<×> KORVAC <×>
Chapter 38 : Ready For The Unfair Obnoxious Fairness Part 3.
—That is so~ , Broken!…
Exclaim Dallas with excitement, and he is not the only one, because we receive so much "Development" thanks to be together as a Team that is a complet insanity.
§ Coopernoid §
Level 4 | 322/500D
(Permanent Level 1 | 0/5,000)
Integrity • 90/90
Capacity • 0/70
Role - Fanfarrón
§ Corvallis - Sandlea §
»—An actual reason to stay united as a Team!, and work oriented in the same goal!.
{I agree, But for a different approach, after all, the company is nice, obviously i am thinking on Thyfall, she is so easy to hang out that makes absolutely everything more bearable}
—Perhaps, You didn't have anyone to count on before "Blondie"?.
Inquire Thyfall with her cute voice.
—Nah!, I have a lot of people i could count on, but my father didn't… , He become an "Space Ace", "The GOAT", after he, alone, stopped the attack of another Sentient Race using his Space Fighter… , All the other pilots flee, even some Frigates with more firepower, When i saw that on the News… , I knew he was going to charge alone, and alone he defeat the Invaders… , i surpass him in the Simulations in the following decades…
»—I even did a more complex Simulation re-creating his predicament as starting point, still he doesn't allow me to join the "Space Fleet", he wants me to be an architect, i find it so boring that i ask for legal assistance to go with my Mother…
—You live with your Mother?!.
I ask with surprise, not only because he has one, if not due to him not living on his own.
But Dallas has a different understanding of the situation, and express it with a bit of gloating.
—I Do!, Biologically i am an Adult, but legally, that will occur in another 420 Standard Years.
Bverxkka's comment was unexpected to say the least, he has openly admitted, the fact of him still being a teenager, or something like that.
—How old are you two?!.
—3,180 Standard Years.
Proudly state Dallas, who lost this demeanor as soon as Bverxkka reply my question.
—998 Standard Years, 97 Hûrngöth Years…
Thyfall and Myself are unable to not show our surprise, as well as the Amazon.
—How can you be so old and not having reached Fertility Age?!.
Bverxkka is confused and explain rapidly.
—I Think you are confusing the scales of measurement, i would have currently about 12 or less Cycle Years, not too sure with the Transition to "The New Existence".
Satisfied with the answer, the Valkyrie hugs Bverxkka and lick his neck, somehow it feels like an apology.
—The New Existence is so incredible, hot babes, adventures, almost no rules and lots of amazing events…
{I couldn't agree more with Dallas on this}
»—Like "Bunny", striking the Hare with a bullet of Zionez, impressive…
—Mediocre and Wasteful…
{Eh!… , Bverxkka said that?!}
»—That it is not the appropriate way of perform a more powerful energy attack "Bunny"…
Bverxkka's tone is scolding, but not aggressive, portraying the voice of a knowledgest teacher ready to give a piece of advice to a promising student.
»—You are wasting much energy and potential the way you do it…
Bverxkka move his hand, and in front of it, he creates a small sphere of lilac transluscent Zionez.
»—Understand this "Bunny", The first Node is worth "ONE" Enx'zols"…
He creates other sphere aligned with the first.
»—The second Node costs "ONE Enx'zols" too, but from the third one…
He show a new sphere having three.
»—You need an additional Enx'zols, in total 4 but having the efficiency of 3, the same concept applies again with your Fourth Node, wasting in total 7 Enx'zols, and for your most powerful strike, you employ only five of the eleven Enx'zols worth of energy you are investing in it, it is too wasteful, taxing and it is hindering your progress…
Bverxkka merge the chain of five spheres and strike a big rock not to far from us, destroying a part of it.
»—Now, this is how you should do it,
first Node, and from it you create simultaneously 3 Nodes more, but each one in a different direction, to form an equilateral Pyramid with 4 triangular faces, being a stable Quasi Ammunition worth 4 Enx'zols with an additional 0.5% efficiency per Node, so is 2% better than the way you employ four Nodes in a straight line of four and waste 3 Enx'zols less on top of that…
He strike the rock again, this time dealing a bit more of damage.
Thyfall face is completely stupefy, is as if all her life she was an illiterate peasant and suddenly an erudite enlightened to the point of giving her an entire new reason to be a live.
Stuttered the Pink Hair Girl, Bverxkka express with a tint of amusement and mystery…
—This is not even the starting point "Bunny", the process you just witnessed a few seconds ago, it is, as "I" said, a stable version of a Quasi Ammunition that serves as prior training for the real outcome, "The Next Step", of a "Node" or "Bullet" a "Tier 2" Ammunition…
»—You start the same way, One Node, then three, you align them but do not put them together… , at that moment you create three more, and, you end up with a Node more on the opposite side of the first one you created.
—It is a cube!.
Surprise and realization are part of Thyfall and her cute voice, filled with enthusiasm and curiosity.
Answered Bverxkka with excitement, is the first time i can say "That" is happening to him, the Amazon is still all over him and he berely pay any attention to her, that is having your priorities well defined.
»—But the process has not ended, different to Quasi Ammunitions, a Tier 2 Ammunition not only has to be sealed, the most necessary part and the phenomenon that even now we Hûrngöth can't comprehend, and is the key to "Absolution", reduce the distance between the Nodes without merging them, amplifying the efficiency per the square of the Tier, in this case, 2 at a 2, that is a three hundred percent more efficiency, you invest 8 Enx'zols worth of energy, and in return you get 32 Enx'zols worth of Energy plus 8%
{I only understand that he break the conservation matter law's}
—Thank you "Apex"!.
Cheerfully express Thyfall, hugging Bverxkka in a tight and tender motion.
—You don't have to thank me, you said this before, we are a Team, i teach you more when you have enough proficiency, "Tier" is not the only way to improve, "Grade" is more relevant, but is more complex because needs a high Level of understanding in certain aspects plus, a weak body can get disintegrated in the process.
—What is that?
—Loosing really small parts of your body with no possibilities to restore the damage by the current state of your Evolution.
—I know what you are talking about!, i think, is the "Decayment"?.
—Indeed, some Species refer to this unfortunate mishap as Decayment, others call it wrongly as "Eroding" or "Erosion", this occur when too much Ambivalent Energy is in one place at the same moment, we, Entities from an Existence gather this Ambivalent Energy, unbeknown to the majority, it is bad employing it as you receive it, the correct way is purifying this energy, purging all the Stains in it to obtain Refine Ambivalent, with 1,000 Billions (15 total zeros), the Refine collapse itself into a block, this is what can increase your Category above "0", but here is different, so you must obtain the equivalent to a production worth of 1,000 Enx'zols to acquire "1" Category above "0", not 200 worth of Enx'zols as it is the case before reaching Category 0, of course, this applies only in this place, "The New Existence", one of the reasons is the shelter or the best option as a bastion against the RAL.
—What are the RAL?.
Ask instantly Thyfall, Bverxkka is silent for a moment, then he confess.
—I don't know, but i would lose everything if i would have fight back, that is why i am here, to prevent that outcome, so i can raise my descendants and they can expirience the freedom i would like to have…
The last sentence of Bverxkka sounds extremely sad, with real grievance and even physical pain accompanied by a tint of impotence and distress, something extremely concerning, after all, he is nonchalantly when is not Stoic, so this is severe enough to take away the sleep he never has, because thanks to the silver tongue inside the mouth of Shlõvthy, we learned this fact about Bverxkka.
—You can't win against this RAL?.
—It is the opposite, i can tire them out, break their cores, but i would end up alone, literally as the only Entity in Reality, No more Existences, only me and the void… , this is way communication must be appropriate, because "Wining" doesn't mean "Victory"…