Chereads / THE KINGDOMS OF THE KING / Chapter 18 - Chronos part 8

Chapter 18 - Chronos part 8

As she entered into the church of Capricorn her and her men stopped at the first statue in front and all came down from their horses they postrated to the ground with their face toching the ground, as they all hailed in a loud voice

"Glory be to the great god Capricorn for in her holy name we privail in her holy name we do exploits she is the great one she will rain over all she who is supreme she who is invincible!!!".

They shouted praises out loud in the name of their goddess Capricorn with absolutely loyalty like slaves to a master in their eyes was pure happiness and joy they had such devotion that it was almost unreal if people outside the holy empire saw this they would think of it as madness and nothing more but to the people of the holy empire, the people of kerish this was normal it is an obligation for them a sacred duty.

After parsing Capricorn at her first statue the captain and her  men mounted their horses preparing to enter the main church ,the captain told the vice captain of the squad.

"Take the bodies of the infidel to the altar of our lord offer it as a burnt offering to our  great Lord, oh and as for the rest of you return to our base and take the courpes of the males you gathered to my quaters, I will deal with them later".

The vice captain asked her.

"what are you going to do now your back".

She replied.

"I'll check in with the bishop and probably the saint to report how the mission went".

The vice captain sighed and said.

"if that how it is fine, by the way be careful the churches are not in a very good mental state because of the death of Sinbad's wife queen Diana".

She replied.

"It's good she died that one less infidel for  our perfect the world".

He replied.

"Yes I know but the holy empire is stressed about it because of Sinbad, they don't know Sinbad's next move if he will begin his bloody rampage like his done in the past".

She laughed at him and said in a proud voice.

"It doesn't matter what Sinbad's next action will be, his just a barking dog with no teeth Sinbad is weakened the holy empire is undefeated we are strong".

The vice captain smiled at her and said to himself (it doesn't matter what happens you will always be you, you are the great warrior of Capricorn whose will is unshakable no matter the circumstances)as he and some of the soilders departed towards the Altra of Capricorn the remaining half of the soilders carried the bodies of the body abled men and left they were taking it to the quaters of the captain.

The captain herself went into the premises of the church as she entered there was a garden of flowers there with trees and animals roaming around, a man wearing a black robe with white hair his hands were filled with scars he had the voice of an angle it was beautiful on like any other as he was attending to the plants he was singing his voice was so captivating that it put the captain in a trance her attention soley focused on his voice almost as if nothing existed apart from his voice, as soon as he stopped singing she was out of the trance and she started blushing he dropped the watering can he was using and walked up to her she got down from her horse before he could get to her and postrated on her knees.

"Captain of the 13th squad of the church of Capricorn greets his grace saint of Capricorn, saint Abraham".

He layed his hands on her head and said to her.

"calm down their no need to be tense and worried clear your heart you are in my presence now, get up we have a lot to talk about".

As she got up from her position she followed him to a table in the middle of the garden, on the table was a tea pot with several cups on the table.

He said to her

"Take a sit, can I offer you some tea it seems your a little bit poched from your mission".

She answered him.

"Yes of course, what right do I have to refuse the offer of someone as great as you".

He smiled and said.

"Their no need to be so uptight, like I said calm down and relax".

He grabbed the tea pot which was steaming fresh hot and grabbed a two cups from the side of the table he poured the tea into the two cups and pushed her cup to her front he asked her.

"Will you like some biscuits and sugar with it".

She replied

" yes I would like some please"

He grabbed some sugar cubes from a ceramic jar on the table and dropped it in her tea, and grabbed a lunch basket that was at the bottom side of the table and put it on the table the basket was divided into two compartments one where plates were kept and the other filled with biscuits and sugary snacks, he reached his hands into the compartment filled with plates and brought two plates out and some biscuits and placed it in the plates he took a sit and grabbed his tea he took a sip of the tea, it was so refreshing that he smiled and took a breath of relief, she grabbed the tea in one hand and some biscuits in her other hand she put the biscuits in her mouth and took a sip of the tea the mixture of both was satisfying and pleasing to her body the tea calmed her down it was so good that the only way to describe it was to say it was heavenly, he asked her.

"How's the tea dose it suit your taste"

She replied him.

"Yes it does it so calming I've never had anything like it before it's far better than all your previous teas you ever made".

He laughed at what she said and replied her.

"Well it takes practice to be good at brewing tea,when I first started it was bitter but as I kept on doing it I reached perfection with every one I did I got better and better"

As he continued to take the tea,she watched him in admiration.

He dropped the tea on the table and crossed his legs and looked at her, he asked her

"How did the mission that was assigned to you go give me detailed reports on how it went and don't leave anything out".

"Well after we got the mission briefing from the bishop about there being some informats we went to the refuge camp that in the form of a village when we got there we asked for information regarding the informant in return that we will give them a painless death since they are infidels they would have died sooner or later after interrogation we couldn't get information from them it clear they were hiding who the informant from us so we decided to give them divine judgement as punishment for hiding a traitor within their mist we executed them"

He replied.


She continued.

"yes that right after that I left some soilders in the village, to stay there it's possible that the informant may return their, that's if he or she has no idea of our mission ,who ever they are they will return and when they do my Men will capture them"

He asked her.

"Was there any valuable object recoverd like scrolls, books or any artifacts that could help in giving us an idea of who this informant is or who he is working for".

She said.

"Unfortunately their was none we only found personal belongings of the people who lived there".

He sighed and said.

"Well good job you fufiled your mission well, the bishop will be happy be proud of your self"

She replied.

"Thank you great saint I shall continue to do great deeds for the great god Capricorn"

He said to her.

"Even the apostle will be proud of you I have a feeling your role will be much larger than it is right now, as you know apostle learnado went to Randarok the gathering of the apostles by now the gathering should be over which means his returning although I don't know what transpired in the meeting I have a feeling that our church will play a very crucial role in whatever that is to come"

She replied.

"I will be honored to partake in it"

As they discused the battle in the chronos empire is far from over Mark charges at the giant trying his best to cut his tendons to render him iMobile but the two remaining assassin's where like fly's on a fruit, he grabbed one of the dagger's of the squashed assassin's and broke the dargger from the chain using the chain he therw it around the leg of an assassin that wanted to strike him from above and dragged him down with full force before he could throw him to the floor a huge punch was landed to his face by the big man it flew him across the room and he landed on the wall his ribs were completely crushed as the poison in his body spread faster he looked at Gilgamesh who was only so far away as Gilgamesh's skin has almost turned black Mark was out of options and out of time he needed something to happen and he needed it to happen fast, but nothing happens until you do something every reaction always needs an action, before he could get up on his feet the two assassin's jumped him they threw chains at him that graped his legs and arms and threw the chains to the giant he grabbed the chains and started pulling, Mark was in pain his body felt like it was being divide into two as he screamed in pain his voice was so loud that it alerted the guards that were near the area of the veranda, the guards immediately rushed up in their numbers their were eight of them three women and five men with their bodies well built you would think they were body champions in the anual muscle league of Chronos, they broke down the door with the man leading shouting.

"MY KING!!!"

As he saw the king at the side of the wall bleeding with his skin changing color he immediately rushed towards Gilgamesh but was met by a dargeer that pierced throw his neck, that was thrown by the assassin's, the others were confused at what was going on and why the king was brutaly injured but they had no time to think about that their main goal is to protect the king no matter the cost even if they have to lay down their lives for it but their focus was interupted by the screams of Mark as he was slowely being ripped in two one of the guards said

"We've already lost one of our own which means it's down to the seven of us four of you will take on the giant man try and at least stung him, so that the rest of us can take the king away"

One of the female soilders wanted to protest his desions but was interupted as this was not a meeting but a battle field where a single mistake could cost you your life the assassin's attacked them causing a battle in their mist three of the soilders tried pushing the assassin's away while the others rushed towards the giant man two of the soilders went forward while the remaining two jumped on their back and used it as bosster to launch an attack with their swords drawn out from their scarbard and attacked him from below he saw the attack coming and with one hand was able to defend against it while holding mark in chains in the other hand as he was reliefed of the pain breifly, the as the two bellow went for the legs as that would affect his balance but it did not work as he jumped from there backwards with high speed it surprised them, he pulled out the sickle from his back that he has been carrying attached to a chain and began swinging it, as he tossed it forward two of them which were in the front saw it coming wanting to jump out of the way but their legs were cut off by the sharp edges of the sickle they were shouting in pain as their legs were cut of the remaining two looked up at him terrified with no hope in their eyes the women among the two told the man

It's clear that if we face him our fate will be death I think we should rescue sir Mark ,at least he may stand a chance if freed

The male soilders disagreed with her saying

"Our main priority should be to buy time for the others while they try to save the prince"

He was immediately grabbed by his amour by the female knight and she shouted in his face

"are you a fucking idiot we buy time they save the king and then what happens we get killed he goes after the King kills the other and then kills the king use your fucking brain you fool if we save sir Mark we at least have a chance to kill them because even though he is inhured he is still one of the strongest in Chronos"

The male kinght was frightened by her agresivness and decided to give into her so they both rushed towards the giant the man served as a decoy while she went for his left hand she could not cut it off so her only option is to target the chain she jumped upwards trying to reach the chain but was hit Marks body as he used it as a weapon she was slammed to the side by his body but immediately put her self together going for one more attack

Thank for reading please support by sharing and liking next chapter in the next 96 hours if there are any mistakes please let me know I cut the original chapter in two and this is the first half of it

I'm sorry I published part 7 twice