Chereads / Reality Subduers / Chapter 25 - <×> KORVAC <×> Chapter 25 : Fake Or Legit Part 4. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 3 : Fruitful But Questionable Practices.

Chapter 25 - <×> KORVAC <×> Chapter 25 : Fake Or Legit Part 4. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 3 : Fruitful But Questionable Practices.

<×> KORVAC <×>

Chapter 25 : Fake Or Legit Part 4.

Moving towards the entrance of the excavation site that Slayçęr mention is present on her side of the dirt road, i decide to observe her a little bit, still, being completely incapable of getting over her outstanding and unmatched beauty, or the fact that she ended the lives of half of those who invaded and took over this forgotten village.

{At first sight she doesn't seem dangerous at all, in that sense she is just like Thyfall, cute, with harmless and bewitching exterior but inside there is a capable young woman, ready to blasting you apart with one of her light attacks, I am pretty sure that Slayçęr can do the same, Or she relies solely on her body?, i want to know… , Oh!, No!, Did i gain a "Crush"?}

The words between the two of us seem utterly unnecessary, as does our careless sense on the gait towards our destiny.

This attitude is slightly obvious due to the sound of our shoes on the stone, material that constitutes the most abundant one here on the base of this small mountain.

The entrance is a wide and deep cavern, the natural lighting of this "Simulation" does not help at all to observe the interior.

However, that is unnecessary, passing the next curve it is possible to see a functional oil lamp, further away there is another one.

And near that, 8 robust males of blue skin are carrying Pickaxes or Shovels, hitting the wall with loud metallic *Clanks*, action oriented to expand the tunnel while the others are filling sacks to carry all the waste out of this caves.

§ Villagers (1-7) §

Level 0

Integrity • 140/140

Capacity • 110/110

§ Invader §


§ Villager (Chief) §

Level 0

Integrity • 260/260

Capacity • 190/190

§ Invader §

{This is a Simulation, does it have a purpose to mine materials from here?, Or this has another purpose?}

Without any kind of sign to go further, Slayçęr simply walks in, advancing towards the Villagers, grabbing the necks of two of them with her delicate femenine hands.

The perfect nails on the damsel's fingers are abruptly replaced by sharp, long and metallic claws of a vanta black color, identical to the shade of her hair.

With a little bit more of pressure on her grip, Slayçęr easily tears off more than half of the unprotected necks of the Villagers, finishing them off immediately.

{She didn't flinch at all! It is because maybe she is accustomed to this type of life?}

She repeats her action, murdering two more Villagers before the tools of her previous Victims reach the floor alerting the other Miners.

I attack too, employing the stone hammer covered in Kinetic energy to splatter the nape of one Villager.

*§ Score: 13 §*

The sound of falling tools finally gives away our presence, understandable, considering that crushing the stones with a Pickaxe is more noisy than collecting pieces of it with a shovel.

The last three villagers do not represent any threat at all, since Slayçęr moves so fast that executes two wide blows with her claws.

Decapitating swiftly the Chief and another Miner, the remaining one is left dying on the side, and she signals me to kill it.

{Is she testing me?, Or this is her way to say "Sorry i take more than half, bare with one quarter"}

Ignoring what happened, i simply [Smash] the head of the last villager with my hammer.

The impact is so exaggerated that it completely pulverizes the upper part of the Villager's body, leaving only from the middle of the stomach to the legs, the rest has become a blue puddle of a mushy bloody paste splattered around the tunnel.

*§ Score: 18 §*

*§ Clean a Settlement #1 - Fulfilled §*

—Don't be "Salty", you are simply too slow.

Said annoyed Slayçęr.

—It wasn't on purpose!.

I exclaim rapidly, astonished and exalted by what happened.

{She is not mad at me for staining her?!, i mean… , both are dirty, but is going to be cleaned automatically in short}

Slayçęr glance at me for a moment and turn around to the entrance.

—Be more mindful with how you spend your Capacity, i heard that if it reaches zero, you immediately fall unconscious until you restore all your Capacity once again.

{Oh!, that can come in handy, and i would like to know her Disposition, she is pretty easygoing if you omit her quietness or the harsh brazenness of her words}

Before leaving, i observe the additaments left behind by the Villagers, noticing immediately that their tools are made of stone, like the hammer.

{Intriguing, i could swear that they were of metal, the sound of each impact give away that, then, How is possible that all of them are made of stone?}

To corroborate my thinking, i grab one of the pickaxes and hit the wall the Villagers were working on.

The results are obvious even when i employ Kinetic Energy to coat the tool, the tip broke down, of course, i dealt more damage than the Chief, but that doesn't change the outcome.

{Well, that was to be expected, I don't know what i was thinking, Or what i was hoping for?}

—What are you doing?.

Inquire Slayçęr, in the end she didn't leave, or maybe the sound alert her.

—An experiment, their tools looked like metal but are made of stone so…

—They were employing Keizer to coat the Pickaxes and Shovels, like you utilize Kinetic Energy with the hammer…

Nonchalantly comments Slayçęr as if it were the most obvious conclusion, probably true, but i am completely clueless in this subjects.

Noticing my curiosity and ignorance, she gladly enlightened me.

—Korvac, you need at least "Phase 5" of "Body Fortitude" (BF) to star using Keizer on your own body, Zionez have a similar stance but with "Mental Fortitude" (MF), after "Phase 10" is possible to express them outside your body, bypassing this can be achieved with "Compatibility", "Affinity" or "Phases" in "Control Fortitude" (CF) or "Density Fortitude" (DF), but this is not applicable for everyone.

{I recall being "Phase 4" in Body Fortitude}

—How much is needed in order to improve a Phase?.

—That occurs every "20" with Mental Fortitude and Body Fortitude, each "25" in Control Fortitude or Density Fortitude give you another Phase.

{I see… , i think i can complete 100 points in Body Fortitude}

Dropping the tools i was carrying, i start hitting the wall with my bare hands, it doesn't take too long before my fists are covered in Kinetic Energy, making my Tasks easier.

{If hitting here is also valid for the Tasks abroad, that would explain why so many people went to try their luck inside the Pyramid, this has even more sense when no one has to pay for the consequences of their acts, in this particular case, not even death is an obstacle}

»—What are you doing now?.

Question me Slayçęr, she is as confused as annoyed by my behavior and actions.

—Practicing an experiment…

—Be less loud, others can hear it and not be as understanding as me.

{That is the reason why am i trying to reach Phase 5 in Body Fortitude and hopefully Level up too}

Focused on the wall, i hit more constantly, increasing my tempo,the soonest i advance, the more probabilities that i have surviving my new life…

{But will i be progressing? I can't access SEC or PEC here, much less my Tasks list, This means i can't improve here?, I can only progress outside?, Or i am near an advancement?}

This thinking is what allows me to continue without stopping, it is not as if there was anything else to do inside of this Simulation, at least referring to Quests.

Without the need fo eat, drink, sleep or defecate, i fastly lose the track of how much time has passed.

{It can be assumed that this is an advantage in the Simulation compared to the time outside, it has to pass more slowly than here, that would also make sense on why so many people come, even though, i have only seen Slayçęr, the rest are death?, Or they are simply further apart from my relative location?}

*§ Incoming Horde §*

»—Your experiment has been conclusive?.

—No, it feels like it works, but i can't see progress, is weird…

{Has she used me as a guinea pig rather than wasting her time?!, I will let it pass this occasion because you are extremely beautiful, but don't let it become an habit…}

—Get ready, i don't know what is in the Horde, or in what location we should mount our defenses…

—Let's do it right here, This tunnels have a relatively narrow entrance, perhaps we can reduce their numbers and avoid being surrounded by going back until we get here again.

{I don't know if my explanation was the most appropriate but it seems to be enough for Slayçęr's liking and standards}

—I am feeling vibrations on the ground, whatever they are, are coming fast, Let's not waste any more time, and let's go to the entrance…

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