Maxwell Williams:
Home planet: Promethea.
Born in 2820.
"I don't like children..."
Love interest
Home planet: unknown
Born in 2837.
"No Dad, I'm not winning."
Mad Moxxi:
Love interest
Home planet: Pandora
Born in 2808.
"Insinuation is my defense mechanism, don't get me wrong, sugar."
Love interest
Home planet: Athenas
Born in 2828.
"Everyone will tell you small lies, except those you love, who will tell you large ones."
Marcus Kincaid
Secondary character
Home planet: Pandora
Born in 2794.
"If you're buying from me, it's because you need something to kill people with. And I'm the best at it."
Patricia Tannis
Secondary character
Home planet: Unknown
Born in 2825.
"Your payment will continue my research into Eridium. And my addiction to bacon."