Although he had restrained himself to doing it just once before sleeping with her, it now seemed he had overestimated Qian Sisi's physical condition.
The others at home were still asleep as Bai Cheng'an tiptoed out the door and only realized it was raining again when he went downstairs!
The lingering rain had swept away the dry heat of summer.
Autumn had truly arrived!
The rain wasn't heavy, and Bai Cheng'an, too lazy to go back for an umbrella, simply pulled the hood of his sports jacket over his head and dashed into the drizzle, heading for the pharmacy outside the residential area.
This was a high-end area, with not many residential complexes, dominated mainly by business buildings and office towers, with the occasional large mall or upscale hotel. At this time, everywhere was deserted, with hardly any cleaners in sight on the streets.