He walked out into gym gamma where the four Agents and King were waiting. The other students were waiting as the last few entered the gym.
"Okay you bunch of low level idiots, each teacher will be teaching a specific thing… good luck…" the class started murmuring as Ryuuji and Shinka pushed their way through the crowd to stand beside Mia as King continued.
"First up: Minash. He will be helping teach maneuvering abilities and mobility whilst attacking" Cellophane stepped forward and looked around at the group of students.
"Ok, On my list I have… Mia Ikati, Itsumi Mari, Fugiwarina Iida, Yosu Shinka, and Maito Akido" Mia stepped forward with Shinka and looked around at his other group members. They all walked over to the Agent and looked at him. He guided the group of students he selected for city E in which their exams previously took place. Stopping by the front gate.
"Okay, because today is the first day this week that you will be training with me, I came up with a simple task, all of you will be stationed inside a building at the farthest edge from this entrance. When I sound the buzzer you have to escape from your bindings, escape the building and make it out to this gate…" they all looked at each other, Mia speaking up.
"But… when would we ever use this in an actual situation?" the other students nodded except Maito.
"Well, what if the villain captured you, tied you up, then left you behind to go attack another part of the town a few miles from where you are? No other Agents know you're captured and you have a limited time to escape and reach the villain before he attacks?" they all go silent and look at each other.
"But don't worry, you have three minutes to break free and catch up to the villain. Try your best to not damage too much of the city, who wants to go first?" Mia took a step forward and bowed.
"I'll go first sir" Minash nodded and opened the door to City E and walked in. Mia following. The two walked in silence until they were a distance away from the gate.
"So, you're the now-popular Mia Ikati aye?" Mia looked up at him.
"Well, I wouldn't say I'm popular" the Agent laughed a bit before lifting his mask revealing his black bowl cut hairstyle and a massive scar over his right eye and smaller scars across his forehead.
"What, you haven't realized?" Mia looks up at him confused.
"No, not really?" The Agent laughed even louder.
"Well, during the time i've seen you, there's always been at least one girl staring at you, whether it be because of their crush on you or they find you inspiring" Mia blushed slightly as he looked away and rubbed his arm.
"I see then, well, we better speed this up, grab on" he held his arm out as Mia reluctantly held onto his arm. The Agent puts his mask down and starts swinging through the city and not much later did they arrive at the building along the edge of the wall. He landed on the ground as Mia landed on his feet surprising the Agent.
Mia and Minash walk into the building and to the very top floor in which a chair is set up. Minash has Mia sit down and Ties him to the chair with some tape.
"Are you ready young Agent?" Mia nodded as it was all he could do. The Agent leaves Mia and walks to the other students. He turns on a big screen for the others to watch on. He sounds the buzzer.
"Ok, there's the buzzer, let's do this" he tried breaking the tape but it was stiff and it was hard to move. He sighed and looked around before closing his eyes and catching his body on fire but concentrating so it wouldn't catch the building on fire. The tape quickly burned up as he stood from the chair, it crumbled to ashes under him. He punched through a door behind him and ran up the stairs and onto the roof where he looked around and ran to the edge closing his eyes.
"What's he doing?" Everyone in his group except for Maito started getting worried as Mia smiled and jumped on the edge and jumped off of it with incredible force. Cracking the edge as he landed on a nearby roof and did the same as he got closer to the other side.
"One minute, thirty seconds" Mia heard this and closed his eyes using his intuition to jump. He focuses all his fire to his feet and jumps to the ground, bending his knees and leaning forward launching with incredible speed Minash had never seen before. He was in front of the gate as Mia opened his eyes and felt his heart and lungs beating, and he could hear everything.
His muscles wouldn't move and he couldn't continue running as he collapses as soon as he makes it out of the gate. Everyone stands there in shock as Minash checks on him and he wakes up perfectly fine.
"Mia, that was Incredible!" Shinka ran forward and hugged Mia. Mia blushing remembering what Minash mentioned earlier.
"Y-yeah, guess it was Yosu" everything went quiet as she stood up and helped him up too.
"Yosu?" Mia looked away.
"I don't mind you calling me that, you just surprised me" she laughed a bit as the other group members were stunned.
"Okay Mia, you had 3 minutes, you finished in 2 minutes and 12 seconds, good job" Maito grinned at the thought of someone to have a rivalry with.
Minash eventually returned after taking Maito.
"Begin!" Minash clicks a stop watch as the building explodes. Mia in disbelief as Maito flies through the sky. Quickly sliding through the gate as Minash stops it.
"2 Minutes and 11 seconds" Maito smirks confidently at Mia who gulps.
Mia struggled when dragging his stuff up the stairs to the dorm building. He hoped he would get a good roommate as he knocked on the door, hands completely full. Yosu opened the door for Mia and tried to help him with it. He managed to get it to the living room before sitting down where Nokuna, Oshira, and Maito were watching TV channels.
"Oi, whatever your name is… do you have any family members that are Agents? I heard you didn't have to take the exam" Nokuna looked at him as Maito started flipping through channels.
"Oh yeah, my dad used to be a top 10 Agent…" Oshira smiled and stood up walking upstairs wiping his eyes.
"Is that so? What was his Agent name?" Maito looked at the two.
"Uh… I think… I think it was 'Nuke' or something" he looked back at his phone as Mia stood up and walked to the elevators. The doors slide open and he enters with all his stuff. He exits the elevator on the second floor and brings his stuff to a room labeled 'Ikati & kazju' he doesnt recognize the second name and slowly opens the door. Behind the door is a small living room with a small couch and single person chair, a coffee table, with a flat screen tv.
"Hello? Anyone here?" He entered the room, closing the door behind him and sitting his stuff beside the couch. A small skinny kid with short hair comes out of a door opposite the entrance door.
"H-hi, I guess we're roommates then?" the kid sat down beside Mia who was shocked.
"Oshira?... you're my roommate?" the kid nods and looks at all of Mia's stuff.
"Do you need help unpacking?" Mia smiles and stands up
"I would appreciate it, Oshira"