Chereads / Reality Subduers / Chapter 68 - <×> KORVAC <×> Chapter 68 : From The Beginning Part 3. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 5 : Rev'Ederiam.

Chapter 68 - <×> KORVAC <×> Chapter 68 : From The Beginning Part 3. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 5 : Rev'Ederiam.

<×> KORVAC <×>

Chapter 68 : From The Beginning Part 3.

The Reverend grabs his staff with both hands, igniting the embedded quartz with blinding nacar light that illuminates the chamber as he executes a premade introduction.

—Welcome to "The Layer of Rev'Ederiam", May your journey towards "Absolution" be fruitful!…

{"Absolution"?, This starts to be a common word for anyone to employ}

»—You can refer to me as Priest Deacon Oupstin, I understand that some of you can be confused about why are you here… , So allow me to enlight all of you in this ongoing tribulation… , As "CHILDS" of "The Empiric Astral Entities", You possess an innate ability to tolerate the Eroding properties of Ambivalent Energy, but your qualification is not only limited to do that, As you can process said Energy within your own bodies to obtain its derivatives… , "Refine Ambivalent", To create a "Block" and empower yourselves further on any Environment… , "Purified Energy", That works as Money for almost all societies, being the Most useful resource for the majority of "Advance Civilizations" and those above said threshold… , Lastly, "Condensed Essence", This is needed by every Part of any Existences to improve themselves, hence, strengthen the Existence they form part of…

{None of my previous colleagues talked about this… , Could it be that they decided to keep the information to themselves?, Or were they not aware of this data?… , Bverxkka was completely furious in the Pyramid after all his Ambivalent Energy was stolen, Maybe he didn't know the relevance of the other components in it, Even if he was aware of them and just sensed that eventually they would be necessary…}

»—As some of you may know, Right now, You can't perform such task on you own, That is why you need to "Deactivate", "Destroy" or "Dominate" the Structures that are spawned by the collisions of the remaining debris of other Existences that managed to surpass "The Outer Frontier" defending "The New Existence" Perimeter, Which in return, helps to keep safe all the inhabitants that live in the vicinity of the Structures before they transform into something worst…

A tall and beefy male that surpass the 3 meters of height and has physical characteristics of a bull, like horns and a short tail, asks with a great degree of aggressiveness.

—And what happens if i don't want to play along as your summon HERO?!, Are you going to send me back to my world?!, Or are you just going to kill me?!.

The Priest Deacon Oupstin looks confused, and with a condescending tone explain.

—I don't need to kill you, If you are weak, Even the Environment can eliminate you, I don't have to do anything… , "HERO", You are worthless and not fitted to behold such important "Role", and it is not possible to send you back to a place that most likely doesn't exist anymore, If any of you are here, It means that your own Existence succumbed against the Ambivalent Energy, and the ETERNAL ENTITIES that ruled said Existence were kind enough to search and send all living beings towards The New Existence with their "Kreiseries" to save as many useful combatants against our enemies, "The Real Adversaries of Life", known as "RAL", and those that lurk outside the Existences or even outside of the REALITY itself…

The posture of the Priest Deacon Oupstin becomes solemn and resolutely he states.

»—My Role as Priest Deacon is receive you and provide to you basic knowledge and clothing…

He waves his hand, the eight Acolytes behind the Priest walk individually towards each group and offers 5 tunics to one of the integrants of this Teams before returning to their previous position behind the Deacon.

In our case, Dallas is the one receiving the clothes, and then, he hands a tunic to each member of our group, as we wear them, the Priest Deacon Oupstin speaks again.

»—To be aware of your Prowess you only need to think or say "Own Encompass Development" specifying in the end what you want to know about yourself… , As that is everything for my part… , I kindly tell all of you, "Get out of my temple!"…

With the last sentence, the Acolytes wield up their maces and adopt an offensive stance, coating their weapons with aqua green Kinetic Energy.

—Let's move out…

My words are followed by the group i am part of and we walk towards the exit.

»—Thanks for the orientation…

Truthfully i comment to the Priest Deacon Oupstin, in return, he gave us a prayer.

—May "Nar'Cy-A" illuminate your journey.

{I read that name somewhere… , Is an Empiric Astral Entity, if i recall correctly, Slayçęr have it in her "Affiliation", wait, That is still a thing?, Or dissaper alongside the Tasks?}

Reaching and crossing the entrance of this small temple, is possible to observe the street that is paved by rectangular bricks of a black azabache tone.

{I don't like this colour, looks like the dust that was left behind by some crazy people in the mall of that Monolith… , Thinking on it, The Structures are the same as before?, *Sigh*, It is not like i can just come back and ask, The Priest was really pissed off, even when his kind last words, *Sigh*, Whatever, we can learn about this on our own}

The road is illuminated by street lamps that emit a pearly white light like the one shown by the Deacon's staff.

What allows a clear view of the vicinities, in which several carts are pulled by oxens, slme donkeys are carrying sacks with seeds or vegetables, a couple of horses are seen too, on which Hunters or Acolytes are mount, i even saw a guy wearing an azabache black plate armor riding a bulky Wölfznsatch.

{So not all of them are mindless beast, Or there is another factor taking place here?}

—Morning is arriving…

Comment the last integrant of our group with trepidation, observing the dark grey sky, is evident how quickly is being replace the present colour for a lighter shade.

I change my focus and pay more attention to our last member, she is a gorgeous woman with the vibe of a mature old sister charm, blue eyes and dark brown hair with red strands similar to Slayçęr's hair.

{Why she is preoccupied by the arriving morning, Is she a Vampire?… , That… , Could actually be the case, Briannell have Angel and Demon, a real Vampire doesn't sound as something impossible anymore…}

—Do not get alarmed, There are no Suns in a Layer…

Her posture becomes more relaxed to introduce herself.

—I am Veladne Bloodstone Swallöwęįne, Can you tell me your names?.

Dallas female friend responds with a really flirtatious voice that enhance her already high sex appeal.

—We are not that close "Gorgeous", But you can call me "Silver" or "Doc", I am a certified Militar Doctor, but it is not like that matters anymore… , What about you "Cupcake"?.

The question is obviously for the Pink Hair Girl, who's right hand is grabbed and kissed by Silver, causing and intense blush on the cheeks of the former.

—I-I am Thyfall…

Shyly says the Pink Hair Girl, retracting his right hand, turning away ans seeking refuge by hugging me.

{We don't look too convincing saying that we are not a couple and then having this type of closeness show to others}

—Mmm, So she likes Athletes?, Good to know… , You look quite good too "Big Boy"…

{Too?, That is not relevant… , Why i find offensive her comments?, They clearly are not, Am i being Paranoid?}

—It is Korvac…

I state firmly.

»—Not Big Boy… , And i used to be a Lacrosse Player…


—You were not a Pilot, Dallas, It doesn't matter how much you want to be otherwise.

Silver interruption leaves Dallas speachless, moment she takes advantage to intertwine her right arm with the left one of Swallöwęįne.

—Accompany me to stroll around Gorgeous.

The phrase of Silver is more like a command, which brings to me some memories back.

{*Sigh*, She is like a mixture between Häränn and Shlõvthy… , What did i do to deserve such companion?!}

As Dallas advance behind the pair, is evident for anyone that he is observing the voluptuous ass cheeks of the two women, i can't blame him, both are delicious and even Thyfall agrees, biting unknowingly her lower lip, looking more sensual than cute for once.

The simple walk for the streets of this small Village is suddenly interrupted by an earthquake, one that is relatively familiar to Dallas, Thyfall and Myself.

—Look Korvac!, Is a Structure!, A "Monolith"!, We can be the first to enter!.

Dallas enthusiasm is not comparted by me.

{*Sigh*, Why is he this thrilled?, It is not like this is his first Structure, and personally, I don't really want to go, separating me from everyone constantly is a pain in the ass…}

But the curious and excited cute face of Thyfall melts my defense, walking towards the Structure as my other Teammates do.

{*Sigh*, You need to improve Korvac!, Don't let Thyfall's adorability corrupt you, It should be the other way around, Right?…}

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