<×> SHLÕVTHY <×>
Chapter 81 : True Arrival Part 3.
{I must be getting old!, Did i just hear a female someone call my gorgeous Maiden "Pig-Cow"?!}
Searching for the impertinent offender i see a woman with bluish skin, having 3 Vul of height (1.5 meters), she possess a beautiful long wavy orange hair that falls up to her waist.
An hourglass but slim silhouette that is accompanied by 2 round breast with inverted nipples, both of them being slightly big for her overall size.
Lastly, her face, beautiful, one could not say it otherwise, except for the haughty look of her bright indigo eyes, accompanied by the grimace of disgust and disdain on her lips.
{A "Feisty" one!, I love them!, Hahaha, It has been a long, long time since I break someone like her, A girl trying to portrait the character of a woman… , This is going to be extremely entertaining!}
Kissing Rodgers on her forehead while i stand up, makes her tremble, closing her eyes as she lowers her head. Apparently, those words said by the "Feisty Girl" affect My Maiden more than i had estimated, undermining the progress in which i work really hard to raise her low self esteem.
{Oh No!, This fucking "Princess" has to pay!, It would be a shame to break her slow, Because i have to destroy and rebuild her a few times so that is clear for this Stupid Bitch how to keep her opinions deep inside of her empty brain!… , Nah!, Slow is better, More fun for me!…}
Ruffling Rodgers' hair tenderly, i whisper to Häränn.
*—Make company to My Maiden, I have to start the training of a Dumb Bitch to mold her into a Fine Pet to play with…*
She nods slightly, taking the right hand of Rodgers with her left and transmitting to the latter a constant flow of transluscent green peridot Zionez.
{As i thought, Häränn has talent, Passing Zionez with a simple touch as a cover to activate her [Personal Shield] and protect my Maiden the moment is needed… , *Sigh*, Too bad her Species is still developing and her Traits haven't awaken for the meantime, otherwise she can become like me, in a few thousands of Standard Years…}
Putting aside my mundane thoughts, I reduce the distance between the Feisty Girl and myself.
Three men cross my path, they have less than 4 Vul of height (2 meters) but are objectively strong.
Their bluish skin reminds me of the "Selón", one of the races that I despise the most, because they are the ones who gave to my Species the technology of cloning and artificial genetic manipulation, severating the evolutionary progress that cost to all our ancestors several million years of development.
{Do not be racist Shlõvthy!, Blue skin doesn't mean "Enemy", I mean "Selón"… , They have hair after all, Otherwise, Erase them from REALITY with "Vancar" Plasma!}
Not wanting to cause a lot of damage, I nonchalantly give an alternative.
»—Step aside "Guaruras"! (Bodyguards), I prefer to not make a bloodbath in a sealed chamber like this one, The stench could be unbearable for the majority as we don't know how long we have to wait here, And frankly, If possible, I want to maintain the violence to the minimum…
One of the three men takes a step forward, and as soon as he does and opens his mouth with the intention of speaking, he receives my left fist in a hook punch directly on his diaphragm, above the pit of the stomach.
The impact lifts him a few decimeters off the ground, letting out a dull whimper after expelling all the air that was inside of his lungs.
He falls on the green cobblestone floor and coughs violently, contracting himself from the pain and adopting a fetal position while i sarcastically speak aloud to the other two Bodyguards.
—My apologies, I am so old that i forgot that the intonation of what we say, Is as important as the words we pronounce in our speach…
Before the other two men can move and act, i already launch two punches with my right fist, hitting the fastly the neck of both individuals one after the other m, forcing them to fall on their knees as they choke and cough trying to breathe properly.
{Well, I warned them about what would happen and they didn't listen to me… , How mature one has to be, to reason properly when others give the courtesy i just offered to them too?}
The face of the Feisty Girl changes to one filled with preoccupation as i advance closing the distance with her until her back is against the wall and i am standing right in front of her.
Raising my hands slowly she thinks that i am planning to harm her, this is amusing as her body is visibly tense for whatever i am going to do to her.
But she is wrong, as my hands keep going up and stop over my eyes, inserting my fingers into the sockets to remove my eyeballs, these being replaced by new ones almost as soon as the old ones leave their position.
Her terrified face is extremely charming, making me want to bully her more, and that is precisely what i intend to do, moving both bloodied eyeballs to my right hand, and at the same time, my left hand holds the right wrist of this not so young Faisty Girl.
Putting pressure on this part of her body, she relents to the aggression and opens her hand, where i place my eyeballs over her palm, forcing her to grasp them while i say to her with coldness.
—You mentioned that "I" was blind, Why don't you check my eyes and confirm if that is true?.
She shakes her head negating, stuttering with fear.
—T-That i-is n-n-not n-ne-nece…
—I think it is…
I say firmly, increasing the pressure in my grip and transmitting a low flow of Electrons towards her, tensing further the wrist muscles of her right arm, and forcing her to clench the right hand into a weird fist as if were a type of conical shell that belongs to a crustacean.
With it, I point the open part of her fist towards her face, and with an electric shock, she violently closes her fist, shooting the viscousness of my eyes turned into pulp towards her face.
Most of the paste is splatter around her cheeks, nose, lips chin and forehead, she even close her eyelids to not get her eyes dirty, being her apparency not different than having revived a facial, which is more exciting as she clench her jaw in shame and resignation but keeps her resolution strong enough to not cry with this humiliation.
*—Next time is going to be my seed all over your face "Princess", So behave yourself and hold your mouth a lot more, thinking before speaking, But, I don't mind taking the time to educate you, to forge a real woman out of you…*
She gulps down and trembles, lowering her gaze for half a second before looking at me again with defiance.
{This is what i was talking about!, I knew she would have the intelligence to understand that i am not going to hurt her, at least not too much, *Ahhh*, This is going to build a really good blast!, I can foreseen this incredible and exiting outcome already!}
—Get away of the Young Mistress or both of your ugly companions are going to pay for it!.
{They didn't understand the first time?!, Did i go too soft on them?, Most likely, Unless they are plainly stupid!}
As i turn around, the first man that walk up against me is pointing out his right hand towards Häränn, having a [Use] or "Grade 1" Ammunition of "Tier 1" made of blue Zionez.
The Tomboy is completely calm, and Rodgers is not different on this regard, seeing the Quasi Ammunitions of Thyfall make this little transluscent blue light a really bad joke, one that not even Bverxkka could worsen with his awful sense of humor.
—Hey, "Feisty Princess", Is this idiot important to you?.
Th question surprise her but rapidly reply.
—H-He is!…
The uncertainty lingering in her voice is understandable, as she has accepted, it means that she gives me another weapon against her, but negating the truth, could have result in the death of her subordinate.
{Quick thinking on her part, She gamble on the answer, And because i am on good mood now, Her choice is the correct one}
—Do not speak to my Young Mistress again or i pierce this ugly women with my…
—Do it!.
My seriousness and disdain confuse the young male of dark gray hair and blue eyes, who raise his voice almost screaming.
—You think i am not going to…
Flatly i state, his doubts are evident, and with anger increase the glow of the ethereal blue projectile, is a slight surprise that he manage to employ [Emanation] or "Grade 2" Ammunition, however, being a "Tier 1", the result is easily predicted as he release the energy attack towards Häränn…