat with a swarming potential of incredible coordination, making them horrible enemies that are winning over the REALITY, And the only consolation that we have, is that they are as interested in exterminating us, as in destroying one another.

{Dimisors!, I thought they couldn't come anymore, unless, The stupid members of my Species create again the… , "The Auric Reactor", Not only my Nemesis, If not all of them, The nightmare all over agai…}


State Bverxkka looking at me.

—Our actions do not get altered, We recover our normal form, Progress as much as we can, go to Öfthênjör Åcademy, Learn, Practice, And Annihilate the RAL with whoever and whatever cross our path, Reaching "Absolution" or not, With or without the backup of The Empiric Astral Entities, For the future we want…

Bverxkka steps hard in the dirt of the ground, sending an aqua green Kinetic Energy in all directions that enters in our bodies, projecting in front of us an Interface, more accurately, three of them.

§ Board 1 - Isolated Island §

Quality 20 ★ Category 0

Enx'zols Ratio : 10,000

Tendency : Competition

Participants : Groups of 6 in "Arrows" of 3

§ Random Role §


§ Board 2 - Labyrinth Maze §

Quality 15 ★ Category -10

Enx'zols Ratio : 7,750

Tendency : Training

Participants : Individual Arrows of 3

§ Random Role §


§ Board 3 §

Quality 50 ★ Category 20

Enx'zols Ratio : 40,000

Tendency : Confrontation

Participants : 1 to 25

§ Regeneration Denied §

Bverxkka speak again, ignoring that some of the presenta have a headache for his Kinetic Intromission.

»—If you do not understand how this Structure works, Is simple, Integrate yourselves in groups of Three and advance towards the "Board 2", in front of the entrance there is a diagram with three circles, Step on them with your companions, this should provide the status of "Arrow", With which you will be able to enter Board 1 and Board 2, Board 3 will not be accessible until we obtain enough "Condense Essence", and once we do that, I personally obliterate our opponents to reactivate the Monolith to go back to the Kinture Layer, However, This would be meaningless for Onice, Häränn, Thyfall My Not Friend Shlõvthy and Myself if we do not reach Quality 20, Which i only manage to learn that our Traits, Evolution Branches and the Level of our Role is what determines the Quality of each Entity… , Why are you motionless?, Separate yourselves already, This place is not safe for the majority of you in the night…

Bverxkka turns around and with steady pace walks in the direction of what i suppose is the Board 2, The obliviousness of My Not Friend is incredible, and Strange, he wasn't this clueless, is he affected by the Ambivalent Energy, or his Dispositions are being challenged, like my own Insanity or Rodgers Insecurity.