<×> SHLÕVTHY <×>
Chapter 88 : Monolith Incursion Part 3.
As he has already showed on more than a few occasions, Daell possesses an excessive amount of knowledge regarding the Structures, a fact that is clearly abnormal for the average inhabitants of our previous Existence.
Which can only mean one thing, their Species were aware that the "Transition" between Existences was about to happen, unless they themselves caused it.
{It seems difficult to believe, and i could be wrong, after all, hos knowledge it is not infallible… , However, This is part of the problem, Daell is too sure of certain aspects, and at the same time, he got flabbergasted when we enter on accident inside "The Outer Frontier", this applies too to "The Anverse"}
—What are we searching for?, If you are so kind to share and explain to us Daell…
Narae's question is understandable. The Hellaven instead laughs shortly and softly with an apologetical expression, His enthusiasm has take away the usual focus portrayed by the youngster.
—He he, *Hemp*, *Mgh Mgh*, An adequate Structure to enter is our objective, That is what we want to encounter…
—And how are we going to do that?.
Exasperation sprouting of her mouth, Daell instead look at Narae the same way she observe me with Viukane. However, he fastly shakes his head and accommodate his dark maple hair that looks like a simply shade of brown.
—*How did i forget this, No one of you could know, Or shouldn't know*, Focus Zionez and Keizer on your eyes, It supposed to be easier for all of us because we are Blessed by several Empiric Astral Entities…
The Task is pretty much mundane, and performing the action is absolutely effortless for me, but by doing it, the answer is evident.
My sight gets sharper, clearer and vivid, at least in comparison with my normal sight, but is still way too mediocre if it is put back to back against any of my other types of vision, especially [Sïngüürïc Sight] and [Bicromy].
Nevertheless, there is something that is partially new to me, an Interface. Not like the one of my own Progress shown in the Scanner, if not one that is determinating the capacities of each structure.
»—Can you see it now?.
Ask Daell, clearly just to confirm that all of us are capable of observing this Interfaces.
»—If so, We need to find one that can help us do reacquire our normal capabilities while improving other aspects if is possible… , Considering that we are below Quality 13, I personally suggest to avoid any Structures aside the Monoliths, And check that their Quality do not exceed 9, Excluding Shlõvthy, I really doubt the rest of us cluld deal with someone that has three Roles, If it was not clear, "Every Life Form" has "Roles" and "Dispositions", and in a Existence that has no restrictions, The influence over us is way higher than what they should exhort…
{He has more knowledge of i what thought!}
—Be truthful or i execute you Daell.
My threat is dry, not leaving doubts about my seriousness as i point out my right hand towards the Hellaven. Generating a small [Projectile] of "Grade 5" and "Tier 3" Vancar Plasma, the white nacar energy surrounded by the vanta black energy like a raging monochromatic fire is so menacing that everyone freezes in place.
—W-What do you want to know?.
His stutter is due to surprise, but he keeps his composure, ready to face his imminent death if is needed.
—How many times have you change of Existence?…
He gulps down, my sentence has caught him out of guard, and the lingering thread of my ULTIMATUM Ammunition is starting to take his attention, which forces him to speak.
—I went into seven different Existences but i always return to our Previous Existence before going to another one, So i could say 15 times counting this one…
—Why are you doing something so dumb?… , No… , Why is your Species doing this madness?, All of you can't be that interested on dying, There are a lot of easy ways to do so, Like you could commit suicide, So… , Why the stupid retarded attitude?.
—We are taught that The Hellaven are destined to face and defeat the RAL, And that is what we do, Traveling between Existences makes our Evolution progress easier…
—Like a video game!.
Exclaim Häränn, she is clearly wary of Daell since earlier, but this has confirmed our respective suspicions.
»—You go and start from the beginning, but that is false, because you already are aware of what to do…
He grits his teeth, and angered reply.
—That is not how it works!, Every Existence has its own rules, you have to adapt, But…
I interrupt him.
—But this time there is no place to go back, our Previous Existence is death, And for what QKRYQUEL'DÖM say to Bverxkka, And by proxy, To me, There is no other Existences near the one we are now…
—You hear an Empiric Astral Entity that didn't Blessed you?!…
{Why is Daell so terrified?, Even if he is wrong though… , Let's fish more and see what i can get}
—Of course not…
His demeanor relax immediately, but the tenseness returns to him and with an intensity that makes his body to tremble uncontrollably.
»—She present herself in front of Bverxkka, begging to help of kill her… , Now, Tell me, Why did she mentioned that this was their last chance to carry "US"?…
Daell controls himself enough to calm down and reply.
—That is because is as you say Shlõvthy… , The next Existence is too far from here, We can't reach it, The RAL, They planned a simple and effective strategy, Instead of conquering Existences, They began to destroy them, This not only makes them more powerful in general, Since less Existences means more space for Ambivalent Energy that is not refined, But denies the capabilities of the strongest Entities before crossing due to the debris of the death Existences…
{If that is correct, The Empiric Astral Entities truly tricked us!, Or at least Bverxkka and Myself, Traveling before them to The New Existence clean the path!, This explain why we have Negative Quality, And how the Empiric Astral Entities are rocking down everything here, Taking control over this Existence with such easiness, We allowed their plot without complains, *Sigh*, Hopefully they didn't do this with bad intentions, I sincerely do not want to kill LOYRA'LEPH, or LUSTFURIA and obviously OBSSENIA has a preferential treatment from my part}
—So they fenced off all the space around us and eliminated the majority of other Existences until only a few aside our Previous Existence and The New Existence remained?.
—Yes Shlõvthy, And the why we Hellaven were there and not here, Is really simple, For what i understood, our Previous Existence used to be extremely friendly towards those who surpass "Quality 25" empowering them…
{I recall that, Going from Quality 25 to 29 was easier and cost me less time than reaching Quality 25 from 24, Then, suddenly, it was no possible to progress further, staying in the brim of reaching Quality 30}
»—But with the Previous Existence being dead, The Empiric Astral Entities were forced to keep the facade of a stronghold running everything without problems, except for the help to improve that was given before by our Previous Existence… , This continue a bit more than a Millennium, Until out of nowhere, The fabric of our Previous Existence was ripped off without explanations, this provoked the charade to fall off, and an instant response with a massive offensive from the RAL and other COMPETITORS followed up, Destroying the remaining Existences nearby us, And forcing all Eternal Entities to mobilize the Kreiseries in a desperate attempt to save as many not Eroded Entities and life forms, killing those who weren't themselves anymore, including "Infiltrators"…
Lowering my hand while dissipating the Ammunition of Vancar Plasma, is enough to make Daell catch a breath of relief, and with it, Viukane tries to fix the vibe.
—So this is an Ultimatum Ammunition?, Why we were so oppressed by its presence Shlõvthy?.
—Because right now all of you are too weak, Only Entities of Quality 20 can move freely after seeing the creation spawn of Vancar Plasma, Is basically a Cheat for anyone with bad aiming, i mean, you can't fail a shot when your target is near and not moving, Right?!…
{Why is he silent, Mmm?, The Gorgeous Aittzza has a mocking smile and holding back her laugh…}
»—No way!, You fail under those conditions Viukane?!.
I ask with incredulity, he is competent for what i have observed, but Aittzza speaks out.
—He did!, Eight consecutive shots!.
He retort with embarrassment.
—I was 340 Years old!, You can expect that i execute someone that being on his knees was still more than two times my height, I have to lift my little arm with a weapon that its weight was near a third of my own mass, It was obvious that i would miss!…