31 January
Today is a very special day for me Sunday and
" Don Bosco feast day"and I'm missing a lot to my school "Don Bosco." Today I'll keep it holy and I'll pray to "Don Bosco" that all who are in this J.N.V school may may study ahes and be a good students I'll pray for them and for myself too and also pray for all school and other Don Bosco specially for.
"Don Bosco school sagalee."
Yesterday 30 January our school J.N.V's Doimukh all boys and girls did March Bharat Abhiyan. All class got up at 6:00 and went for assembly, but from class Eight only three boys woke up I, Tania and Ramji and sir divided us into Group .
Class 8 and 7-Dinner hall.
7 class -Girls dinner hall.
Class 6- Bathroom and toilet .
Class 9-Picking polythenes.
When I was cleaning table nobody where working, then I remembered about my previous school"Don Bosco school" they all where work hard, and ma'am, father used to help us.