Chereads / Pilgrims/Ascent (Cancelled) / Chapter 22 - Solitude & Shadows - Initial Contact I

Chapter 22 - Solitude & Shadows - Initial Contact I

Later that night, Ariyama left his house around eight, just so he'd have more than enough time to prepare himself before he headed out with Matsune to locate this unregistered Tribute. He was relieved that he wasn't going to have to spend an egregious amount of time filing through each of the students and faculty to fight the culprit.

Thanks to Matsuragi Jouji – who was proving to be an unknowing but vital asset – Ariyama would hopefully help Matsune in having this operation completed before the week was even halfway done. It almost made him worry, thinking about how easy it all seemed. But that was how some things just were, right? 

Not everything that seemed difficult ended up being so. Regardless, Ariyama couldn't shake the feeling of uneasiness as he exited his household and began the trek into the darkness-drenched streets of the city. Armed with a flashlight courtesy of his phone, as well as his halved rusted sword stuffed into his backpack. Its weight was uncomfortable, and only increased his anxiousness. 

As for him actually managing to leave his house at this hour – without an idea of when he'd be returning – it was easy, as his mother remained in her room. Ariyama couldn't bring himself to confront her, not like he'd tried that one time. Even thinking about it, he felt sick to his stomach. 

He shouldn't have been blaming her, but dammit, it was hard not to.

By the time he reached the closed gate of the school, the wind was blowing more mercilessly than before. Due to the higher altitude of the school compared to his home, Ariyama assumed.

Keeping his coat pulled close to him, bowing his head to keep his hood from blowing down again, Ariyama peered around the area. It was odd, seeing how empty the school had become. 

Matsune had said that Matsuragi-senpai and his book club usually ran late, right? Well, Ariyama didn't recall Matsune mentioning anything about being told about a time when the hooded man was seen. He swore that Matsuragi-senpai only told her about the fact there was a hooded man sneaking around the school grounds at all, as well as his supposed schedule.

Nothing about time. Or even where they could look for him

So, that led Ariyama to believe that they'd be forced to wait around for possibly hours, searching every corner of the grounds in search for this man, who may or may not even appear. Sure, Matsune had been given a schedule, but that didn't exactly mean that man would stick by the schedule to a T. 

And if Matsuragi's book club lasted until well after school closed, did that really mean that it had lasted this late? Until nearly nine in the evening?

Looking at the school itself, Ariyama scanned the windows through which were the classrooms most likely used by a book club, including the window of the library. Sure enough, not one light was on.

So that meant Matsuragi's club would have lasted until maybe four or five, when that hooded man was seen. So, were Ariyama and Matsune way too late in that case?

No, no.

Ariyama wasn't the expert here – that title lied with Matsune. As such, he wouldn't make any assumptions. She knew what she was doing, wasn't she? She seemed like the person who rarely ever made mistakes. If that applied to her schoolwork, maybe it also did for her jobs given by the Pilgrims' Society.

"Ah, Ariyama-kun! Come over here!"

At the distant voice, Ariyama turned around, scanning the treeline running perpendicular to the school wall. Then, he saw a figure. A silhouette of a slim but athletic woman, wrapped up in a nice leather jacket, the hood pulled up.

"I see you, Matsune! I'm coming!"

His teeth beginning to chatter against the abhorrent chilly wind, Ariyama jogged over to the treeline, breaking through a wall of bushes. On the other side, it was submerged in gloominess, the dying sun and rising moon barely shooting light through the fissures in the leaves covering them above.

Maybe it was the closeness of everything in the woods, or perhaps the homely feel of sticks cracking beneath his feet or the far-off sound of crickets, but Ariyama suddenly felt a lot warmer.

He turned to face the girl standing beside him.

She wore a sleek, black leather jacket – as he had noticed before – along with a pair of very figure-hugging jeans. Her raven hair was tied back in a high ponytail, which she usually only wore when she was participating in a sport. Her bright blue eyes were like orbs that burned away the darkness around them.

Matsune Sasya was, as always, really pretty-looking.

"So, all set for tonight, Ariyama-kun? I'm afraid we might be laying low for a few hours, if not longer."

Ariyama nodded in response, patting the bag slung across his back.

"I brought my Tool, as you asked."

"Excellent. I hope we can complete this without resorting to violence, but if worse comes to worse, we need to be ready. I too have come prepared."

She lifted her sleeve, showcasing her glittering silver bracelet. While her eyes seemed to just naturally beam, there was a distinct magical property to her bracelet. Even without it sending out a glowing purple chain with a kunai attached, it still kept its otherworldly feel.

In fact, Ariyama still wasn't exactly sure where the Enchanted Tools even came from. He knew they were like manifestations of items wielded by the Pilgrims, but in what plain of existence did those voices in people's heads get the chance to even deploy such items? His mind piqued with curiosity, Ariyama waited until he began following Matsune to their vantage point before he asked.

"So, Matsune, can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"I'm just wondering something about all this stuff to do with Enchanted Tools and Pilgrims. Where did they even originate? My guy, called Idolseus, is like a separate consciousness in my head. And you said you haven't properly been able to call on the one in your head, so what's the deal?"

Matsune sighed, as if she was about to go on a long-winded speech.

"I suppose this mission is indoctrinating you properly into this new world. Well, as properly as possible before you officially become part of the Pilgrims' Society, which has its own rules and processes that I won't get into now."

They turned a corner, stumbled up a short hill of roots and mud, before arriving at the spot they were going to camp out at. It was the apex of a short mound of dirt and grass, bordered on all sides by trees, except for one spot where a tree had been felled. Through that gap in the barrier, you could see the school and the area around it with surprising clarity. There, Matsune sat cross-legged – Ariyama following her example – as she began to explain.