Chereads / That Legendary Man / Chapter 37 - Good morning, World!

Chapter 37 - Good morning, World!

His steps were firm and confident as he walked in between the food stalls being set up outside the new Arena. He looks around being one of the first students to the festival. Mia sighs as some of the civilians walking around were watching him as he walked. Mia looks at a slip of paper with directions to the class 1-A locker room.

"Ugh… I really wish these directions were easier to follow" he looks around as he walks through the entrance door to the stadium and follows the directions to the locker room. He stops in front of the decent sized door with 1-A marked on it. He takes a deep breath as he opens the door and walks in. He sits down and looks around. Koshina, Anumu, Toshi, and Itsumi are the only ones there. Itsumi stands up and speed walks over to Mia and sits beside him.

"Sorry I haven't been able to talk to you recently, i've been trying to keep up with grades" Mia slightly nods and looks at him.

"Don't worry, I've been having the same issue…" Itsumi nervously chuckles as Mia takes a deep breath and looks at the ceiling lights.

"It's hard to believe… here in about an hour… we're gonna be revealed to the world… officially marketed as AWA's newest Agent students… kinda nerve wracking" Mia keeps looking up as Itsumi looks at him.

"As chaotic as you are Mia… you say some pretty intense things sometimes" Mia looks at Itsumi.

"Is that true? I just say what's on my mind" Itsumi pauses for a second and starts laughing.

"Oh wow… you're funny, Mia" he paused a bit "but you're right… officially revealed to the world huh…. I don't know whether I should feel honored or not" Mia looks away, his eyes focused as he clenches his fist.

"Feel honored, feel happy, feel grateful… for we are here right now because of the things we accomplish, and not the things we fail at… use those failures and improve yourself… cause there are people out there right now who would die to be living our lives right now… so feel honor, feel pride… feel accomplishment and sympathy" Itsumi paused for a moment as Mia stared at nothing.

"HAHA, I told you! I told you, you just said some pretty inspirational words!" Mia slightly jumps and looks at Itsumi, brows furrowed.

"N-no I do not!... I-I already told you I speak my mind, Okay?" Itsumi keeps laughing as Mia turns away embarrased. Half an hour passes and King enters the full locker room with a clipboard and paper.

"Good morning you up and coming heroes… welcome… to the sports festival…. You know what?" King throws the clipboard down.

"The sports festival will consist of two randomly picked events at the beginning and ending off with 3 maybe 4 rounds worth of 1v1 class battles" there was silence as everyone looked around. Akio is holding his phone and tries to take a deep breath but accidentally decaying his phone. King blinks as Mia perks up. Mia tries to take a deep breath but can't help laughing. Slowly everyone starts laughing.

"That was… unexpected" Mia couldn't stop laughing.


The multilevel stadium was packed with people cheering and chanting excited for the worldwide event to be back. The large overhead T.V's provide a close up view of the battlefield below. The screens turn to a gray with animated blue accents as music starts playing. And the crowd goes crazy. As the music turns down and Agent: Mikai walks out onto the center field where everyone chants her Agent name. She walks up onto a wooden platform created beforehand.

"Good Morning everyone! Welcome back to the Sports festival!... due to structural issues with the old stadium… we finally bring back the sports festival in this new and improved stadium!!" she smiles really big as King takes a seat in the soft spinning chair overlooking the stadium. Beside him sits Mr. Moss who plans on helping him announce the events.

"Now, let us introduce the competitors! Starting off… Class 1-A and their representative… Mia Ikati!!" class 1-A walks out into the main space of the arena with Mia at the front. Everyone cheers as Mia's dad is at home crying over Mia. Mia smiles as they stand in front of Mikai.

"Next up is Class 1-B and their Representative… Daiki Takao!" an entirely different aura radiates from 1-B as Daiki walks out at the front of the class gritting his teeth as he stops in front of Mikai standing beside Mia. the two glare at each other as sparks fly between the two.

"Then we have the newest addition to the Agent course… Class 1-C!! With their representative… Shinchaku Monama!" Everyone claps and cheers as 1-C stands at the back.

"And now, the one you've all been waiting for… the Agent course Representative" there is a very long pause as footsteps are heard.

"DAIKI TAKAO!" Mia turns his head not even realizing that Daiki walked away. He took a few steps towards the microphone and picked it up.

"I just wanna say… i'm gonna win against you fools… I hate the sports festival as a whole… but I like a challenge so if you would be kind enough to put up a fight… that would be nice" everyone in the crowd starts booing Daiki who politely puts the mic back down and walks off the stage. He walks up to Mia and taps Mia's forehead.

"That goes for you, cat" Mia pauses for a second before shrugging it off.

"Now… onto the main event… our first event will be…" there was utter silence as the tv's rolled a fake dice that landed on an obstacle course.