Chapter 4 - Chapter Four

After the serpent took the ship, the cheerful mood had completely disappeared from the exploration force. The surprise was even greater since the submarines and drones that had explored the sea surrounding the continent had found nothing abnormal. The giant beasts must have been further inland. All of this was just theory; they were in unknown territory and, until proven otherwise, hostile. Considering the scant information they had gathered as definitive was pure folly.

For a moment, the leaders had even considered canceling the mission. But their disagreements on the issue, the amount of resources mobilized, and above all, the fear of some parties of missing a golden opportunity for their countries quickly dissuaded them. Instead, they just mobilized more resources. Nothing great is achieved without sacrifice.


"You know, that really hurts, Tsunade," said Orochimaru, rubbing his cheek where she had slapped him.

"What were you thinking, sending Manda to meet them? And you kidnapped one of their ships!" Tsunade raged.

"It's not like they were killed. I wanted to test their weapons, and now it's done."

"We approved your ideas, but not the fact that you executed them," Tsunade warned.

"Even though I disapprove of your actions, what information have you gathered?" Onoki asked.

"First of all, all the occupants of the ship are alive."

At this statement, the entire assembly gave him an unimpressed look. Some even wondered what he was doing there.

"Sure, they're a bit roughed up. But that's not the point. As we already know, they are just regular soldiers. They seem to make up for it with technology far more advanced than ours."

"Cut to the chase, Orochimaru, if you don't want to be resurrected again. Get to the point!" roared Raikage A.

"Ku, ku, ku. As you wish. The weapons they possess are quite effective. The soldiers' individual weapons were ineffective against Manda, but those on the ships seriously injured him. Even if his life is not in danger," Orochimaru stated.

"And what about our shinobi?" Mei asked.

"You see, I got hold of several of their weapons. Their use was quite easy. Out of altruism, I tested them on myself. And let me tell you, our kunai and shurikens are garbage."

"Why are you so categorical?" Gaara asked.

"Let me give you a demonstration," Orochimaru smiled.

Without waiting for their approval, the Sannin opened his mouth wide, to everyone's disgust, and pulled out what looked like a very sophisticated musket for those who had had the chance to see one.

"Shodaime, would you do me the honor of lending me one of your wood clones?" Orochimaru asked.

Nodding his head in agreement, Hashirama complied and summoned a wood clone, which followed Orochimaru outside for the demonstration.

"We will simulate a fight. Instead of kunai or shuriken, I will use this weapon," Orochimaru declared to the assembly and the clone.

With the attention of the assembly, Orochimaru dashed at full speed towards the clone, which quickly put some distance between them with a volley of wooden stakes.

Orochimaru, like the slippery serpent he was, danced between the projectiles with ease, the weapon slung across his chest. Without wasting time, he closed the distance between him and the clone, engaging in an intense taijutsu battle with the latter, to the chagrin of the assembly.

As he dodged an uppercut from the clone, Orochimaru finally decided to use the weapon. The clone, not being as flexible as him, would certainly have difficulty avoiding what was to come.

Quickly pressing his finger on the trigger while aiming at the clone's head, Orochimaru unleashed a burst of rounds. Even though he was a seasoned fighter, Hashirama was surprised by the noise the weapon made. It was like a clap of thunder.

Being the legend he was, Hashirama's clone dodged most of the burst, despite the close range. Those that did hit didn't strike any vital areas. Orochimaru, seizing the opportunity, continued his assault with more fervor. The way he jumped, dodged, twisted, and fired at the clone was both frightening and fascinating. It was as if this weapon had been made for him.

"Stop! I think we are enlightened, Orochimaru," Tsunade called out.

"Indeed," replied Raikage. "For us Kage, Jonin, and seasoned Chunin, it shouldn't pose a danger."

"But you forget that those you mentioned are the elite of our forces, thus the minority," Minato intervened.

"And those are their weapons for the soldiers. What about those with greater range? What is their power? How many do they have? What is the size of their armies?" Tobirama asked grimly.

Apart from Tobirama, everyone was asking worrisome questions. Were there individuals with abilities like the shinobi? How would the Daimyos react when they learned of these military capabilities defying shinobi supremacy? What would be the future of the shinobi system in this new world?


The landing on the main island of the Land of Water had gone smoothly, despite the thick fog that seemed to characterize this place.

Unlike the previous locations, there was a welcoming committee that seemed to be waiting for them. Unlike the inhabitants of the other islands, their attire seemed more atypical. This piqued everyone's curiosity, including Franck's.

They were dressed in pants, sandals, and what looked like bulletproof vests given their thickness. Given the previous inhabitants' lack of loquacity, they were completely in the dark about who they were. However, they were neither samurai nor civilians. The way their eyes meticulously scanned their surroundings suggested they were skilled.

While most of the soldiers stayed back, Franck was among those assigned to escort the person who was supposed to establish the connection between the two sides.

In the way his counterparts held themselves, Franck had the strong conviction that they knew what had happened or were at least more aware than the others.

As the two sides sized each other up, a bit tense, the representative and his interpreter stepped forward to meet a stunning woman with auburn hair and green eyes.

"Greetings to you, honored inhabitants of these lands. I am Thaddeus Ross, General of the United States Army, and commander of the exploration and reconnaissance fleet of the continent provisionally named X," the interpreter declared, pointing to the General who bowed in reverence.

"The pleasure is all mine, General. I am Mei Terumi, the current Godaime Mizukage of the Hidden Mist Village, mandated by the Daimyo and the Grand Council of Shinobi and Samurai to welcome you," Mei replied.

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