Chereads / Pilgrims/Ascent (Cancelled) / Chapter 7 - Prologue - Journey Into The Dark II

Chapter 7 - Prologue - Journey Into The Dark II

"Matsune-chan, you made it!"

Odomura smiled kindly, her eyes closing in contempt. Matsune, pulling her coat up to her jaw against the bite of the cold, gave a delighted nod of affirmation.

"Yeah, it's me. I'm glad you two got here safely. I'm still unsure of what this place is even supposed to be, but if it's something that can bring us all closer together as friends, it's something worth going to."

Ariyama supposed that was her reason for attending this get-together at least.

"Calm down, ladies."

Jack spoke in a warning, almost playful tone. His thin lips stretched over his face in a lithe smile.

"Trust me, after tonight, you'll both be scared shitless. Why else would I decide to bring everyone to this haunted building?"

"Don't tell me you actually believe this stuff, sir."

That was Koenji, his pudgy face red and sweaty despite the frost. His voice was timid and anxious, like a hare running from a hunter.

Jack eyed his friend – if you could even call him that – disdainfully.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"W-well, you see… I thought that whole stuff about the scary ghosts and whatnot was just jokes. I thought it was a way to get the more adventurous people like Yaranagi to come with us."

As Jack turned fully to give Koenji an earful, Ariyama's mind traveled elsewhere.

Yeah, where was Yaranagi?

He'd seen everyone else who was set to join, with the exception of him. What was the deal?

As if Fate was reading his thoughts, there was suddenly the ever-increasing sound of muffled chatter as three more people broke through the treeline. They came into the silvery moonlight, and Ariyama recognised both Kazura and Matsuragi again, accompanied by Yaranagi Yasuke, his face tight with the aftereffects of laughter.

Jack looked over his shoulder.

"Ah, here we are. Everyone is here now, yeah? You three, what kept you so long?"

Yaranagi smirked, not just at Jack, but the whole group in general.

"Kazura tried scaring me, by jumping out at me from the bushes, on my way here. It backfired, as you might expect. I didn't move an inch and she ended up tripping over her own shoelaces and landing face first into dirt. Funniest thing I've seen all week."

Ariyama directed his gaze to Kazura, who was looking defeated, her shoulders sagging and her pouting face spattered with dark mud. Matsuragi, who stood beside her, was shaking his head in disapproval, like a disappointed parent.

"It's not fair! How was I supposed to know Yasuke-kun was a total brick wall when being scared! For all I knew, he'd be on the ground crying like Saato-kun and Airi-chan were."

Matsuragi frowned at her statement, leaning down from beside her.

"Well, wouldn't you know? You've known Yaranagi for as long as Ariyama has…"

But Yarangi wasn't focused on that, but instead turned his attention to Ariyama and Odomura.

"You two… Is that true? Saato, did you seriously start crying on the floor like a little baby? I can see Odomura doing something like that, but you?"

Ariyama still wasn't too happy with Yaranagi, even if he hadn't spoken his mind about it, and so that rubbed him the wrong way. He felt his jaw twitch in annoyance, his vocal chords ready to let him release a wave of retaliation. 

But he managed to quell his sudden anger just in time, forcing his whole body to clench like a vice.

"Uh, what? We weren't crying, that's for sure. Machi is just talking nonsense. And as for the getting scared part though…"

Yaranagi snorted a laugh at Ariyama's dispense

"So you did get scared? Wow, didn't know you were such a baby. Hahaha!"

Ariyama flexed his jaw again and tightened his hands into white-knuckled fists.

"Oh yeah? Thanks for letting me know…"

Having must have sensed the explosion of tension in the air, Jack stepped between the two, his hands raised in a calming gesture.

"Now, now, boys. No need to start boxing each other. I'm sure the ghosts of the dead family residing in this building will do the work for you. Now, I think it's prudent we do a quick roll call; just to make sure no one is being left out of his important experience."

He produced a small notepad and pen from his coat pocket. Ariyama almost scoffed at the absurdity of him carrying such items to such a place.

"Well, let's start off. Jack Hayakawa? Here, of course…"

He ticked a written name off the list and trailed the tip of his pen down to the name on the next line.

"Yasami Oichi?"

"Here, sir."

"Check. Koenji Bennosuke?"

"I'm here sir!"

"Check. Matsune Sasya?"

"Right here."

"Kazura Machi?"

"Yeah, I'm here too… Seriously though, is Yasuke-kun even real–"

"Takebitchy… Sorry, Takemichi Yuno?"


"Matsuragi Kento?"


"Seriously, dude? We're not in class– Ah, forget it. Odomura Airi?"


"Yaranagi Yasuke?"

"You're looking at him."

"And last but most definitely least… Ariyama Saato?"


Jack checked his name off the list and quickly put his equipment away safely in his coat.

"Awesome. Full attendance. Now, let's not dilly-dally any more, shall we? Let's get this show on the road."

With a demeaning smirk in Ariyama's General direction, Jack started forward, towards the small, uneven frame that looked like a doorway.

The night had gotten so black at this point that Jack had to resort to using his phone flashlight to light up the areas in front of them in blue-white light.

As the wind nipped at them, Jack was the first one to reach the doorway. He took one foot inside, then turned back to the group with a scowl of annoyance and confusion.

"Well, damn it. The doorway just leads to a brick wall. Although it does look like something connected to some sort of secret system. We might have to find some button or lever to activate it.

Yaranagi, who had taken up a spot beside Ariyama, shook his head and chuckled softly. 'Idiot' was probably what he was calling Jack in his head, if Ariyama had to guess.

Matsuragi furrowed his brow behind his glasses, his breath misting in the air in front of him. 

"Jack, this place is ancient. Too ancient for some advanced moving door contraption, don't you think?" 

"Oh, come on, you guys! It'll be a bit of fun, eh? Even if we don't get violently killed by ghosts of dead children, a little scavenger hunt wouldn't be too bad of a second option."

Jack smirked slyly in the way he always did.

"There's, what, ten of us? I'd say split into pairs and have a little look around, yeah?"

The silence that descended on the group spoke volumes of their unwillingness. Jack just scoffed.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know all the rest of you were antisocial brats. Come on… Takemichi? We're friends, right? I'll go with you, OK, buddy?"

Takemichi swallowed thickly, his lower lip quivering slightly. He just nodded his head ever so slightly.

Then, Matsune stepped up to speak.

"Listen, it's a known fact that not everyone here is friends with Jack, but I think even this will be a good exercise for us all. We're already in our second year at school and we're still confined to our small friend groups. Wouldn't it be for the best for us to expand our horizons? That's just me, though."

Matsune let off a little giggle at the end, one which made Matsuragi's chapped face burn scarlet. He was next to speak up.

"I-I can agree to this. I think it'd be fun… lots of fun, for us to partake in such an… activity. So, Mastune? Would you care to–"

"Sorry, Matsuragi-kun. I've already gotten my pick, just like with Jack-kun and Takemichi-kun."

With a smiling face, she practically hopped over to Ariyama's side and stood beside him, her arm gently brushing his as a sign of affirmation.

With that, the group dispersed into pairs quickly. Alongside the two already established pairs, Yasami and Koenji went together, as did Matsuragi and Odomura, and Yaranagi and Kazura.

Matsuragi gave Ariyama an envious look over his shoulder before turning to his partner, which Ariyama responded with an apologetic smile. He didn't exactly intend for the most popular girl in the year to be at his side so easily. 

He promised himself he wouldn't ask her out or even bother forming a crush, despite the challenges that brought.

He was fairly nonchalant when it came to things like flirting. He had a preconceived notion in his head that, if we wanted to, he could easily talk up a girl or two. But in reality, he always just let the professionals – Yaranagi and Kazura – to do all the up close and personal flirting while he focused on his speciality of just sitting and giving his crushes sidelong glance every now and then.

With that, the four pairs split off, each one going to check out a side of the building each. 

Ariyama and Matsune had the wonderful task of surveying the Easternmost wall, the one most condensely-packed with trees and shrouded in the most darkness.

As Ariyama apprehensively approached the graffiti-stained wall, I noticed Matsune a little further away, standing awkwardly rigid, her fingers scratching mindlessly at the zip in her jacket.

Even with the blanket of darkness over them, Ariyama could just vaguely make out the look of anxiousness etched into her face.

Even though Ariyama made sure he'd never fall for her, it didn't mean he had become cold to her in any way. It didn't mean he wouldn't help.

The cold seeping through his clothes, his onyx hair blowing wildly through the air, Ariyama made his way across the rough patch of land, placing a shaky hand on her slight shoulder.

"Matsune? Are you OK?"

She didn't look at him, but just swallowed thickly and stared up at the building. Despite it being a fairly squat building, it was still several times taller than Ariyama.

"I… guess? I don't know, it's probably silly but I just have a really bad feeling about this place."

"Yeah, I get it. Any place that Jack would accept as a viable place to go would make me queasy too."

But Matsune just shook her head.



"That's not why I… You know what? Never mind what I said. It's probably just the wind."

She chuckled, but Ariyama knew she was just trying to cover something up.

She turned around and quickly busied herself with investigating the multiple colors of the graffiti, biting her lip thoughtfully.

She was acting her usual boisterous self just moments prior, but now why was she suddenly acting so strange?

Was this place really that weird?

Ariyama hadn't exactly agreed with what he said to her about Jack. It was supposed to just be a little white lie to make her feel better. Not that it worked.

A hint of uneasiness creeping up his spine, Ariyama tried to speak up again.

"Oh, uh, and about that chat we had earlier today? At the cafeteria? I'm sorry I got all angry at you like that. I was just feeling really off and–"

Matsune turned to him, a smile sliding onto her lovely face. The way her eyes narrowed ever so slightly made this smile seem more genuine.

"Listen, Ariyama-kun, everyone has bad days. I know I didn't do anything wrong, so there's no need to apologize. And you didn't do anything either, so don't feel bad about it."

Her words didn't seem forced or anything, so Ariyama allowed himself to loosen up, his shoulders lowering slightly as he took a breath and nodded.

"OK… cool. I'm glad we cleared that up. And you don't need to be worried about this place, OK? I'll protect you, I promise. I actually promised the same thing to Takemichi, but I can do the same for you."

Matsune giggled, her hand flying to her mouth to stifle it.

"Oh, you have no idea, Ariyama-kun. I can handle myself. But you're right, this worrying is just silly. So, let's see about this entrance, shall we? I'll check down this way and you check it here, OK?"

Not waiting for his response, Matsune turned on a heel and started towards the far side of the wall, which stretched on for longer than Ariyama had expected.

But now, he had a job to do.

Focusing up, and after ensuring his coat was pulled up to his chin, Ariyama turned his attention to the purples and yellows and reds of the graffiti and the forest green of the overgrown moss that coated the chipped stone wall.

What exactly was there to find?

Ariyama envisioned a level sticking out behind a loose brick and after pulling it, the door would open and everyone would sing his praises and then he's be known beyond his money and he would know for sure his friends weren't just friends because–

Ariyama kissed his teeth in annoyance at how petty he was being. Why would something like that make everyone revere him? Something so simple?

Short answer; it wouldn't, and he was just making up fantastical dreams in his head.

He tapped the side of his leg, then properly focused on the decimated wall.

The graffiti was a variety of colors, in a variety of shapes, with a variety of symbols and messages. Some were just people's names gouged over the stone, while others had much more provocative meanings and lewd drawings.

Ariyama didn't expect much else from the delinquents of Shinkai. They had been on the rise for the last few years, with their acts becoming more and more aggressive. According to the news, at least.

As for the moss and foliage, it grew untamed across the surface, a green trail of nature that made the building look simply ancient, rather than just old.

His fingers were red with frostbite, but Ariyama still ran them across the rough stone, feeling their cold, hard texture.


Looking from tip to bottom, there wasn't anything of note from the structure of the place itself, and the foliage didn't mean to help either. So Ariyama decided to focus on the graffiti further.

He could've sworn he saw something. Just out of the corner of his eye. Something hidden in the graffiti.

Ariyama zoned in on a patch of wall that was especially submerged in spray paint.

All the colors seemed normal. Mainly yellows and purples and reds.

Lots of reds, in fact.

Ariyama narrowed his eyes, his gaze sharpening on the patch of wall, the red colored paint catching his attention mostly.

Then he saw it.

Hidden discreetly in the mass of colorful graffiti.

A slightly different shade of red. Darker.

A closed eye in an oval.

Long lashes, with faint wrinkles.





'Gain access.'

Those words that Ariyama hadn't even noticed were still stuck in his subconscious.

It was all from that history book he read, just a few hours ago. The one his mother had lost her mind over.

He must've unknowingly forced those thoughts to the back of his mind, his brain filled with the more recent memories of Kazura's jumpscare and Jack's roll call.

What had that book called it?

A Shrine Gate?

Ariyama then noticed he was sweating. A cold sweat that had broken out on his skin, drenching his fringe and sticking it to his forehead.

His breathing became ragged, and as he clutched at his jacket, he glanced to his right. Matsune was barely visible in the dark, the moon dimly illuminating her form as she scoured the far side of the wall.

Luckily she wouldn't see him like this.

"What's… going on?"

His vision blurring suddenly– just another addition to his sudden burst of fever– Ariyama set his jaw and kept eye contact with demonic sigil.

'Chant, "L'Unnlak, l'Unnlak. Oner teta dem drore". Then, using your index finger and thumb, pry open the eye to gain access'.

Why did he feel almost compelled to do just that. It couldn't have been his fever, even if he'd never gone down with something so intense so rapidly.

His head pounced, as did his heart, and his limbs throbbed like he was after a hard session in his training room. His skin was slick with cold sweat, his knees wobbling like jelly.

Ariyama felt a cough at the base of his throat, and to not alert anyone else, he suppressed it with a fist in his mouth. His skin came away indented with bite marks from his teeth.

"Please… Someone help me…"

Ariyama hated how pathetic he sounded, but couldn't stop the shake in his voice, his throat raw for no reason.

"I need… I need to do this…"

But no, he didn't…

There was definitely some allure to this weird symbol, and the fact the thing from the cook was actually here and actually real was absurd in and of itself.

But Ariyama needed to be strong. He needed to be.

For himself, and for his mother, and for his friends. And even for his father, in order to surpass his restrictions placed upon him.

Even as his stomach did flips and he felt like clawing his own brain out of his head, Ariyama stayed strong.

He tried his best, at least. 

His hands still shook, his legs still felt like noodles, and yet he remained.

Anger from nowhere seized his mind, and Ariyama clenched those shaking hands, gritting his chattering teeth. His whole body shuddered, not from the cold, but from this unknown force.

His sharp breaths made clouds of mist ploom in front of him. His skin was freezing, and yet that made him notice the heat of his insides even more, the steaming pour of blood as it rushed through his veins. He was on the verge of unconsciousness, his head filling with indescribable light, and yet he remained.

Steeling himself, his whole body on fire and submerged in ice water at the same time, Ariyama inhaled and slowly let the breath out.

"Not today."

He said those words to no one or no thing.

But to himself.

And just like that, it was done.

The crashing wave of nausea overcoming him was gone like that. His skin was still wet and his gums hurt from how hard he must've been grinding his teeth together.

His body in his control again, Ariyama looked at the sigil, painted in a dark red against the wall. It was the color blending in most with the shadows, and yet, now, it seemed so much more vibrant than any color in the world. Now, it was impossible to even try to ignore.

Ariyama hadn't a clue how, but this thing had definitely been pulling him towards it in some way.

And now, Ariyama couldn't deny he had almost a new insight on this mystique drawing.

It was called a Shrine Gate, right?

And didn't gates usually open something?

If that was the case – and if this was genuine instead of being just a reference to that history book – then the one way Ariyama could imagine opening that entrance, or even finding another one, was to activate this thing.

'Chant, "L'Unnlak, l'Unnlak. Oner teta dem drore". Then, using your index finger and thumb, pry open the eye to gain access'.

Ariyama remembered the words exactly, no matter how much he tried to forget. He tried to forget because he knew what he was going to do.

Sure, the action of getting access to the inside of this place wouldn't earn him more than a little praise. But what was in the building itself… It was calling him.

It would give him the opportunity to get his big moment. 

And, what if they went all this way to this place on the outskirts of the city's jurisdiction, only to be sent home with nothing more than a stinging feeling of irritation at their wasted time.

Then he wouldn't get a shot at all. And he didn't know when Jack or anyone else would make an opportunity like this for him again.

He wasn't even sure what exactly he was going to do to change people's opinions about him so much if they got inside, but that tug at his heart told him it was the right choice and the only way to ensure it.

It was a shame. He even managed to resist that supernatural pull the sign had been giving off. But now, he was going to use it anyway. He could stop that sigil's influence, but he couldn't stop his own.

With hands that shook violently again, Ariyama Saato reached out to touch the closed eye, once hidden amongst the graffiti, now as bright as the sun in his eyes. 

He needed to do this.

Or else, he'd never change.

As he chanted that phrase that was drilled into his mind, all Ariyama prayed for was that this decision wasn't a bad one.

"L'Unnlak, l'Unnlak. Oner teta dem drore."

His two fingers reached out and pried the eye open. The iris that revealed burned with a radiant color of blood.

Then there was a deep rumble as the light died.

"Hey guys! That second wall just opened up!"

That was Yasami's voice, coming from back where the first entrance had been.

He'd done it.

It was time.