<×> THYFALL <×>
Chapter 55 : The Permanent Fall Of A False Eternal Part 5.
—Y-You were…
{I have to admit this… , There is no point in hiding it from him, On the contrary, Shlõvthy would be pleased, enjoying such defiance from my part, And with his "Don't you dare to bored me" tendencies and policies, he surely would be delighted to prolong my resistance until the moment i finally accept the evident truth, succumbing to the situation i didn't want to admit from the start…}
I say with firmness, omitting the embarrassment of his previous assessment.
»—You have it Shlõvthy… , How can Korvac acquire the status like you did?.
The Handsome Man is completely stupefy by my inquiry, i dare to say he is hearing this remark for the first time on his life, as his voice is constant and devoid of the playfulness he usually portraits when speaks to us.
—I do not know about what are you talking Thyfall, I thought "Nobility" was something entitled persons used to differentiate their positions and ranks, simplifying the labor and understanding of a command chain, But seeing how serious you are with this matter, i can suppose that there is more in this subject than a few labeling words… , Why don't we wait for My Not Friend Bverxkka?, That way, The two of us can be lectured properly in this interesting topic…
—Can i participate when you have that conversation too?.
Noticing how Slayçęr demeanor has returned to the respectful Lady she was before her sudden rudeness, i don't really have a problem with her staying with us when the moment arrive.
{Why everyone acted so weird?, almost like My Father change…}
As the question cross my mind, the red fire around everyone inside the cavernous chamber intensity, releasing a red glow that elevates the temperature in the environment.
And with this, the Octtal in the center of this place, started to heat up notoriously, melting and smoldering on itself, becoming a puddle of liquidized orange stone due to the massive hotness of the unknown material.
But that is not the only change around here, as the luminosity of the red fire within us diminishes, Cousing the hazel stone surroundings of our position to lost their colours, and being replaced instead for a shade that resembles a surface made purely of bright ruby jewels.
And with this, eliminating any trace of the hazel stone or the honey quartz that emitted light before… , Which now is only a ruby stone that showcase a warm and pleasant red light that illuminates the interior of the cavernous design of the Illegal Settlement.
{How is this even possible?!}
Flabbergasted by the situation, the most i can do, is reduced to only observe this massive changes with marveled curiosity and interest, emotions that go hand in hand with fear and trepidation, due to of the uncertainty that is unfolding currently.
The sound comes from one of our unconscious Teammates, Dallas, he is the first in waking up from the three that were knocked down.
However, he almost got unconscious again as he observe the differences between our inmediations as well the alterations within us.
Korvac and Häränn wake up a moment later too, having similar reactions to the ones made by the arrogant blonde Commoner of Dallas.
—What was that?.
Asks Korvac with difficulty, Shlõvthy only says a sentence in return.
—"The end of an Age, and the Initial step to fight back the RAL".
This leaves the Team with more questions than answers, since what he mentioned to all of us it is not very specific from his part.
»—"Fret No Fear", This event is something that it was going to occur regardless of who would win the "Governance" or "Rulership"…, Of course… , I didn't consider the possibility of the confrontation happening this fast after our arrival to The New Existence, The EMPIRIC ASTRAL ENTITIES are not staying idle in the slightest to ensure the safety of their "Children", But who can say something to them?, This place offers so much for less than what we are used to perform in previous Existences, HAHAHA… , …
Before continuing with his indirect remarks, Shlõvthy is interrupted by the grunting of a large Fennec Fox that has its fur of a red ruby colour, not hazelnut like we saw before, plus its overall size is between 4 to 7 specimens together into one.
{Why is so big?!}
While the bloodied maw of the animal has stains and droplets of the red liquid, this same fluid is shown covering the pointy fangs and razor teeth of the beast, signaling his aggressive stance and readiness to pounce against us.
The creature runs without hesitation, hastiness in its gallop, accelerating and jumping towards Häränn an instant later.
Rising my right hand, a Quasi Ammunition of lilac Zionez is materialized in front of my palm.
Eliminating the threat as soon as i shoot down the animal who is still in the air, piercing its left eye with the immaterial lilac bullet, pulverizing his nape, creating a hole across its body, and damaging slightly the now ruby stone of the cavern too.
{How did i do that?!}
My surprise is notorious, as the penetrating power of the Quasi Ammunition is far too superior of what i knew was possible to achieve with my capabilities, and for sure, is a lot more of what was intended by me to defend my acquittance and friend.
—Thanks Thyfall, I am still feeling dizzy due to whatever had happened to react accordingly to this situation…
—We are a Team Häränn, You would have done the same for me if you were in my position.
—Of course i would!, Anyone who dares to attack you must meet their end, It has to be a crime wanting to harm a cutie like you!.
Shlõvthy start grinning at the comment, is obvious he is thinking in something sexual between Häränn and Myself, and i am in a similar condition.
{This is extremely recurrent now, How can i deal with it?}
‡∆—{Simple " My Child", Let your lust overflow your perception and make others feel the same sensation as you do…}—∆‡
The Unknown Melodious and Arousing Femenine voice takes me by surprise, startling me for a few seconds because i do not understand what just happened.
—"Fret No Fear" Thyfall, That was "Lustfuria", Peeping on others as always, but you don't have to do what she mention, unless you truly want to experiment with that field…
Shlõvthy sounds secure of the words he just said, so i try to ignore the fact that someone is observing me in every moment of my life, is already hard enough to accept that Shlõvthy is aware of what i did with Häränn and Korvac inside the Pyramid.
A chorus of howls is heard in the distance, reverberating on the walls and producing a menacing and creepy sound that i don't like at all, an this is even less appealing when is intensified, being evident the incoming danger with the vibrations that i perceive with my feet.
—Are we going to depart to the Town now?.
Asks Dallas with doubt, who receive a glare from everyone, answering to him without employing a single word due to how obvious is the decision we are going to take.
Shlõvthy voice becomes commanding, as if he were an expirienced General inspiring the troops under his charge and care.
—Dallas, Slayçęr and Korvac in the front line in an inverse arrow formation with the Lady on the inwards head…
{Giving ahead!, Eh!, Why i think in that?!, Right… , Stacy sucking Viukane's manhood on the "Mall"… , If Shlõvthy is not remarking this, How dire is the situation?}
»—Future Breeder of My Not Friend, you and him are responsible from our back…
{Backdoor!, No!, Something is really wrong with me!, Now i recall Amanda being sodomized by Viukane and asking for more!, So shameful and exciting from her part!… , Is Shlõvthy doing this mentions on purpose, Or is just me relating the events?}
»— Häränn and Thyfall behind Me, never walk further than Slayçęr's back and kill anything that enters in your attack range, with no exceptions.
The severity of Shlõvthy stance is felt by us, obeying with celerity his instructions and performing the formation immediately.
There is no doubts, preoccupations, comments or jokes from anyone of the Team, on the contrary our concentration is unheard from some of us, like Dallas, Häränn or Shlõvthy himself.
—We are advancing from the outer side of the tunnels we passed in the opposite side of this chamber, towards the upwards entrance we observe at the beginning of the Massive Cavern entryway, Keep the peace and do not show mercy, Every life form that can't tolerate "Plasmas" inside them is an unpredictable pitfall that must be extirpated, Not just from The New Existence, if not from REALITY itself.
The solemnity in his speech is remarkably for once, as the advance order that he gives to us, walking with accelerated steps outside of the cavernous chamber, encountering an ongoing blood bath…