<×> SHLÕVTHY <×>
Chapter 86 : Monolith Incursion Part 1.
The stoic voice behind me has the lack of disdain of Bverxkka's demeanor, containing a tiny tint of mockery that is pretty common in another of my known acquittances, which is the reason i answer without observing the responsible.
—Nice try!, But you put too much emotion in the interpretation "Viukane"…
—HAHA, Yeah, I know… ,The fake detachment he portraits for everyone else is really difficult to imitate, Especially because i care openly for others…
{He is not wrong, But is an attitude that does not fill my cup of tea, coffee or beer}
Turning around at the sentence of Viukane, i observe he has four people as companions, Narae, Daell and two women.
The five are wearing the same type of Endodermis Suits that i am employing, which leaves the silhouettes of the Females on full display.
The first one has a relative petite frame with a height above 3 Vul (1.55 Meters), her skin in a cinnamon shade, with a platinum blonde hair and beautiful glowing eyes that have heterochromia, the dissonance between colours is captivating, and the detachment on her face with the defiance of her glare are quite an attractive turn on.
The second one is different, being 4 Vul tall (2 meters), nevertheless, this doesn't affect the impressive body she has, without a doubt, one of the most gorgeous woman i have ever saw, and that is when i lived for almost 69 Millions of Standard Years.
Long straight metalized hair of a shiny lilac shade that looks smooth and clean like virgin silk, staying immaculated and imperturbable, remaining in place, behind her, absent of motion even with the blowing of the wind.
This characteristic of her makes possible to appreciate the seriousness of the extremely exquisite face she possess, carved with exaggerated precision as every fiber of her is in perfect tuning, leaving not even the slightest wrinkle, indentation or imperfection in her copper skin.
Again, the glow of the eyes provokes a great contrast, in this case, the sparkling peach coral irises are extremely penetrating, remembering me the predatory glare of My Not Friend Bverxkka, except than in her case, is lacking the indifference and unwilling superiority he portraits.
—Stop ogling at us!…
Narae protest with annoyance and aggressiveness, waving her left hand at me in a threatening stance as she charges Electrons that dance across her fingers, creating visible blue electric archs.
{Mmm?, What is going on here?!, I demand an explanation!… , Narae has short temper, That is for sure, Especially when it comes to me… , However, Her actions are limited to phisical attacks, Like kicks to my stomach and genitals or slaps directed to my face… , Mmm?, Truly strange, Because this is the first time she is so edgy}
Not understanding the situation, and containing my desire to respond "Force me if you can Eel!", i limit Myself to deviate the subject.
—You are delusional Narae, I am not interested on your small hills near to be a flat field, I…
She explodes in anger, furiously discharging a blast of Electrons that condense into a lightning. Being conscious of the danger for Häränn and My Maiden, i employ Quelizt, an enzyme that accelerate mental processes, slowing your immediate perception to be more accurate on your movements.
Releasing the hands of my companions and impulsing myself forward with my right foot while lifting my left leg to intercept the attack of Electrons with the sole of my foot.
The discharge bypass my transluscent pink [Personal Shield], as well as the translucent black obsidian protection of my [Body Shield], coming into contact with the Endodermis Suit, transmitting the electric flow without any opposition.
Gritting my teeth at the coursing Electrons, i don't interrupt my motion, seeing that my foot change its form, going from the usual shape conformed by a thumb and four fingers like the majority of Anthropoids, to have two opposite thumbs and two fingers as is the norm in my Species the Königh.
The rush of adrenaline overexcite me, ignoring the pain of the electric shock while grasping Narae's left hand with my left foot, pulling her to her right and forcing her arm to the left.
The motion makes her fall to her knees with one hand on her back being tightly constrain by me, not letting her stand up by maintaining my foot in position over her back.
—I don't mind or care that you harm me Narae…
I said pressing her arm to catch her attention with the ravenous anger in my voice, a demeanor that i didn't had in a few thousands of years.
»—That is the point of having my incomparable ability to regenerate myself…
I make a pause, clenching my fists behind my back and piercing the palms of my hands with the Wolf claws of my Trait.
{Calm down Shlõvthy, She is just a brat in her period or angered by whatever is clouding her thoughts}
With a calmer mind, and noticing the "Ready to go all out" in the offensive postures of Viukane and Daell along with the other two women, I liberate Narae, and with a still firmer voice i warn her.
»—Be more mindful with your actions, I would not be this merciful again Narae, Even for Viukane, So you better not endanger "My Maidens" again…
She furrows her eyebrows, moving her shoulder with difficulty as she massages it lightly.
{*Sigh*, I exaggerate too, Maybe i got more displeased by the Feisty Princess of what i have estimated}
»—*Mgh Mgh*, As i was about to say, I was seeing your two new companions, Thanks for the bad impression i just leave on them Narae…
My sarcasm has the usual playfulness and she follows the script with her usual demeanor too.
—You can do that on your own Shlõvthy, Do not put the blame on me…
—HAHAHA, You are not wrong though, So, Are you going to introduce us Viukane?.
He is really understanding, loosing all the hostility as his posture becomes friendly.
—There is no need, "Seined" and her friend can do it on their own.
—How kind of you!…
I comment with a smile, that is responded with a smirk from his part.
{Mmm?, What is he plotting?, Well, It doesn't matter, I want to participate too!}
Stepping forward, Häränn introduce herself and does the same on Rodgers behalf, My Maiden is completely stunned by the beauty of the other two women, losing her capacity to talk and just ogling at the females with shy dreamy glances.
{You are going to be like them, But you don't know it yet My Maiden}
The Tanned Fairy Blonde present herself, followed by the Gorgeous woman that i believe, belongs to the same Species as Viukane, the Gärmshïer.
—My name is "Nadiria Lickther Lunette", a pleasure to meet you.
—I am "Seined Hasstïngger Aittzza", It is unfortunate that we met in these unforseen circumstances.
—HAHAHA, Yeah, Changing from Existence it is not a daily occurance…
{Mmm?, Narae is displeased again, And not because of my comment… , Oh!, I get it!}
»—Viukane, I noticed that you refer to Aittzza by her name, Is she the Chick for whom you have a rivalry with "Drymer"?.
My question seems to spike up the reasoning of Viukane, who looks at Narae for a second before starting to laugh out loud.
—So that is why you are so upset all the time since we arrive to the Reception Chamber!, HAHAHA!, Oh!, Oxxana!, HAHAHA!, There is no way that i tolerate anything that changes my relationship with Seined, We are just Friends, That is "NEVER" going to be disturbed or disrupted… , And to answer your question Shlõvthy, You have it wrong, I would have killed "Drymer" on the spot if he affected the dynamics between Seined and Myself, Not fucked his Mother and Sister…
{This is interesting as is intriguing, Viukane respects Aittzza to a really great extend, Then what is his… , Oh, HAHAHA, He is playing Match Making, I got it uncovered pretty fast!}
With the revelation completely clarified, Narae blushes with extreme embarrassment, turning to the side to hide the shame she is experiencing by burying her face into Viukane's chest.
»—Thanks for this Shlõvthy, And let me apologize Oxxana, I should have notice before that something was bugging you…
She negates with her head, rubbing the Endodermis Suit over Viukane's chest.
—No Newller, I should have said something too, Not silently giving you hints that were not really clear… , Shlõvthy, How do you even understand my implies?!.
—Well, Being so old has some perks, A few of them has to be useful eventually, But cryptography is not one of them… , Any of you can read what is in the advertisement?…
The slight gratitude on Narae and Viukane's faces is replaced by one of disbelief that is not far of becoming one of disgust.
{Did i do something wrong?, I speak correctly, Or is because i didn't joke about this?}
—If you weren't old and thus senile, I would have labeled you as the stupidest Entity on the entire REALITY…
{Eh!, Why?!…}