Chereads / Reality Subduers / Chapter 47 - <×> KORVAC <×> Chapter 47 : Unstoppable Decayment Part 7. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 3 : Fruitful But Questionable Practices.

Chapter 47 - <×> KORVAC <×> Chapter 47 : Unstoppable Decayment Part 7. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 3 : Fruitful But Questionable Practices.

<×> KORVAC <×>

Chapter 47 : Unstoppable Decayment Part 7.

The boos do not wait, and as can be expected, there is the individual who wants to be noticed, advancing to the sliding gates of the restaurant, opening them by moving the door upwards.

The squashed corpse of the Crazy Person in the middle of a poodle of blood, is the first thing visible, followed by the charred corpse of another Crazy Person, causing a great shock on the presents, followed by some of them fainting while others simply exaggerate screams of terror.

The Subject's false bravery is shattered in just a few moments, vomiting saliva at the obvious fact of having already emptied his stomach in his previously puckery, followed by his unconsciousness.

{Intriguing… , Now i understand "Why" the Manager didn't mention what Bverxkka did, to employ it as a dissuasion and impede the people leaving this establishment, I am not going to lie, It is clever, But "Him" recurring to a twisted and gloomy practice this fast is concerning}

Closing the sliding door again, the restaurant is devastated by a silence that seems unbreakable.

A moment ago there were complaints and screams, but as soon as there seems to be no way out, literally and figuratively speaking about the situation, panic and chaos are not the ones ruling the emotions of the people, if not fear and abnegation for the immediate future.

Sensation that is amplified on everybody else as the light bulbs fade out abruptly.

—There is no reason to be altered, is a failure in the electricity supply, it happens regularly, the backup generators will activate shortly...

"""—They are not…"""

At unison say Bverxkka, Viukane and Myself, we obviously are aware of what truly happened.

—It was an "EMP"…

I said with clear mind.

»—My fiancee was mad about such event occurring because the dependency of our society on electricity…

{Something that was tested, or perhaps outright abused by the Anthropoid Intestine Invaders when they initiated their campaign to murder us…}

»—Electromagnetic Pulse, cuts and burn down any electrical circuit that is not shielded against this mishap, the generators will not activate, because they are no longer functional.

—How is possible!, Unless…

Scream Amanda, she must have knowledge about how this could pass, and i am correct in my assessment.

»—They used one!… , An EMP only happens with the detonation of atomic bombs!.

Bverxkka intercede fastly.

—Not in the slightest, A meteorite with enough ferrous material in its structure can cause an EMP at his decomposition when entering into the atmosphere… , The direct impact of solar flares against the natural electromagnetic field that envelopes the planet and protect all of you from radiation and extrasolar particles are another example, as a magnetic disruptor or even a plasma discharge from the clouds themselves towards the atmosphere, a rare occurrence that has been registered on several occasions.

{Should i say i am marveled or flabbergasted by Bverxkka knowledge, or morbidly terrified, his detachment on the matter is a bit strange… , No, it is not… , light it is not a factor for him to see, so for him is inconsequential having or not access to a light source}

The mention of other possibilities have the opposite effect in the people, who sink further into their desperation with the uncertainty of the threat that await us, and that is without counting the Creatures.

{This is not going to end with our departure, Right?… , That could explain why our Quest were altered…}


The knock on the sliding gate draws our attention, as does the voice on the other side of the door.

—We are from the Police Department, open the entrance...

—Weird, they never came to the Mall before unless they are out of duty.

The fleeting comment of a waitress ready ourselves for a Battle, and the insistent knocking intensifies.

The "Brave" Subject of before opens upwards the sliding gate, revealing a Sheriff with brown shirt and long sleeves, dark grey pants and hat with black shoes.

The Sheriff draws his weapon, a type of revolver, instantly i run forward, while he empties the eight bullets stored inside the barrel with a fairly fluid movement.

Two shots miss, two more hit the "Brave" Subject an the last four bullets impact my chest and belly, that doesn't stop or diminish my motion, as i still tackle down the shooter and launch a left punch super charged with Kinetic Energy towards the head of the "Sheriff".

The strike pierce the head, but instead of red blood and whitish bones, a metallic dust is what is splatter in the floor, with this, the rest of the body collapse into Azabache Black dust, leaving only the attire and additaments used by the member of the police department.

The adrenaline clearly has helped me, and the moment i calm down, a concentrated pain attacks my senses.

A grunt escapes my mouth, Thyfall appears next to me and without some kind of consideration lifts up my black shirt, revealing the eight pack i have, as well as 4 circular spots of reddened olive skin that quickly are turning purple.

—You are… , Not that injured…

Say the Pink Hair Girl with relief, she was preoccupied for me, still, has some doubt in hr voice, something she tries to dissimulate.

{Why am i not death?!}

—Well done Korvac, taking the impact of bullets to absorb, redirect, gather and employ the generated Kinetic Energy was the correct action, however, you should keep active the [Kinetic Armor], and the [Kinetic Deflector] active at every instant, so you don't get unnecessary injuries.

Bverxkka compliment is well received, but i have to say the truth.

—I didn't thought on any of that, i simply advance to prevent more damage…

Seeing the other guy with two holes in his body, clinging to as he can to his impeded breathing and increasing bleeding that in the end it is not enough for him to keep his life.

This makes me understand how dumb and impulsive my actions were, and how bad the outcome could be.

{If i didn't have Kinetic energy, I would be in the same or worse condition than him… , I suppose being "Manipulated" slash "Oriented" has its advantages}

—You kill the Sheriff, but it turned into dust!.

Stacy scream then she can't deal with the situation and faints, Viukane catches her and carefully makes her lay over her back in the restaurant floor.

Amanda instead approaches the dust left in the place of the Sheriff body, grabbing the radio of the uniform, but as expected, it is not functional.

Thyfall continue with her sight locked over my naked body, circling around with a careful massage the bruises that i have, her delicate and soft fingers give a pleasant sensation that is intensified a few hundreds of folds when her fingertips are emitting a pink and lilac translucent glow of light.

Fighting against my instincts, is obvious the outcome, being unable to contain my erection due to the pleasure and the constant insanity of my imagination, depicting inside of my mind the naked silhouette of Thyfall, willingly being more intimate and passionate with me.

{Why this is more difficult to deal with than what i was feeling with Häränn after finishing the Pyramid?}

—E-Enough… , Thyfall, If you continue i pounce at you, stop…

—But is helping you!…

*—And provoking something more.*

My whisper hints my pelvis and her eyes wide as her cheeks gain a reddish shade by observing the tent in which my erection is inside.

*—We need more privacy for that type of massage…*

{Is she serious?!, Why she have to say it?!, Now i am more interested and impatient for the event…}

—Did you two know that having intercourse here, can preserve Chastity and Virginity outside?.

{Why is Viukane commenting this?… , Oh! Shit!, Briannell is looking me like if i was a sex offender, And Amanda is not dissimulating her interest in my body, that glare is glued to my pelvis, *Sigh*, i suppose that i am really interested in Thyfall, i can't calm down my desires for her, but i don't think this is good, i cannot control myself, and that is before engaging in a proper sexual encounter without disguising it as something else}

—Shouldn't we be more focused on the eradication of those Creatures?.

Briannell's words overlook my situation, at least on apparency, in her mind she must be stabbing me at least, because that is what her eyes are showing, while i gulp down a bit of saliva, Viukane is who retorts.

—That is a waste of time, because the most dangerous is not other than the locals themselves.

—They can tolerate the Ambivalent Energy.

—For how long?.

—That… , I-I don't know…

—And there you have it, we can't determine when a person has succumbed to the lure of Ambivalent Energy until already happened, "Concerning Right?", that is why we have a limited time here too, to prevent such outcome, to us, but here, there is the "Liquid", we can't take risks, never forget Briannell, that "We" have to "Live", if that helps others, Good, but do not waste resources, especially your time in something so meaningless, everyone here has to deal with the Ambivalent Energy after our depart, have that in mind…